Sleepless Nights, Empty Stomachs.



I toss and turn, but sleep won't come,
My eyes are tired, my mind undone.
The clock ticks on, a constant hum,
And still I lay, a restless one.

The night grows long, my stomach growls,
But food seems far from my desires.
My appetite has taken fouls,
And hunger pangs are all that fires.

I try to eat, but nothing tastes,
My senses dulled by lack of rest.
The day drags on, my mind in haste,
As weariness becomes my guest.

I know I need to rest and eat,
To fuel my body, clear my mind.
But for now, I can't find the beat,
Of a peaceful sleep, or meal to find.

So I will wait, and hope for rest,
And pray my appetite returns.
Until then, I'll do my best,
To cope with sleepless nights and stomach burns.

Your man 25

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