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A single ray of moonlight pirces the night I follow it into a moonlit glade Wherein the fae are gathered for a dance dark elves intoxicated prance Foxes sly hide
Under the moonless sky I write with the ink of night In the shadows lurk  malicious elves I must beware-they bite   The archer with her moon-bow The lunar queen bright pearl
The night is chasing the sun. It's always like this at home, the deep sky getting darker the further you tilt your head up. It's nearly black up there, at the top. (The top? The middle? The end?
The night is chasing the sun. It's always like this at home, the deep sky getting darker the further you tilt your head up. It's nearly black up there, at the top. (The top? The middle? The end?
"NIGHT LONG" *This society is seeming, if you can't not and haven't involve in atrocious things you seem counted out in the society.*
The darkness sweeps across the land It covers everything like a sheet Not a star is visible For even they were darkened Every light that was shining
The darkness sweeps across the land It covers everything like a sheet Not a star is visible For even they were darkened Every light that was shining
The night wind roared awakening the silent sea Waves crashed violently against the rocks Yet the village was still sound asleep It was time for the monsters to come out and play Causing ruckus in the peaceful land
Le ciel bleu n’est pas le paradis Ce n’est pas du tout la même chose Chers amis.  
the day and the life sun in breakfast you eat bun now day is ending now it is time for food bending now brush up your teeth in a grace ok now just wash your face turn on shower and take bath
I drank the moon  It was blue at noon My heart was snatched by bloom I was mad as insanity driven soon Each rev was mind blown as the moon and noon
Good night my little wee oneIt's time to close your eyesIf you'll but wait till morningYou'll get a big surpriseThe sun will smile and greet youIn ever changing skiesFor mom and daddy love you
Do not fear the setting of the sun Do not fear when darkness comes Do not fear the howling wind For with each night, a day begins   You can shiver in your skin O’ museum of bones
Startled awake and unable to move, in my bed Im paralyzed Its happening again but I cant wake up, again my fears realized
The moon resembles a fat, golden doveperched on the dark horizon—wings stick out of the clouds.
The day is done The sun is sinking into the bathtub Flinging toys flinging joys across the sky. The day is done
The Moon was shining like a charm Not like I had ever seen Before it was very calm So its brightness was unforeseen
Stay up all night Can’t handle tomorrow  Rather dance in the dark until my legs are weak and my head is spinning I’ll say I put up a fight
i awoke and pondered how the day would unfold then i paced and wondered what each minute would hold 'til the seconds unfurled and the clock hands whirled and the smirking moon curled, the night sighed, stars twirled
Welcome, my bode. Enter beyond,  Seek the fond,  Who dare to lay,  Eyes too stray,  A kindle too hard, 
  I want to touch the sky and feel the indigo blue; All of its cool beauty, like a pool of water in winter.   I want all the stars to gather around me,
Don't you dare believe I just 'left' you.My love will always burn inside of me for 'My Boo",For you're the first and only who I let take a chunk of me.​It stabs me inside knowing I waited 20 years for an AIT fling,
A not so big bed.... On a chilling cold night, there I was, not feeling any of the cold breeze that was blowing at 2am. It must have been a dream! It has to be!
I search for you in the night Your name runs across my mind I wonder if it would help to write It might... If it were to come across my lips My heart's beat would skip
The night is a closed chest—   someone is standing inside under its vaulted, holy black cloisters…   two someones, and another dozen: they jump up and down, up and down.  
What is it about the night that makes people so scraed? Is it because of the fact that they know that if something bad were to happen, they would not be sparred?
Shadows sorround me Nights never go and never ends Deep waters drowned my hope And the glittering lights are all gone Lights of happiness come now Glimpse your hope to me abound
I dream of climbing out my window in the dead of night Perching myself on the rooftop and gazing up at the stars The worlds different when it's dark out It's still
Do You Ever Take The Time To Just Recline … And FEAST Your Eyes On … " The Sky At Night " … ? Last Night I DID And It Was Quite A Trip … !!!!!
No moon. No stars. No light.    Just    Shadows, and silence.  This feeling's just right.    Hugged by a blanket. Silk sheet against my skin.   
She shines bright Like the moon Stars twinkling In her eyes   And yet no one sees That those stars Are starting to
Night, Darkness and Black- so many perspectives so many interpretations... like the owl- here, called tecolote, bu an omen, familiar of witches... whereas in Europe,
Darkness has fallen All the hues of the earth have dripped off into the universe And the last ray of light has hid itself long ago from dependent eyes. As I sit upon my window seal, the distorted images I make of creation,
The MoonA light to the lostA hope to the brokenA lover to the romanticsA muse for the artists
The moon so high above us makes me wonder. Watching the city lights and people that lie thereunder; Stars like pin-pricks in this raven night,
High In the sky sat the moon. Perched on his throne of night.  In a sea of stars he lay, shining ever so bright. The Sun asked him how he did it. How could he stay awake for so long?
Shhh… we must whisper when we say this. This is for you my regrettable desire This is for the Love I thought we could’ve had And the love we never will have 
This is to the dreamers  To the star crossed lovers to the ex-bestfriends And the hopeless wonders  This is to the sleepless nights 
I'm ready to self destruct. Please, just hold me while I leave. I don't want to do this, but, a part of you will go with me. I keep trying to run away, now you say you need me to stay don't look at me,
Silent alleyways, bright window shops Warm riveting smells in these compressed bricks are as familiar as a common cold These streets hold an evening story so predictable, simple
So full of questions He said with a smirk and laughter in his eyes. Yes But you are so full of answers I answered back with a simple tone. He laughed and I watched the way
Did I hear you?So early eyes still shut,Leaping up from a deep slumber,Conversing so calm,Wanting to tell me,All that is unsaid, The pain in your voice,I hear with my heart.
Her face is like the midnight sky. The whites of her eyes are half moons, and the stars escape when she cries. I hope she doesn''t anytime soon, but I've tagged her with graffiti constellations,
i swear to you she would sparkle in the night and i would sleep in awe of the magic that lay beside me   Kira   Instagram: @kirapoems
Abscond.  Verb, meaning to sneak away and hide. 
Digger sleeps in comfy chair. Mom is still at work. Street light shines through the window.
A spirit light, a heart unbound A place to stand, safe from thunderclouds A mind at rest, a heart at peace Where home is warm, and meant to be   A harbor strong amidst the rain
What is it you think of me,  dear darkness? Am I worthy of your embrace? I deprive myself of rest and wait So I can learn to love the rhythm of your song the curve of your spine
Every day has two mornings One with the sun Where beams kiss your cheek  And you’re off on the run   And one with time
I never understood the word moonbeam until I saw one. A stream of milky white on a canvas of dark and unforgiving ocean. The moon seemed to paint a streak down the middle as if someone had dropped the paint brush.
When Friday nights become Saturday mornings. The dew glitters on the grass like a fallen chandelier, casting shards of liquid sun. Coals burn in the fire sending smoke crawling towards the sky.
Have you ever starred in wonder At my favorite of sights A treat that’s only possible On dark and stormy nights   When the light behind a leafless tree Seems to set the wood a glow
There's a dark angsty touch of the time 12 am. She envelopes the sky with her pitch black hands, cooly but securely setting me in the darkness. She has one eye, bright and glowing sometimes, barely there a few days later.
1.     it burns—my shadow feedingit the popcorncelling as I sleep     to keep italive,    
Through the rain drenchedburden of heavy branches,you rise—a mist halo of hazesoftly framing your face,    
In the psychic quietof a pale-plum night,the semi-staccato of ourclumsy handshakesare alchemized—    
Sitting at the edge of the warm, welcoming bed Watch the shadows creep their way under to door. Those fearful eyes, latching at their nonexistent movement
hello night I welcome you   your choir of crickets chirping fondly belting bedtime stories   your candles in the sky like tiny campfires dying in the distance  
Raindrops Pooling on my windowsill Splish splash, splish splash A cool breeze Wind chimes twinkling and twirling Crickets chirping As the lightning bugs flutter about
The tired Sun rests On waves and pale sand, as the Moon waits for his turn  
I really want to fly high in the bright blue sky.But I’m terrified. I’m terrified of the endless possibilities that could happen. I could fall and die. Or I could fly too close to the sun and burn.
