The First Night
Don't you dare believe I just 'left' you.
My love will always burn inside of me for 'My Boo",
For you're the first and only who I let take a chunk of me.
It stabs me inside knowing I waited 20 years for an AIT fling,
I wish to take myself back from you sometimes,
For I am disappointed for not keeping my promise to my body.
I have exposed my flesh to man in every way it can.
No piece of me will be saved for whose soul walks with mine.
You changed me in more ways than you can imagine.
Yes, you.
You're naïve to what you have exposed to me and don't second guess the marks you left on me.
No, not the ones left on my skin, but the ones that take seeds from my soul.
For you have made a permanent mark on my body and heart that can't ever be taken back.
It drowns a part of my soul as I am flooded by your leftover touch that burned through my skin,
And your illusive voice that rings through my ears.
My thoughts are struggling to gasp for air above the crashing waves,
and my heart beats against my chest trying to run away from the tar you poured into me.
I don't know when the storm will calm or when my heart will stop trying to escape.
But I will be okay.
One day.
As I whisper to myself
When I lie alone with no one but my cold body,
terrifying thoughts,
aching bones,
longing skin,
racing mind,
raging anger,
poisonous tar,
and the secrets from the wind of the storm choking me.
But I will be okay.
One day.
As I whisper to myself
When I lie alone.
Without you.