Mono or No Mono
You don't have antibodies.
If you don't have antibodies, you can't have mono.
You don't have mono.
I don't have mono?
Lying on the Doctor's table
wondering if I was now claustrophobic
hadn't gone to class
the doctor comes in
I tell her what I know
she says, I'll test you for mono
maybe that'll explain why you're so tired
but I'm not
I realized I wasn't a kid anymore
when I realized that the adults,
especially the ones who went to Medical school
and have Dr. in front of their name
didn't know, don't know
"well she doesn't have mono" they say (I did)
but we don't really know, maybe some kind of...
post-viral syndrome
They were wrong, I had mono
I got the antibodies weeks later
The test finally came back postive
but for weeks, they didn't know
and I didn't know, why was I feeling this way
I was besides myself, outside myself
was it anxiety and depression
was it mono and anemia
was it all of the above
was it
none of it?
Years of schooling, years of experince
and yet
they couldn't tell me what I was experincing
or why
if you're a woman reading this, especially a teenager
or know of someone
please have your iron/ferritin/%sat levels checked
you'll have to get some blood drawn, but
trust me
It'll be worth it