Stars shine in moonlight Disappearing in your eyes Night reflects wonder.
The night is my closest friend But all of that is pretend For in the waking hours It then sours  
someone scream when the night falls for me in the West and for you In The East at the moment we both blink   for when we rush  through our safe doors and plunge into stardust
A chilly wind blows tonight with stiff lips, whistling a dirge down the dark, empty glen Clouds hover in an apple-crisp night sky Thin, streaming clouds, stingy clouds
Chilly Night
Will I cower by the fire that shines into the night? Or venture into the darkness and look my fear in the eyes?   If I just give up, If I just give in, If I just lay down and cry,
Jacobi   12/17/18   After hours In the dark , concrete jungle Lit only by neon and the embers of my medicine
Street lamps and the last train speeding through ringing its arupt and startling bell "clear the way" it says to an empty road The night is dead
The moon shines bright in a sky full of lost stars Cold evenings are dark driving in cars My dreams are sweet sometimes, but in my nightmares, I'm alone I sleep until the monsters go home
No one had prepared me For Winter. That black cold Struck you to the bone. Not even the moon shone Through my smog.  
I was up early this morning, and saw a sunrise. The whole sky was the purple-grey, and it scared me.   Last night, when I was still up, I looked outside and the whole sky was purple-black
One last entry before the night comes to an end, One more thought before the sheep comes- Slowly one by one, A puffy little cloud strutting aimlessly Above an unsurfaced ground. One last note to play-
It's late in the night i hear the crickets chirping to the sound of their own little songs, in the open field with a bunch of chirping crickets is where my heart belongs.
Its a dark night, covered in eerie silence, mist all around me, singing me to sleep.
i imagine myself at the edge of a cliff i have the entire world at the bottom of my feet i found how to control the chaos  under the infinite sky  under the shining moon  i have found peace But,
That gentle breeze Nothing but fresh air It is crystal clear Rising up through the atmosphere When the ship sails Over the horizon You can see those nightly skies As you approach your destination
OCD ME: Did I lock the door? ME: I’m sure I did. OCD ME: What if I didn’t? Someone could walk right in, while I was sleeping. Did I lock the door? ME: I normally do.
Summer night, window open. Sleeping. Sound! Something climbing through open window. Move! Can’t move. Run! Can’t move. Finally bolting. Through doorway, into kitchen.
They taunt me at night I sleep with a light My fingers curl underneath And I tuck in my feet I shiver and quiver I can see the moon glow silver I hide my head And curl up in bed
In every night, there is a morning. In every morning, there is a night. But in the darkness of every night, there will never be a light.
Deep in the night, we are silent below the stars shining bright. Our hearts pound for words unsaid. Our thoughts profound run rampant in our head. We’ve never told anyone not even our own
On that wonderful, magical night, Many long stalks reach high as if trying to touch the sun's last rays. The stalks surround you in a bright green, contrasting the color of the smooth brown earth,
I will never know for sure where the falling stars fall, Or where the black hole ends; I can never be for sure if magic exists Or if our lives are all pretend.  
I will never know for sure where the falling stars fall, Or where the black hole ends; I can never be for sure if magic exists Or if our lives are all pretend.  
You are my moon, Full of song and sound. You whisper sweet and soft, When I'm crumbled on the ground.   You are my moon, You light the way for me. With your bright face,
Sticky kisses and blue butterflies, Long nights and adoring skies. Lingering kisses and yellow flowers, Suspensful nights and everlasting hours. Passionate kisses and red wine,
The city bright and sweet Reflecting the drops of rain The paved stones glitter with amusement   Usually alive but now slowly dying
What I would give for you to hold me in your arms. What I would give to be with you another day. You know, it's tough now, living here without you. But I'm okay. Yeah, I'm okay.   
My name is insanity.  See the way my teeth bleed, My eyes shine,  My cackles echo through the corridors of night. Do you see my stretching smile?  I know you do. 
What a beautiful weapon she is. She's the sharpest edge and the prettiest sight, The softest, sweetest bringer of night, And all with a teasing kiss. What a beautiful, beautiful weapon she is.  
The poet's dead, the song is gone. With dying breath and failing brawn, He whispers a foreboding phrase: "The nights are spent, you waste your days."
We are all standing single file waiting for our turn to plunge into the deep, dark abyss.  At night I wonder, how often do two lives end in perfect unison on opposite sides of the world?
Sleepless Nights Naeha Inapanuri   Those nights. I lay awake All that comes to mind Is everything I ever did wrong.     The demons, 
I reluctantly set my day in motion; A pest dawdles within my psyche; Insignificant is the pain that alerts my being- It's one I've known of for months; The significance, unbeknownst to me
The air is cool and inviting The mosquitoes suck at my succulent skin Rejoicing at the soft and limber limbs I possess Streetlights illuminate my smile As I witness a young child snoozing in a stroller
i slept to escape reality, but i was left trying to escape my sleep.
Burning bright An eternal flame Turning and twisting Desires rise higher Crackling and sparkling While working its way Through the chambers of my heart Until its blazing,
She walks the night on star staircase by the moons silver glare glides along the glittered sky as if wings held her high her eyes reflect the wounder of the night a voice like a harp in the wind
As I was sitting, the sun was falling right in front of me. I just sat and thought it was beautiful. It's really not though. The sun goes to war with the night every day.
Where goes the dark when bright mornings rise, And the sun shows its face after sleeping? The Earth keeps its spin as the sullen night dies, And the moon disappears for safekeeping.
  It’s one of those nights.   One where the stars are too still in their orbits, And I can imagine the scent of your perfume Lazily wafting its way around the room,
Dear Snowfall, Nothing falls quite like you You come in like a thief, taking the ground and anything living with your decent If I slumber with the stars  Your patterns will cover me, consume me
  2:57 is the first thing my eyes take in as the shoot wide open The glow of my alarm clock sends me this eerie feeling I sense extreme warmth as the once cool room has dampened
On this day I wore red A color so beautiful and bold I did it to be ahead And hopefully it will have him sold   He, however, wore blue
alone at night the fire rumbles  pushing hard to burst to life  spark of light in frozen jungle  virgin paper unstained by eye   precision folds urged to display  quiet letters hidden from sight 
   Here we go,  Watch as I swing into the edge of the world.  Listen as the ropes erode at the tree bark above  With every push and pull.  Smell the ancient dust from the fibers of the rope 
Darkness creeps like a cat Daintly sneaking up on the day, Then suddenly, pouncing- With a leap   She settles into her sleep Stars begin to appear They come, hesitantly- Almost in fear
You that made me laugh You that kept me warm You that have my heart  Has now won my soul.   The way you held my hand made me smile, warm was your touch like the warmth of the sun.
When Morning Comes   like the old quail in spring;   When morning comes and shakes all the dew drops from his  cloak   to greet me, and undoes his heavy coat buttons;
your eyes are as bright as the twinkling starson a cloudless nighteveryone can’t help but to stop and stareat the beauty of the earthuncovered in the night skygracefully dipped in moonlight
Another day, another smile Yesterday she laughed Last night she stayed awake After all, he was why   After talking to her, he didn't want to stop Last thing he wanted was for her to cry
So silent, yet so alive.  Pitch black is the night, with flickers of stars illuminating the heavens.  Neighbor's dim their lights to slumber, yet their aura manifests their presence as a continuity. 
So silent, yet so alive.  Pitch black is the night, with flickers of stars illuminating the heavens.  Neighbor's dim their lights to slumber, yet their aura manifests their presence as a continuity. 
The stars that shine throughout the night Make a path of steady light The moon that shines high above Sings a song to the night with love The shadows far beneath the ground Cease to ever make a sound
Across an ocean of stars, Above a mountain of garbage. I'll show you the scars, And my hollow of Solace.
Your hand intertwined Touches mine, Touches my heart.   It comes to me in a dream Through the night Through the dark.  
