Dance free

No, i cant see life without it

once absent of rhythm, peers always doubting

the gestures of my body were compared to fools and clowning.

The beat is impetuous, as it births genius movement

nothing can ruin this affluent illusion

as it is proven to bring a human to evolution

some say it is ruthless filled with confusion

but its amusement  to the students who follow the blue print of this revolution.

to be so inlcinded , to exceed your mind further than einstein

to defy the laws of nature and mankind all to fit a greater design

beyond the assigned time that puts a lock on the mind to cause temporary blind

but to be uplifted and very gifted with unlimited recources to mention

that as the atmosphere becomes shifted me versus gravity is pitted

I become invincible removed from natural principles that make me predictable and

given a permissibale cause to be incomprehensible

like a mythical visual that isnt typical to the occipital

but a mircale in a biblical error ravage with habitual criminals.

dance to me is life and its changed mines through the wicked beats and the fine rhymes

known to warm the heart and give us all a good time

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