Eight whole years

I’m sorry I showed you the real me and you couldn’t handle it

Sometimes I feel it was my fault

Maybe I should of bit my tongue and pretend to be someone like her.

More your type

Or maybe I should have known that you’d be different, I mean it had been 8 year since I last saw you.

8 whole years for you to change your ways

8 whole years for you to grow more distant from me

Just so you could get up, walk away, and leave

Just so you can hurt me everyday

Just for you to lie straight to my face

Just for you to act like I don’t exist

Just for you to act like you don’t care

Known you since 2007

Sometimes I think It’d be easier just to go to heaven

You’re the demon in my head that tells me I’m better off dead

The darkness in my tunnel

The one that causes me stress

Fuck why am I such a mess

You could probably careless

That you cause me all the stress

You rank me anxiety to a 10

I can feel it my chest

It gets hard to breathe

So times I can barely see

It’s so scary just feeling so uneasy

It kind of makes me queasy

Maybe you don’t mean to

But this is how I see you

And I know you were pretty good to  me

But without you this all I see

How you treat me

So meanly

8 whole years for you to torture me and tease me

8 whole years wondering if you’re okay

8 whole years wondering if I ever crossed you mine because you did mine, all the time.

Sometimes it makes me feel so different

Like an open book

You could pick me up and read me at anytime

And then I’ll hear that chime

The one where someone enters my life

Makes me feel like I need them

Just to leave me in the end.

I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

It wasn’t that hard to see

Both of you are so carefree

How could you just walk away and leave?!

8 whole fucking years!

Not one damn phone call!

Just left me in blood and tears

And the one scar that was left from his hand swiping across my mouth!

You just left me with a stupid song!

I don’t think it’ll ever be the same

I am filled with so much anger and hate

You left me in the darkest place

You both did

I don’t want to forgive.

8 whole years, abandoned, just gone to waste.


This poem is about: 
My family


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