ER Nurse
Save a life
Just save one life.
What I would give to save one life.
Oh how complete I would feel to save one life.
Meeting new faces every hour, every minute
The chaos, the commotion
It's fun
Keeps you on your toes
Keeps you young
Maybe I'll even age slower
If I can just save one life
Just one life
Administering dosages
Telling families what they need to do to stay healthy
I can help them,
I can help them all
I can help people in pain
People who have been shot
People who rush in the department crying "I'm dying, I'm dying,"
But only have a splinter.
No matter, I will help them
Maybe make them laugh.
I can do it all
But most importantly,
just save a life.
If i can do that,
then I am an ER Nurse.