I lay in the bed My eyes swollen with tears Completely restless And drowning in fears.
The eyes that shine throughout the night Their corners gleam with delight The blood that boils, it's very soul Reflect within it's eyes so bold Desire to kill, to watch its prey That rules its life every day
I feel the wind blowing Against my fare skin The cold giving me Chills up my spine As I walk the single brick pavement Gravel grinding against my aching feet
I was sitting in the middle of the nightExactly at the roof of our houseTrying to find stars That can serve as the lightThe light in the middle of the darknessIn the middle of the night without any light
My girl is like a starry night. But without the bleakness. And only the stars. Sometimes there are clouds, But they are clouds of anxiety That cover up the light and glints Of fiery spikes of planets.
The great American eclips was supposed to be the end of the world. I spent it at work. One o'clock rolled around, And the world turned into a graveyard. All the workers shuffled outside to see.
We cannot mix God and the world Light and darkness Nor the flesh and Spirit It is ridicules God would spit you and me
Once upon a time, when life was a dream and life was on the line, with a train losing steam, being lost wasn't fine, yelling "I don't know what's mine" rather lose track than lose my mind, 
Don't you feel the noose of night slowly tightening around your thoughts. Sufficating you slowly. You hold a blade in your hand slashing at the silence that hides it all... the things you never said
This looks like jump to me You are a cockroach
The night drags on. It pulls itself from nowhere till dawn. And we all snuggle in our beds, eight hours to make it through our jobs. Girls leach off the men, and the men abuse the woman.
A night, no matter how hard it triesWill always be dark.Does the night make you shiver?Does it? Just like a blurry light in the duskiness.I pause to breathe, like the moon does.Down,down into the darkness of the nightGently it goes- the love, the
A murderous agent in disguise, A magician with immoral secrets, A man with sleepy eyes and sharp features, A neighbor with a yearning but malevolent desire,
Much of Nature moves at night Under the dusky night sky, one shining bright star  In the distance it shines down upon us  Whilst frogs move out of their hiding place Bats navigate and try their flight  
By Joseph Abelardo Conaty   The wind howls at night Speaking to us with fright The sun decides to go to sleep The moon wakes up and takes a peek The trees are waving by and by
The Best time To do my Homework is at Night.
when my family gets here I'm gonna call you back when my family gets here I will play with Elmo and watch frozen  play hide and seek and tag down the hallway sing songs and watch their eyes
The purest of thoughts are the ugliest in kindThe prettiest of faces have the darkest of mindsIt is a fact, or maybe a foul But the most hurt of people have the brightest of smiles
Looking up at the stars feeling the grass on feet tears in eyes blood in the street. The wind is howling, the birds all scream, at the horrendous crimes that the media eats.
Blue night whispers to the late rain i’m lost   in the mirrors of me.    
What is to thank the night for Except that it is here, To hide the quiet footsteps Padding softly over damp leaves?   As darkness slips over the trees A cloak for mischeif ensues.
The stars don't seem so far away,     when you remember yesterday. The way the moon shined,     and the feeling of a wish. The beams of light fluttering down,     a kiss.  
How am I supposed to sleep  when my brain will not shut up? How am I supposed to shut it up  when I don't even know what it is thinking? So tell me anxiety what it is that you say,
We Might've Been   We might've been the curving night - dim, blinding and empty We might've been your mother's knife - sharp, hard but flimsy We might've been the tiled floors
I'm alone with my thoughts again Night is when I feel nothing but pain I'm alone, I'm scared, get me distracted. Please, I wanna stay sane. My brain is slowly killing me, it making me think images that make me feel lame.
Come gaze with me into the night, Into the endless sky, Stretching out and out to the edge of eternity. The literal edge of forever. Come gaze with me into the night, And feel how big it all is.
This silver light does shine tonight. Your celestial body illuminates so bright And brings this will of mine to fight.   As the moon doth draw a curtain upon the Earth, So does my heart for your gentle mirth.
in the middle of night under the light of the moonlight facing a car light made me hold myself tight   memories of you suddenly rush into my mind the voice of you
The Darkness of Night By Ryan G.     Darkness had fallen, dressed in black The army stood, no light
Like the sunsets fading, lost in the vast horizon, as we chase after the unknown. Those sleepless nights we spent, counting the stars sneaking away from reality. Who would have ever thought that time would soar, as we realized how most was spent, 
At 11 past, each 1 parades to the stars each semi colon begs for a chance for a seed to grow steadfast into a tree  Nearby, a girl of seventeenpleas with the clock to open his arms wide and let her in. Far away, a boy of eighteenglances at his pho
In late nights, through bleary eyes and trembling hands I find freedom.   The looming grade lost  its gravity long ago, along with junior year.   Without letters or one-hundreds,
We met under the white gazebo fair, The wind blowing north up the sunlit shore Your eyes, blue ocean and the bright sand, your hair Before me was all I had ever yearned for  
Night  it's to be a time of rest and restart yet all I know is how it tears apart a family a love a being   it was night that a young girl had her heart shattered
For being able to walk outside and look at the constellations, I am thankful. I spend hours outside tracing the stars with my fingertips, creating combinations astronomers haven't even thought of yet.
Cuddle up tight To have a good night  Next to me dear No need to fear The dark won't last Soon the night will pass And you'll awake in the morning When the night becomes boring
Here comes a feat of boots dressed in gold Clad in a uniform just as bold Keys wrapped in paper cloth Hands wrapped in gauze   Bloodshot eyes tinker chilled Yet he stays willed
I can hear a rose cry It's Time to go I was able to get through I'm sure I'm happy now   I was in a fog The Sun hid behind a tree The east consumes the Sky Yet darkness disappears
Not acquainted with these Nights.. Peculiar, yet neighbor to them, related to them... stop enabling him! Departure from the gates. dubbed the savior to him! Channeled through his precognition
There are things in my nightmaresThat come out to dance and playThings that I rather wishWere very far away. But that is the nature of nightmaresTo come and try to stayAnd no amount of pleading
One doesn't have to know for one to understand They just have to listen and be there to hold your hand   It's not too complicated to show them that you care Treat them with respect
Night—I’ve loved you long time. Your shadows no longer scare me, as I have finally realized that you provided my mind, restless with questions
The traveler stopped for restthe sky a silver hue,the sun setting in the westthe waters, a dark blue.
Glowing luminescent in the Soft dark sky, A golden claw hangs.   A perfect, untouched rose In a garden of withered grasses.   A shining crescent, ever alluring,
this the type of shit that make you run yo mouth asking how  but only answers are not given to what you amount the sound of clout 
What awakens my eyes? What seemingly invisible something Sparks my passion, without wrinkling my soul I grow older
Looking up at night Is what makes me feel good. To see the sky alight, Makes me feel like I could Fly up and join the stars That shine in the sky, And be swallowed by the dark.    
Trekking to the world's edge With a good sister and friend To see what lies around corner, To peek around the sandy bend. Ambling in the stretch Where earth and water are one,
Upon a night with starry sky A spring-winter mist that flutters by Young crickets chirp a tune so deep Since the birds have now all gone to sleep   'Neath a tree so draped with vine
High five     high mind Do I write?     or do I type?        Higher than the sky my wings will burn     I will d i s p e r s e  like ashes         into   the
A dying night. Early morning, and dawn's speed is beat my mine.  crickets chirping inconsolably, yearning not for the moon to crash begrudgingly to the line
Look into the moonlight, Tell me what you see.   I see a great tall Whispering pine, Silvered  By the moon.   I see the vast wide Expanse of sky, Devoid of light
Before even the Predawn light, The night wrapped Around the stars And blanketed The trees with Dark, feathery Blackness; There was no Sound, and Yet the silence
The flames die out. Ghostly traces of red and orange and purple haunt the sky. The last moments of light cling to the clouds as the weight of the sun is dragged down. Resting place. Somberness rises with the moon.
