Mr. Pink Giraffe

I am a six year old girl

Swinging my legs from a comfy bench

Blowing bubbles at my dad’s face

His glasses film over with soap

All is great right?

Well I’m actually positioned securely

In a hospital room

With about four doctors closely watching me

And a needle slowly entering my head

All of this

Because I was diagnosed with a brain tumor

I glance at the wall

As I wince in pain

To see a happy-go-lucky pink giraffe

Smiling back at me

I instantly return to my safety words

That my mom has told me repeatedly

“It will all be okay”

Being the stubborn determined girl that I am

I wait patiently for the doctors to finish

Then the best part comes

My parents and I make the traditional trip

To the hospital gift shop

To buy a wonderfully new Beanie Baby

And my favorite candy bar

Who would have guessed

That the single event

That could have ruined my life altogether

Has actually made me the successful person

That I stand proud to be today?

Childhood disease is an interesting thing

So many walk away stronger

Than they ever would have been

But so many don’t walk away at all

Even more give up their childhood

For one filled with pain and fear

But do they see it that way?

Take a walk around a Children’s Hospital

You won’t see the scarred faces and tragedies

That you might expect

Instead you will be inspired

By rooms filled with bright faces

Gorgeous smiles

And tears of those willing to fight

These children aren’t asking for sympathy or pity

They only want love someone to play cards with

And maybe a snack

To them

Their world hasn’t come crashing down

By whatever brought them to where they are

This is simply a road bump

Possibly a stepping stone

Of life that they must conquer

Before they become the next great thing

Regardless of the outcome

I wish it could end

Not even I

Can look back and think

That anybody would want to be put

In that situation

You don’t dream it for your worst enemy

Looking back and weighing the options

Between what I have faced and what I have learned

Is extremely tough

It’s made me everything I am

And I’ve devoted my life to helping the cause

But I still feel

That no child deserves the pain

Of any medical condition

Is that too much to ask?


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