
   A decade to the year, a decade to the month, and yet I remember the day. Could have been that last one, if my parents had said No, I could have lied in my own bed that night and died, without say a proper goodbye. I could have slept never to wake, that would be hard for my family to take. Toddlers don't die in their sleep, is what people often think, but it almosted happened to me. Fifteen times, it could have happened to me. Luckly I begged that night, to not sleep alone. Today I am here, because my parents didn't say no.

   My kindred took me in to the ER, when they say me shacking, then fainting. Fifteen seizures is twenty hours is plain bizzare. At first they thought I was faking. I could have died that night, sometimes I think I should of. I lie and bed and think, I deserve to be gone, but those thoughts are wrong. Two little letters, one little word, that could have been said, saved my life that night, and when those thoughts come to my brain I remind my self that same word can save me this time again; No

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