She is in my bed, trying to find her place in the waves of sheets. For the sheets have already taken me, into an ocean of sleep, Drifting further and further away.  Away from the thought of her,
Day is not for drinking, drugging or dating. Night is for neglect, nicotine and nakedness. Revel in the rambunctousness, rabidness and release. Wake in the morning with
Night Watch   Take me back to laying on the hood of the car Watching the stars Well wishing on stars, which turned out to be Mars Just forgetting who we are
Some are visible and loud in broad daylight But the wildest fires come through the night When all is silent, when all is dark When nothing is visible but what gazes upon you from the sky
At night I'm the darkest sky The stars are my path The moon is my guide My mind travels To far away places Where my grass Is greener From the other side
Countless hours Harmony in my head Words of life Don't send me to bed Stay up with me Keep me company I am the quiet stream But you're the babbling brook speak in sense
Not all that is magic comes out of a black top hat Because stars burn above in pitch black. It's a clump of gas that can hardly contain itself But that doesn't stop us from looking up And spilling our hearts out.
Under the moonlight, I understoodwhy darkness asked for my companyor why the stars were winking at meeach dreamless night.I knew of my existence not as a human
Shivers on skin-I walked among stars,held them in my armsand embraced them tight,as I felt how my veins filled up with light.I, too, wanted to be a fallen one,to look for a placewhere I could hope
I wonder-have you come to understandwhy the world is silent at nightand what it means to be listeningto the darkness of the sky,to be hoping a star might whisper to youthe secret 
Tonight should be made holy,it should be painted with lightsand up there, in heaven, together with themshould your luminous face reside.Tonight should be kept safebetween your eyelashes 
I am still just a shadow.I am still just star dust.I am still part of a Universe I never quite knewbut I'm homesick for. I bleed only to pull the stars out by their edges.
To my nightly lover: You are just a phase I grow out of in the morning and the excuse i come crawling back to at night I never needed a reason to dream
Happiness is a newborn child Written in the softest pastels  Ever stitched by crippled hands. You try your hardest to hold it, Not to upset it, Simply obey and soothe it.
11:11  is said to be a myth but every night i still make a wish i close my eyes and wish about you hoping by morning my wish will come true
Need an outlet  Need to breathe Need some hope Need some sleep Scribbling and scratching under the moon Blankets warm A snug cocoon  Painting pictures in the mind Sigh and relax
Cycle 1   A black sky above Soft light illuminates all Watch the world below   Darkness spreads comfort A blanket for them to rest
Shadows, Acrosss the field, Across the meadow, Across the lawn and across the room, As the adults yawn and the children snore.   Lollipops, gumdrops, Nightmares and blessed dreams,
When down comes the sun, Up comes the moon. As the stars shine brightly down on the children of the world, They go to their secret escape. They call it dreamland.
Nocturnal beauty flying through the night Indigo Gypsy hiding from the light. Close your eyes, make a wish  and send it up in a cloud. Lost you are, but soon to be found.   The stars can't be reached,
Typing inching Eyelids tiring Heroes crying Villains dying   Sleep depriving Caffeine failing Planets burning Magic learning   Resolve crumbling Block existing.
The hidden monster lurking among the bushes is only a lost rabbit finding its way back home. The looming shadows writhing almost out of eyesight are only trees swaying in the crisp wind.
With our telescope we stole looks at the stars, sliding on pine needles stabbing softly into our backs but it was the night that stole us.  
Ticking watches too quiet to hear in bustle of day, Flickering street lamps that emit electrical buzzing, Whispers from beyond shut doors of lovers after loving,
Are you afraid of the dark? The shadows, the silence, the emptiness. Do they frighten you? The monsters under the bed, the ghosts among the trees, the terrors in the closet.
I'm out in the streets, blowing off steam. My body tall, my body lean. I wear a hood to better shield me from the night. I never knew to someone, it would bring such fright.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night Sweat covering my face The temperature of my body heat escalated Feeling paralyzed And my heart My heart is pounding
Nights like these are what I cherish the most  The unmade bed, the lull of the outdoors  Light seeping trough the blinds  An ambient glow casts over you face  A face so peaceful and content 
I could live without, but I don't want to. I couldn't start my day right, and my nights wouldn't be the same. The heat wouldn't run through my veins, not through me at all. Life would drag,
Most comforting talks, when we whisper at night You take the most broken and mend them alright Celestial embrace in darkness that has calmed  My thundering heart simply beats softly  
I can’t sleep I miss you And I fucking hate how every second I spend is being on my bed, not lying next to you instead.
We hope to see trees in bloom we hope to see them all we hope to see afternoon we hope to see night fall we hope to see beauty come we hope to see life knew we hope to see the moon run
The clock.  In the day you may not hear it. But in the night let this be known. Any time you may be stuck awake, It may seem the sound has grown.
I swear the night heals I swear on the dirt, it's healed, some a broken heart I see her come to it, the broken one With her heart aches And her head aches And her hurts
A piece of the price of pain Is hatred And the price of a piece of hatred Is pain Highness, I bow to nobody But I kneel to a body of water and blood Every Single
I walk a long and lonely path Faithful shadow since left my side Trees are my sole comfort Yet comfort they do not provide The shadows have stolen the moon
Began all with something something White as White as Milk would be and as an Angel would look   Blue as Sky Blue as Sea igniting Waters bringing Rains to Rain
Say those four last words Quiet Allow your breath to hit her neck  And allow her to feel your arms around her Tightly Are you going to say them? Go on “It’s time for bed”
I have yet to feel his presence on my life since I was a child, I have yet to see the power that he held over me in my times of need and happiness,  have yet to see what and how his mind influenced mine through the arid days of summer to the frigi
I am the night.  I am the dark. I am the very thing that children wake from in their terrified stupors of panic, gasping for air and clutching duvets closer to themselves, trembling in the vast blackness.
Clouds gather overhead Making it hard to leave my bed. Once there was light But now only night And tears that the skies shed.   They blanket the sky Creating the lie That there is no sun
With summer laze and winter days we wend our ways  in the silence of the night. And creeping still, thoughts mill amongst the dying of the bright. But what comes will be and what be will comes
Some days, the night comes too early           But others, too late I wonder why the crickets begin their song While I am still dancing At dusk, the critters come They bite and buzz and light
Could you believe that I used to fly?  I used to actually go somewhere in my dreams.  Now I awaken and pull my comfort up around my chin.  Linger in the warmth of the dark.  I used to be summer strawberries 
On the day of July 20, 1969 A fateful man changed the outlook of mankind The first steps he recorded in outer space Captivated and astonished the entire human race Now as I look up at the moon and the stars
Night’s existence has inhabited it’s customary frame of space, which has been allotted.
Afraid of the light Shy away from the sun The moon is your sister The raindrops are your tears
dogs barking pure darkness star twinkling in the midnight sky I dream about flying in the midnight sky
The part of the morning where it is too early for the sun to shine
The night is like a shining mask. Dark,mysterious, and full of lights. We both hear the howling wolves getting eager to be satisfied. A cricket in the dark brings comfort to the ears on a glooming night. Raw night just waiting to be heard.
See the history before your eyes, truly its the truth don't wonder why. Feel the stingy air and fluorescent lights, grasp the railing and listen to the cries.   Lean in close, the exhibit is open for just one night.    
We met again in the dark last night, But before I let you go I left my mark. And for a while I'll haunt your reflection. Every time you see it, you'll also see me.
Oh lord, look at the moon
For me, who sits alone by the windowsill 
Oh ,wicked fiends
I’d rather stare At fireworks in the evening, Than a dark tear
You must not be looking hard enough If you think that life is only rough.
Sounds of birds and frogs, Howls of owls from some hidden logs,
I write for the night,
feeling the red, white, and blue shadows
Left and right,The Music flows.Forward and backward,
the stars glint above us, they shine with all the power of the universe poured into them. one, so full of energy bursting at the seams, shoots itself into the vast, ominous sky. i make a wish, 
the moon's like God's flashlight for the lost in the night sky; like God's spotlight to let you know he sees you and that you're a super star in your own right with your own light; like Heaven's porch light to let you know
            I’m a big fan of stars. Stars have the ability to make you wonder and make you think. A million thoughts cross your mind when you’re looking at the sky, as if there was a different thought for every star.
