2 minutes and 30 seconds

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 06:52 -- micmaq

Stillness hides a heart that’s pounding,

Music starts and it’s time for giving,

100% of it all confounding,

YOLO for it’s all worth living,


Jumping, flying, backwards diving 

Sweating, crying, bleeding thriving 

Weeks and weeks of always trying 

3rd, 2nd, then realizing 1st is yours, it was worth the timing.


Open up your eyes, not crying, 

Believe you can, there’s no denying, 

You’ve worked so hard, there’s no use in lying, 

The things you’ve lost are still worth trying. 


You started when being little was flying, 

Year after year your heart defying, 

A heart of gold you’re always applying, 

Don’t give up in the end, it's always exciting!


For 2 minutes and 30 seconds was worth all the blood, sweat and crying!

Through it we shout, NCE, NCE, NCE!


This poem is about: 
My family


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