

Fear is unknown
Emotions can't be shown
This is a field of battle where you must hold your own
Not for your self but for your team
A group of guys who don't seem
To strive to acquire the same goal
From first glance it can be seen
The passion and drive placed into their dream
You know we are solid
Bonded by joy and pain
You know we are a unite tighter than any gown goddess Arache could have woven in her loom
Our enemies look before us and can only assume
Defeat Is inevitable
So as we unleash 4 quarters doom upon an unworthy advisary
I ponder on the time when things weren't so easy
When our skin bronzed in 96 degree heat
Stomachs growing uneasy from sleds and tire flips
To be great takes time and pain can be the greatest teacher
Empathy Understanding Loyalty
All lessons learned the hard way
After a hard day
Spent with a squad of guys whos dedication never sways
So home or away
Were champions either way
Following our coup de taut
Seizing everyday


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