Please tell me it was I who made you leave I do not want to believe that you meant to walk away I want to blame myself
poring over texts at 3am wondering about what wasn't said but more importantly the things you said with hidden, truer meanings now you're asleep and it's too late to ask
I love you, don't you know that yet? You are my rock My moon My sun My ray of hope  My sunday morning The weight that holds me together You are the main star to my night
Suprise, The stars are bright, Only, Only this sky belongs to, Night. Power to the moon.   Sun, It sets in the West, It, It to me is the, Best.
Dear Love I hope this note reaches you well. Maybe sometime after noon? So you will remember To look for me
Silver slippers danglingPale stringed harp balanced on her kneesSilver notes become silver beamsOf a golden grinned grace.The glowing skirt as she sways in place
I write in hopes of being understood Because explaining how I feel has not been my best subject. At night, I imagine scenarios that will never come true. Hoping, always hoping, I’d fall asleep soon.
Dreams of midnight sonnets have passed away
Adrenaline rose and we got out And stopped to stare and look about A frightning scene, as it should be Still I moved close for him to hold me   Scary monsters breathed in my face
The day setting into a vast rice-bowl horizon Lifeblood of the sun Painted across ashen skies A sailor’s delight The wind forming a cocoon of tranquility
I'm not afraid of my shadow, Or the satin woven black Of the night sky, Words it lack. I'm a heavy breather, Fantasiser, I believe In the Northern light. But strap my arms Behind my back
Tiny, untouchable light,
late at night, can't sleep my brain screams my fears at me, sensing my weakness.
I am like a star, a brilliant shining star. I may not always be noticed,  but I am always there. I am not discouraged by others,  and I always hold strong in my darkened night.
It's so dark as night when you can see nothing,
Born from Tragedy, A weak Seed planted in the Garden of Grief,
She came to me Eyes filled with tear and she began to confine to me, She said "I fell in love with him because i thought he was best for me, looking at the entire world in an illusion 
I lay my head on your shoulder, Cuddle with you while the day is over. I lay my hand on your chest, viewing you as a form of protection, my vest. Clearing my mind of the rest, in that moment, I realize...Im yours and your mine.
  This ashtray is all astray
Stare keenly out of the ajar window, to the moon and through the trees.
he clicks his tongue at me like I am a dog in response I will howl in his face
There's a darkness that covers the moon, To save the werewolves from there doom.
I wait for him in the dark.  
It was a drowsy battle that yearned for sleep. The light and the darkness. And I found myself in it. Instigating and terminating its intentions of cruelty. But what if I mistaked its cruelty for consideration?
With smiles all around, the atmosphere is of delight,  
We approached the shimmering lake just my brother and I,  
The time for the daily show approached, she got her props ready.  
He is of romance, and a skillful painter, is the night,  
At night, I wait for her to come, My rays glistening silver on the pool below. The forest is quite and still; The stars wheel and dance around me.   At night, I come to the pool in the forest;
I am not comfortable with who I am,
Waiting for change, chances aren't worth taking. Waiting for answers, the future is still in the making. Change. A word that requires action. Struggle. Fighting the distractions. Step. Step. One foot in front of the other.
A mind as vast as the universe, Can get lost in the depths of time. But pause, Look around at your company, For the stars will be your guide.
Every night, When I go to sleep, A whole new world opens its doorways for me, I call this world my world of dreams.   My world of dreams is a happy place, Where days I spend without a trace,
    How could they do this to us , knowing we were against it Knowing the pain, the scars,the memories we now have to keep  forever
as the stars shine out my window i can only think of the glimmer in his eyes when we kissed for the first time, before they became dry and as the cold wind freezes me to the bones gives me chills to the bones
Light in the bright of Day. Makes for sadness in the eternal night. 
Darkness consumes the world Like black wings unfurled The cold shroud wraps my heart And aloof, I stand apart.  
Moon, Moon gleam so bright I wish to sleep by your light. Moon, Moon in the night I know it’s going to be alright.  
Ignore the girl hiding behind the maskshe whispers to me at night"what have you done?""you're so stupid""why would anyone want to care about you?"her whispers raise in volume and venom
Darkness Creeps up.  Just a Little too fast..  The sun has just dissapeared.  It seems as if the day with you has just started.  But know the night begins.
Darkness creeps up  A little too fast...  The sun has dissapered It seems as if the day had just started...  But know the night begins. 
Won't you hold me tight In the middle of the night Don't turn on the light Hold me with all your might You know it ain't right If we have a fight That seems to be my plight But your out of sight!
*/ /*-->*/ I am the last man on earth tonight
As the sun starts to rest its head beyond the horizon, so does the moon start to show its head as it rises from its slumber, the stars come from where they hid, and the bugs and creatures come from which they where.
The sounds of the sky elude the eye And the scents of the night fill thy nostrils As chill passes through thy window dear  Mine ear beckons to hear the sweet serenity
What you see,
There has always been something special about October About Halloween About the Addams Family and their sadistic values There's something about the moon at night
So I say goodbye to the daylight, To the sun I bid adieu,
Freedom is within you: Through a window, Dawn light trembles. Can you feel me in the ebony darkness? My voice carries on Hushed night air, Wends wayward wings To your dazzling soul
I go into the night just outside, within the gates to the deep dark pool of black jade   The moon dances on the water The water is cool like stone I wade in untill knees deep and then, dive in...
Hush my darling, Close your eyes The whole world is suddenly fading Once bright blue are blacked skies Where the stars are now parading.   Rest my love, And chase your dreams
The night is young, The stars are new The owl hasn't yet sung The tune that crosses the ears of few. Adventure awaits Those who choose to stray From the stereotypical gait of day.
What a difference a night can make.   You fell asleep to the blankets clinging to your face Their fibers shielding your eyes From the darkness that chills your bones. Your eyes scrunched,
Deep darkness held onto the fragile heart she carried within her chest- unspent tears in her eyes a mind that would never stop but a brain that had died.  The slow beating of a broken soul
There was once a girl who had given so much of her heart away that one day, after giving her last piece, she fell asleep listening to Bon Iver, and doed of a broken and missing heart.
On shining lights in velvet nightsI hung my hopes with silver stringAs whispered words I overheardRebounded in my rotting brain.
Children’s cries calm her pounding heart Pangs of travail drain from their raw start At last love manifests in blood-flushed flesh Spirits sparkle in the commitments made fresh  
 It starts with the first hint of darkness.
The days slowly creep past me, so suddenly And as the deepest orange sunray peek upon the horizon before making its appearance.. I'm alive
Heroes can only be stars If they have a night sky To shine against  But I never asked To be the darkness  
Lone Wolf   Wandering among a forest of pines And through the chilling snow Trying to find a place of warmth
it goes like this: the clock reads 7:06am cloudy skies, morning mist on the window i am swallowed by silence  clod toes, cold nose, cold heart the coffee warms my throat, warms my toes,
You follow me everywhere,
Silently watching White stars see all that happen Watchers of the world
  Fighting grief for the rising sun, Another day is gone and come. We recede into the blackest night, Instinct pulsing, adrenaline high.
Today I say good morning to the sun! Usually it is the sun that wakes me up every single day. But today is special... At six a.m. it is I smiling down as the Sun Stirred from his deep, deep slumber.
A Blood Moon NightWritten by Adam M. SnowTonight I watched in awe,the moon once pure and white.
I will remember these nights like the tide remembers to kiss the shoreline--
You are the sky I am the sea and although we make each other complete the universe says we shall never meet.    We are divided by a horizon made prevalent by the sun that you see
Drip in and out of reality,
When the dark rolls in on summer skies
As I gaze into the jeweled night
Too many nights my mind wanders travelling to where my lost possessions are now. Ordinary belongings. A blue hoodie. Hairties. Pencils and pens. Then instead of wandering to unknown destinations,
There's just something about kissing in the cold At night, of course. This would never get old. Like when you're outside saying goodbye, And he pulls you in close so your bodies collide.
Hoot Hoot Time to get up Hoot Hoot The moon is up.  
