Just a little prick at first
It all started from birth
The names and taunts
My dreams they did haunt
"you cant do this"
"your not good enough"
The voices cry inside my head
To this moment they all lead
Just a little prick to draw out blood
Then meds. and more tests do flood
Your whole life youve struggled and tried
From this disease you could die
Rounder youll keep growing and growing till you drop
Then your heart is sure to stop
Cancer is a possibility
This is your life youll never be free
Two in the morning and two at night
Is this even worth the fight
Eighteen years of not being right
It feels like I dont belong
It feels as if Im all wrong
Why did He do this to me
Why this life of misery
The screams come loud and faster
"Whatever you do youll never matter!"
You are broken... diseased
That what I always believed
Till one night I was broken down
And in that moment the light I had found
From the darkness I have become:
Someone Strong, Independant, Determined
My disease would no longer take
It would not haunt me every moment I was awake
I would fight for the gift given to me
My happiness, my right for eternity
I would make a difference by helping another
Starting with my mother
I can be a vessel
A strong role model to those
Who are still ashamed of something
They cannot control
I could be the light at the end of that dark hole
All it took was just a prick at first
To make me think that I was the worst
All it took was a little blood
To make me feel like I was broken and damaged
But in one single night, in one single moment
I was determined to end this strife
and chose what was right for my life
A path that has in fact helped several other people
A path that has made them realize they are more than a disease
They are Strong, Beautiful, Amazing
They are Powerful
They are Worth it
They are Amazing individuals capeable of extrordinary things
All it took was a single sugar test
Just one little prick
To change my life real quick