Art In The Iron

Walking in to a place that not many understand 

Sometimes not even feeling like a groan man 

Broken and torn down from the lonely road 

The wear and tear from this heavy load 


So many miss this foreign and beautiful art

Behind a muscle head with an elephant size heart

He doesn't want the life for himself at all

Only for the ones he loves to stand secure and tall


He will tear and pull, scream and fight

Until the he's used up all of his might

But he must succeed no matter what may come

Or all is in vein when the day is finally done


Not afraid to faint, puke or bleed 

He's strong in the mind for the ones in need 

His back is as strong as the steal that he devours 

But the mind he sharpens with grueling hours 


So he sculpts and he carves his body with sharp focus and care

So that he can stand stand and not only dream but dare

Dare to be on top for all that he holds dear

To take a chance and move past the fear 


The iron his paint 

The body his canvas

His audience the world 

His hear Exposed 


The art in the iron


Guide that inspired this poem: 


Grant-Grey Porter Hawk Guda

Powerfully expressed! Truly powerful! Keep sharing keep sharing! The world needs your expression! Keep sharing your life your mind your heart! 

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