Humbled by pin drops Of dust And of fire Burning the darkness and filling the nothing Surrounding her, She closed her eyes and wished herself To a night where they couldn’t see her,
If you point your eyes directly at a star, expecting to see a brilliant sparkle in the black, you will be inexorably disappointed. Most stars are only visible in the periphery: they are too dim,
On a clear night, I look up and think that the sidewalk would rise vertical so that I may walk all those miles to the stars and on a bright morning as the sun still nudges the horizon,
Quel night, those timber windy woods and plains of shushing grasses The sky is very still while the earth slowly passes. Nothing stirs, no bird nor bear, across the country’s dim
The slumbers of night to me,
Raise our bottles to the purple nightWe'll bend these floorboards          weighed down with our voices.Shout the doors wide openfling the windows up                              erupt into the
Befriended street lamps' static humTimed steps slashed through electric buzzFled from the dawn's grey stainchased night with anxious breath                                              erupting
Sweet night, sliver lights, cool whispers in the wind, chilling voices in the dark, fears run wild in the dead of night, restless leaves in the air, excitement
The wind dances through my bones like chimes,
The dark The room The candle, I held it   So I looked I listened I stood, in awe
Walking home from my grandparents' house Skin soaking up the moonlight I pass the pond Stars, pinpoints, reflect on the glassy surface The frogs along the edges engaged In a symphony of sound
When I kissed her all I could do was yell love! I ran out to the moonlit night and I yelled love! And ever since I loves her and always will. 
Wake me upin the middle of the night.Knock on my doortil I turn on the light.Tell me you’ve seensomething out of a dreamin the skytonight.With a nudgeyou’ll persuade me
Night fades to darkness, with only the sound of crickets to hear. Clouds roll over the moon, creating a moment of fear. For even in night does the moon shed its light allowing us to see our way
A night owl isperched on a weeping willow,watching souls pass by.
The skies are black
I am the villian of my own choices and there is no one to blame
it is 4a.m. i peer down at christmas lights strung across dusty anthills. 6 stories and 1 roof high, my metaphorical hand grasps the closest metaphorical hand; knees are pressed up against backs for warmth.
All of our dreams have been the same- to spread our wings and take flight with the hot sun beating down and strong winds blowing.
Many nights I lie awake thinking of what to be until the thunder of the dream carries me to sleep howl Howl the wind blows fierce with its chill, me it pierced gentle gentle night has gone
When I look into night, The stars blue and burning wildly but silent, And I wonder of the worlds they light--
Thick clouds cover Darkness hovers In the sky The sun waves goodbye
Sunlight brings about fake smiles, and energy. Moonlight brings out the true self. The one who cries themself to sleep. While the sun shines we all play the role, as an actor on a stage.
I have the same routine when I wake up, In the morning. Put on my shirt and jeans Go to work. Typically I make coffee for breakfast, Getting two hours of sleep My body craves it.
The night air caresses me,
i have no energy to stay awake but no strength to drift to sleep im just kindof sitting here not living but just existing functioning as only a living human body while my soul shrivles and turns 
One can look at the stars One might see just pin points of light in the inky black sky One might see those points connected together in pictures and stories
Dear Moon let me bathe In your gentle rays; Let me dance in your light That make me secret pathways.
room spinning eyes watering cheeks flushing lips quivering heart burning  lungs ghasping  just an average night alone in the dark
                                    The red fills the corner of my mind.                                The clock ticks as the stars run out of time.                                      The day has begun, or is it over.
Every smile is not a smile within Whether its love or hate, its never an easy sin   Tears of both pain and joy are seen as one These tears have no name, are always unknown  
Dancing, swirling, threads and beads Reaching about the fragile frame. Entwined in the many strands Are my many horrible dreams. Many were caught in the never-ending web. Caught and never to escape
You are the green and I am the black That make up the northern lights. The light and the dark together; The most beautiful of the sky's sights.
Night looms dark and bleak; Abandoned path, ghosts of dreams; Only sorrow here.
July 7 1944 My dear beloved child,  I take with me your last image. "Make her be quiet! She's mad! Shut her up!"                   Her little boy stroked her hand.
we never got any sleep when we were together but it wasnt until you  walked away 
Goodnight my loves Goodnight for long To God I hope I'll see you all To God I'll pray "let me see another day" To God I hope that the sun will rise and the moon shall fall And I will be there to experience it all
When I’m on the white sand shore in the world of my muse, I could swear that it is during the death of night that the world is most alive.  
How I envy you, wanderer, how I envy your every move, your every emotion, your every thought. How I envy your paradise to have the stars themselves cover you as you wander eternally. 
A nimble spirit dancing this wayAnd that way, through the bare tree limbs;Resting for now, this moment.The breeze stirs translucentCelestial void;Cradled by Night,Exquisite,GorgeousNight. 
Talking to me now you'd never know The sound in my voice  The look in my eyes It's all a little deceiving  You'd never be able to tell what happened that nigh four years ago
im fighting hard to stay awake but all i can think about is the warmth underneeth these sheets lying hearts width apart  
Come hit this,I say, Come blow your trouble away. Let us bask in the night Let the hazy moon sway.    Come hit this, now,  Come forget your mind. Let's swing in the night,
As a child, I've always been hollow on the inside
The stars; so far yet so near. Though impossible, I can feel their soft whispers through the night. Rippling in my ear, each has a story to tell, A story of the beginning, the now, and the end.
The moon is indecisive it changes every night. And when the sun rises, the moon hides out of sight. The stars shine bright, like little kisses, in the morning light.
For the moment passing, fearful and somber,
In the blackest of the night, It glides through the overgrown grassand threw the sewers under the city streets.It swallows the minds of innocents.It rips into the lost souls.
Here we found our home
The incident happened, but nothing remains The silent night riddles with mystery Leaves blowing following unknown paths only to later settle in the wet murky puddle left behind by the rain  
The light flashes. Blinks, constantly, in the dark room.
Every night I lie awake, Unable to go to rest.   Every night I make choices, Choices that change my life forever.   Every night I think of my mistakes,
Night wasn’t your typical girl Her eyes shown like the full moon Against her dark blue hair Her smile twinkling like the stars
When most people look at the night sky The stars tend to catch their eye. But I, I look at that which I cannot see. The black in the sky fascinates me With its unknowable secrets
Life is a dayOf a thousand hoursA million secondsA millennia's worthOf cool breezes and breathsThat escape past our lipsIn smiles and sighs and laughsDrawn unsuspecting from our souls
Whenever I'm lonely, I go see my best, true friend. She's only home during the night, though I miss her throughout the day.
  A lost memory  
In the morning light A Poem by Larry Cruikshank
I love my job it's the best job i've ever had i get to dance i get to make conversations with strangers i even get to learn how some men react to voluptuous women 
A lot of the time I’m Mid-Night Black Fearing to be seen within the day Hurting to fit in with all that call me prey
Shadows playing tricks on me shallow is the night The wind whispers lies to me deceitful is the night Together they weave fairytales too good to be true
Tonight is the night in which we meet Under the moon I just want to say...
The unlawful romance that never seems to make it. doomed from the start because we all know there isn't a story book ending for me.
TO: All those who toss & turn late at nightFROM: InsomniaDATE: 12/30/2013SUBJECT: Late at night, what crosses your mind? 
The fiery beast falls, slain by the (k)night, His flame breath extinguished in the cool air As darkness engulfs the diminished light And strips its presence in the clear sky bare.
What a difference between night and day.
Can you not hear it Over the clamouring the streets, Over misty mountains peeks, Over crying of merry and meek, Or even applying to make discrete?   I say with jubilation
Won't you stay the night? To call me your "short-haired beauty" again. To stay up all night with me and talk. To tell me things of your past, present, and future. To hug me, maybe kiss me.
Growing tall around me, towering over my head Like gentle giants, they are ancient. In the vastness that is the universe, this earth is so small, But I am smaller. The blanket of night, which drapes itself over us,
Her toes barely touched
People sit up and worry about the times when i do cry public that is
The night is cold and still.
