Tears like stars
The silence was stifling
staccato sobs through a static filter
it was unthinkable
my mind like cogs
grinding to a halt
i was speechless, my voice
failing me
what was i supposed to do
how was i supposed to feel
when she told me about
those feelings
she, the girl i love.
from a best friend
confused and lonely
on a path of self-destruction
a confession
more grinding to a halt
unsure how to react
unsure how to console
two faces
both masks
both unable to speak
their parents uncaring or
unwilling to hear
with nowhere to turn
with nowhere to run
it took time
hours spent on the phone
hours spent on the way home
tender conversations
guts were spilled
dams were broken
tears were shed
i see their faces now
her brilliant smile
his raised eyebrow
i go to school now
a lengthy hug before first
a fist bump, a wave
and know
know that it could've been
so much worse