Mother's Wings
Children’s cries calm her pounding heart
Pangs of travail drain from their raw start
At last love manifests in blood-flushed flesh
Spirits sparkle in the commitments made fresh
You both are mine as gifts yielded from Father’s love
How suddenly you came from constellations above
I will care for you beyond the span my strength shall extend
Under my wings shall you dwell ‘til angels call us to ascend
Dreams inspire us as the twinkling of a star lights skies reigned by shade
Wishes bubble from the wellspring of life as ambitions must be prayed
Never lose heart though tempests from this tormented world will force us to part
Look to the stars where our tears depart to see the day we meet in the rampart
Love reaches beyond the chasm of space unuuunited
Our futures are banded by blood-stained grace