Whence comes the frightful night That e’er travels in such rude delight And wherefore does it cause strife Cutting hearts like brutal knife
Having burst his bubble and never washing his face for what might have been stubble on the run never knowing what is to come in the open sun or rain Watching close by for someone to stray
Your legs were too skinny for your shorts The day you walked into the room, your cotton shirt About to billow, as if it could, on the unseen zephyr of your shoulders:
Stars, starsCome aliveI need your guidence in the sky.Stars, starsCome aliveI need your help through this thick unknown.Stars, starsCome aliveAnd guide me with your light
During the dayYou're so bright,Through the shining sun.During the night, you're so dark,With the moon shining on your back.Weather expresses your emotions,Rain, sadness, snowy; madness,
I think a lot but I don’tspeak very often. Sometimes I feel more connected tosplattering rainfallthan actual people.
Dear You,
Dear You, 
You are a sturdy candle. Melted wax in a glass jar. I am a smaller, more dangerous tea light, not prone to shatter, but capable of faster fire. Some days your light does not shine on me; the wick refuses to twist and melt hot wax in my direction.
I can't feel a thing, sitting beneath another cold wind.Smoking an orgasmic note,Slips between your moan. Watching the night take another one.
Grab my jacket, grab my keysSneak down the stairs, a step creaks: Freeze!Listen for shuffling, all is clearResume my tiptoe, the door is nearGrab the knob, turn it to the sideOpen it slightly and see my ride
People mindlessly wandering around their souls never found. Where the ocean meets the shore,  is where these souls adore. Young children and adults alike, never alive to see this night.
What is day When all you know is night Shadows are invisible darkness becomes light   My eyes need not adjust This state will never change There's always 5 months of midnight
That storm was a woman.Once nearly silent; she sat away in the corner. Her beauty and sparkling eyes disguised her strinking tongue.
I never understood, The appeal of a sleeping face,   People, They sleep all kinds of ways, With their mouths half open, Drooling like dogs in the summer, Or even snoring,
When the light from the Moon shines down on the clouds, And the glow gives a silver sillouette to the grass, I cannot help but stare at it's beauty, And begin my adventure back to the past.
There is beauty in the night,Though it's not often seen.Such a peaceful sight,But stars seen through a screen.
Shall I compare thee to the deafening silence of night? How it is strong and angry, how it crushes my day into tomorrow, and keeps a lock around my sight. At times you grasped me so tight,
The stars were only sparks of the fire. Mercy! Oh, that fire! Do you see those flames? Surely it was all a nightmare.   Wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.
The moon tonight, over Little Bay Is a powdered pink color Floating just above the treetops Somehow, it does not reflect In the dark waters of Little Bay   I had never seen a pink moon:
I can feel the cold air on my face. The fan rattling. This blanket is draped over my body like the shame draped over my eyes. These walls are grey.
Here’s to you, here’s to me, Here’s to us and all that means, Here’s to the girl who is all alone, Here is to the child newly grown, Raise this one to all the teens crying,
  Night is serene It causes me to reminisce
Cold, dark A soft blackness Stars dot the midnight sky Somewhere, a tiny creature awakes Dawn comes
Cold, dark A soft blackness Stars dot the midnight sky Somewhere, a tiny creature awakes Dawn comes
Cold, dark A soft blackness Stars dot the midnight sky Somewhere, a tiny creature awakes Dawn comes
               " Two prisoners in chains and among them the young Pipel.                     In unison the nooses were placed around their necks.                                          All eyes were on the child.
At first, it was disconcerting; The feeling of being unable to rest. Now, I am comforted by it. My mind, it never sleeps-- Never quiets-- Never stops-- Never dies. I can feel it;
Whene’er the lustrous moon and stars appear My tiny world is filled with truth and bliss. The nighttime and the dark I do not fear For here is where I ponder life amiss. Here all my sibling’s bickering subsides.
The sun has blackenened,and the orbs of light show theirselves.Outside we wait for long moments, with only eachother and the presence of our mouths.
Your goodness reflected in my eyes When you began to rise Soul reflected across the sky I knew there my heart would lie. Beautiful yellow and blue colors, Warming me like electric covers.
Late at night Witching hour The stars a sight The baby’s sour
Waking in the dark, Struggling to find light. But what's there to see? The day is always night.   A world full of people, but here, I'm alone. What once was soul, Is not wimply bone.
  A white hair tie bound around each wrist The residue of charcoal mascara smeared onto her fingers She will watch the night turn grey and blue against her windowpane
Late lonely nights I wander aimlessly in the thick, suffocating darkness that dances in envy around the glistening liquid moonlight
We’ve only got one last night To light the town on fire I want to hold you tight Until morning dawns upon us
Our World... Rapacity! Where Men usurp the youth. Men who manifest greed, lust, power Illimiuniting Freud's Id through actions Alas! The youth replicate their Teachers. Cloned as the Men
With each breath I carelessly take I stay more alive as I lie in my wake Thinking, pondering, Sitting, wondering, Drifting away onto the next day
you shadow me with dissonancehaunting lingerlong, slender fingerpointing, trapping the night.i stop, you starebringing a world (a universe) of fright.hunger, beware,off in the distance,
Silver shining, lightly lying, beneath the bellowing clouds Creeping slowly, settling flowing, rising from the ground Not a whisper or a sigh, missing or awry, in the wondering eye
It's in the nightwhen I feel myself taking formthe midnight stars clothed in indigo velvetpressing on my flesh, my soulgiving it substance and I am being born
The children venture Into still deeps of forest, its edges ink black, A wall of silence. Their lantern held high Aloft, a sole point of light Within the void, Without the night.
The moon holds on for its dear life, as the morn' draws it's shape across the atmosphere. Stars blink, on, off, on, off. The starry shapes molding together all into one, one shape.
Slowly falling from the sky With the wind blowing harder and harder The day ends with a great sigh Fall ends with the start of winter   Slowly falling from the clouds A breeze hits with a plow
Silent, bright-eyed, constantly watchingThe holes in darkness for a time stay lastingBut when time dies down all matter changesThe gaps are sewn, it rearranges
My pen touches the paper.The ink slowly flows.The world spins idly byAs my story steadily grows.
My mind wanders to the peeling paint To the bleeding stars in the night sky My eyes scan the bland nothingness My lips murmur to the silence There's soft music in the darkness An entire concert in my ear
The roaring of the seas, Clogs my ears for me. Fears pound around my head, Hidden now and then, By rising droplet armies,
Miles away apart from grace, I need your love to guide me through; where no fear is ever known. Though seclude, I feel right at home. Late at night, like my overseer  I feel you watching my every move.
The kindness in the smile of a little girl. Fearless and free...the world not yet clawing away her freedom to love, sees through eyes as clear as the sea with an embrace as warm as the sun.
Night, dear night, How your moon does shine bright. But the nightmares and horrors Of your dark sullen moods Surely cast over your stars. That twinkle and gleam with all their might
Based off of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou   The Day roars sunlight at the first break of morning and sheds out his mane till only his sun commands and pounces happily in his playful freedom.
I have caught myself, talking to my mind again. It’s alright, nothing to worry about. I like it that way. Being in a place where you are me and I is you. We are all the same. We are all myself. Now the thoughts are creeping in.. Because lately you
The morning comes, And the feeling of you next to me dispels. How cruel my mind is to me; It made me believe, That the dream of you Sleeping next to me, Was reality. I could have sworn
And in the dark we come to grasp The feelings we can’t in the light For these are the demons we possess Or perhaps possess us
You’re my Marlboro Red in the dead of night A single amber glow amid the choking blackness  But oh how you will never understand  the way your embers light up my soul Scorching me black from inside out 
I'm used to this feeling, the loneliness. Asking me why, I'm lonely.he's not here to hold me,in this lonely place. When this feeling comes,The razor comes wrists bleed.
Shiver silver light Silken, lonely, in the rural night, Breathing strange souls into shadows, Slips over my skin. Revealing just enough to intrigue. Wrapping reality with a dream
Children of Light, must fight the night. To protect the innocent’s dreams. Gird on your sword of sharpened light, Children of Light, must fight the night. Strap on your polished armor bright,
I could be a Star...for You But you didn't want just one.  You wanted a Sky Full.  Now I have nothing left  to shine about,  be bright for.   Star light,  
in light snow you take the ferry to the island a cold wind blows and you wrap your coat around you.   dark water sloshes snowflakes like glitter floating on the surface
When darkness falls he raises his head. He's free, not a servant of the light. He ventures to paths no-one has tread, Keeping the night obscure and bright.   Is there a reason for irony such as this?
The darkness around can't get any darker   and the sound of my thoughts can't get any louder  
Late at nightVodka on my breathCan't sleep, can't escapeNeed to get awayShadows in my mindShowing under my eyesWill to live fadesWith the light of the dayStruggling to breathe
Waiting and watching for the sun to sink. To witness the colors that will paint the sky. All the different hues,
The sun sleeps And grey weaved Cotton balls envelope The moons shine Glimmers of eyes peak through And smiles streak the sky   Everything is dueling under A black cloak
Shut the door Turn off the light Close the blinds It's an artificial night.   Shut out the light, The blinding white Give me the dark I want an artificial night.  
The night tears through my mind Leaving me wide-eyed in the dark I need a light. To remind me that my fears aren’t real. Aren’t here.
The sun dost pass through the sky in the blink of an eye; ‘Tis but the foreshadow of the cometh of my foe. If only it would stay a bit longer, My sorrows might there be forgotten;
The last pink beams of radiant sun splash behind the trees, reluctantly revealing the night. Cool summer air, illuminated only by soft beams of a gently glowing moon, brushes against the leaves.
Secretly the moon dances with the stars, Across the night sky, They shift and glitter against the darkness of life, Two dancers in love as their love shines down. Maybe in the moon's silver gaze, We too,
How I love the night Darkness surrounds me Cloaking me in a deep sheet of stars A mysterious never ending shadow An intoxicating view with brilliant stars The feeling it gives is everlasting
Today, I’m missing my one true star, thinking about how we would be together, having fun, riding a space car, through the vast galaxy forever.
Why am I so inspired? I'm not tired. It's almost midnight, But I got to write. Words in my head, Won't let me go to bed. I'll just let them flow, Until they get slow.
Why am I so inspired? I'm not tired. It's almost midnight, But I got to write. Words in my head, Won't let me go to bed. I'll just let them flow, Until they get slow.
The night has driven from its darkness, A light from afar is yet unbelievably warm, I see a woman, a woman of beauty, Her glow as bright as the moon, Her heart unknown to mankind, Hair soft as silk,
Late at night, my thoughts come to play Dancing in my head, each leap of thought a new a brilliant point Sometimes bright and full, sometimes melancholy All creating a glorious web in my mind’s theater
As night falls over me The stars shine bright The birds stop chirping And it’s past midnight The stars vanish And now it’s too dark What was that noise? In the distance – a bark
when you're mine, we can have all the hot summer sex we want and we don't even have to put our clothes back on when we're done either
There are some drives Down the open flat of The coast highway, where we had hair Whipping against our cheeks, stinging, As the effect never shown in pictures.
Truth everlasting as night turns to dawn, The stars peek out to dance on the pond. Reflecting the weary, healing the meek, Spinning and weaving a story incomplete. Follow the tale and the travelers that dance,
Corners of eyes, Crinkle like parched riverbank, Parchment paper being crushed slowly, Arching eyes a deep, Coffee-colored luminescence, Which white ignites, Reflected from the cars’ strident headlights.
he finds his way home after a night lost in the city the sound of the highway murmurs softly and he shakes while lying in his bed his body rumbles as he sits up to take off his shoes
He doesn't know what the sunrise looks like, He hasn't seen it in a while, He rises in the afternoon, because his nights are filled with fear and gloom.
He doesn't know what the sunrise looks like, He hasn't seen it in a while, He rises in the afternoon, because his nights are filled with fear and gloom.
We walked by night, dropped our troubles As though the water we tried to avoid cleansed us, But it didn't, did it? We walked on in conversation or in silence, And either way I felt privileged to be by your side.
Breathing, Thinking, Alive. I am alone once the sun falls and the moon takes its place
Breathing, Thinking, Alive. I am alone once the sun falls and the moon takes its place
Walking in the black mist, I feel an impending sense of doom. I see nature on either side of me, But I feel all alone.
Loveless light of the moon Rises only at night Hiding Partially or Fully Stays up for only the nocturnal Full moon Completely exposed Not doing so often Goes back to a comfortable shield
Twilight engulfs me. I lose myself within its shadows. I no longer exist. I am part of the faceless dark. I hate the night.
Your brown eyes enchant me While My insides haunt me With wings of butterflies flapping around Breaking the spider webs for a new era My thoughts provoke me to say shut-up While my heart is whispering speak up
In the black of night the fear is found, An om'nous glowing Baskervillian Hound.   To fight it is to stay awake and pray, And wait for comfort from the dawn of day.  
The moon, so bright and glorious be, The light, for such a time as night, impossible! Is such a light possible Shining brightly above as I sleep? My sweet dreams, tender and deep
I envy the sheets that wrap and twist around you. I envy the pillow where you rest your head. I envy the floorboards to which you whisper your sleeping secrets and that catch your seldom tears.
I run through the streets, pitter-patter Darkness on my heels I keep moving, leaping, flying-fast The world running past Darkness ahead draws nigh and the street-lights Stand against the stars
Fast the day shall haste to greet thee Haste to greet thy slumb’ring form From twilight’s soothing arms arrest thee Tossing dreams out to the cold
That night The earth smelled so rich And inside I ached. Loneliness, Even though so many people Were laughing. I was grasping night air With my fist And wondering why
Beneath the moonlight I make my way, Clearing out the fog From the glare of day. The darkness tempts But does not take. She dances to me, But does not seduce. I do not deny her,
Beauty's in the stars. That's why people stop and stare. When did you last look?
Melodic perfection winds through my ears and finds my heart. Authentic purity overcomes me in the length of a cleansing sigh. I am an extension of the music.
Blue were the skies. As soft as his eyes. I fell in love at first sight. Singing softly in the pale moonlight Can you be mine tonight?
Shining in the darkness A sea of golden stars Twinkling at me every night. The peace of the silence lulls me to sleep The shimmering beckoning me To a land of dreams and adventure.
Floating on the breeze, Midnight flies on wings of soft feathers. Sighs of abandonment caress it's down.
(Sometimes) I think about how we used to be (I lay) pondering the good times before you broke my heart and I was (up) missing you at all hours I think about your smile laugh and voice (and cry)
Shall I compare thee to a winter’s night? Like icy snow, the blistering winds doth blow Thou art just as cruel, and filled with spite Those cold, cruel seeds reaped, in thy soul hath sowed
It hurts. Flash. Flash. White on a black background. They strike up like pale flashes of moonlight in the void of space. No stars. Tha-dump. Thudump. Tha-tha-dump.
The moon rose from her throne in the sky just one inch, tonight. There is something too pure about the night. Not "pure" as in "innocent". But "pure" as in still.
I am the moon When the light fades And the world turns a blind eye, I become alive. I show myself to only the darkness, Ane become The soul of the night. The stars puncture the darkness
The full moon, the dark sky. It never leaves my mind. It guides me all the way, through the twists and turns. You burn a mild orange now and again like that of the autumn color leaves.
Blue and black with stars and clouds. Moon shining full, shadows are shrouds. We lay on our backs, gazing into the sky. Frost seals the ground, but up here, we can fly. Past midnight,
The feeling of my mind carrying the burden of all of the weight of the cement bricks hanging unwantedly from my eyelashes.
TO BREAK FATE   I’ll be lonely forever If I can’t feel you here I wish I knew you better Cause you might just disappear   I don’t know your name But I shall play your game
The ticking of your heart has become my nighttime sonnet And no words can verbalize into sentence of how I feel The moonlight has slowly began to dance through your hair
Hopes and dreams crash like a meteor falling The outcome is inevitable, so why are you stalling? You knew what would happen; who would win How could anyone love you? You’ve committed too many a sin.
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