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She lays in crabgrass
Leaves strung by raindrops
Strung lightly over red earth
On black hill
Beneath clouds
Muddled blue
They wander south
She stays
I'm finally here, I'm finally here
I've dealt with the rigid coral
I've gone through the rocky reefs
And I faced all this
As I flowed through the river
I remember when I was just a little stream
The wild waters of the Nalón
Cut through mountains over time
A separation of lovers
But now a river runs
Creating water for crops
Let me wash myself in the current of your gentle waters,
Where the caress of your wave’s cleanses not just my skin,
But the very essence of who I am, leaving me reborn.
Let me drink deeply from the fountain of your love,
The sun, a splinter,
Breathed the light,
Touching the eye
... Shows dew as it is,
I stand on the bank on the other side
And look back to where I started
Before I crossed the raging currents
I feel a great sense of relief
The flailing in the water,
When I am at the river I am a child again traipsing enthusiastically across her shores. When I am at the riverI search for flat rocksto skip across the water, gigglingas they bounce four, five, six times. When I am at the riverI wade into the crys
at the edge of the world
I stand and take in
the spray of waves on my face
the expanding sky
at the edge of the ocean
I wait for a sign
My feet hang down, warmed by the freezing water
My soles brushing the pebbles that cover the bottom
It feels as though the water is trying to drag my body away
Of Earth born and all shall return
We age till of the urn we yearn
Of Air we need and of that we plead
Knowing that soon of pain be freed
Of Fire aroused ire, soon all shall tire
Winter…. Is awful
I spend five months (give or take) a year
Every year suffering
In the cold
And the wind
And the frigid expanse of dim lighting
And depressed employees
All for what?
I write a lot of my poems from my bathtub floor
Soaking up sadness til the water gets cold
Til my silence grows old
Til my tears meet the water
And the stanzas are told
I have tears in my eyes for Haiti
At Christmas
But I am not crying
At the midnight mass
Tears could not stop flowing
Stretching between the sheet of blue,
Clouds spotted the bright blue sky,
The river glided, twisted and flew,
The birds, too hot in the sun to fly,
As the wind spun tufts of bright red dust,
So you ask me why I hate you
And all I can muster is "because"
You ask me because why
And I tell you "because I don't"
Well you don't what
"I don't hate you and that makes me hate you"
From underneath a plush flora bedGaea emerges tranquil grassy facedflowery dreadlocks hang from her headfrom underground and her outstretched handwaterfall refreshing, a pond being fed,
Raging river from shallow fallscarves a gully amidst the bankseroding sullen earth's gauntletsqueezing it between twisted ranksplunging into the dark abysstumbling over the rocky planks
Spears of light reach towards the heavensas flames illuminate along waters edgeprotruding rock pyramids silhouettes,the sun is falling off the horizonas its beams hold the glow across the sky
Elementals of the worldwe all need to survivenot only to withstand their damagebut needing them to sustain our lives.
In losing, but still finding
In finding, feeling lostness
In dreams achieved, you’ll notice
The unavoidable abyss
The chasm of the chase: ever yearning, never sate
Thinking about you and seeing you in an every imaginations. Yet crave your voice to hear, can't get asleep I think I fell in the water for you. Love in the air. Thinking about you.
Washing clean the rocks in A rainbow of thick moisture spraying off into the opaque depths Tangled streams of rain rushing quicker than gravity Eloquence of beauty translated into the speech of Roaring mist and pounding spray that careens into poo
Time was like water,
But you were like wine
Sweet ocean, bruised and black
Bleeding the times
Time was like water but you were like wine
Sweet ocean, bruised, black, and bleeding the times
Yeah, time was like water but you were wine
I cant remember when you were mine
A drop of water.
Insignificant, invisible, powerless
Falling down,
Onto the surface of a pond.
Creating a ripple,
Logged between the row of housesand the grassy banksruns the canal;it waters shimmering in the sunrays,twinkling like diamonds, The canal shimmering in Sunrise,as shadows dance within,the sun throwing his rays,like diamonds on the running canal. T
birds twitter abouthidden pond comes into viewwater laps softly.
© 2018 Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
I'm awful sure
i never liked that damned book;
i always rushed through chapters
so i could read anything else
before the bell rang.
But when I open the windows nowadays
Who left the tap on?
When his building storm spills out,She is made to carry the overflow
He refuses to call a plumberAnd there’s only so much flooding this room can take
You know, when you’re drowning, you don’t actually inhale until right before you black out.
The instinct to not let any water in is so strong that you won’t open your mouth until you feel like your head’s exploding.
Nature is my home,
it inspires me to be who I am
the outdoors is a stress reliever, a safe place.
No drama. No gossip. Just peace
Nature is a place where you are persuaded by your own thought
the ice learned that she did not have to be rigid like the earth she clung to.
calling out for themself,
they reached out,
let the sun in,
What is water
Is it wet
H2O what is that
A colorless and odorless substance found all over earth
Down the rivers, waterfalls, lakes, streams, creeks
The waters should be wary of the company that comes close to its mud rich borders
Listen close, not to the woods that gives you its greetings
I let my head fall back
Held up by nothing but the buoyancy of salt and water
My body relaxes, slowly sinking down into the depths
A million shades of blue.
Water’s rushing in
Filling the holes
Blinding the eyes
Hurting the soul
Water’s rushing in
Leaving the innocent helpless
You say I'm like water
That can mean many things
Water can be smooth and calm
Gentle, cool to the touch
Water doesn't stay in one place
It doesn't settle down much
Hot water deeper than the length of my hand.
Three false candles illuminate the darkness.
Like a dealer with cards Pandora shuffles.
The legs started going,
Kept awake with water,
Arrogantly telling myself
I’d stay straight.
Drank gin and wine,
Went out,
Tried to buy more,
Maid of the Yonder,
I call upon your brilliance of hope.
Eyes bright like the sparkles of the sea,
Lost in memory, stumped in desperation-
May this song appease the tears you hold.
Goodbye and thank you to the Ocean
Thank you for the memories
The nights of walking along the beach
The waves as they crashed at our feet
Thanks for the breeze blowing wind through our hair
Shed your skin of cotton with dirt and grime complete. Feel the smooth brown marble floor that’s cold against your feet. Turn the metal handle, almost entirely to the left. Feel the frigid arctic water that takes away your breath.
until the day I was dropped
my foot held above water
it breaks me now being told that I was unwanted
until the day I was dropped my foot held above water
it breaks me now being told that I was unwanted
infantile amnesia couldn't take the recurring dreams of the deep dark waters below
I am by Christopher White
I am a fisherman with a rod
I hear the water beating the soft rocks that lie in streams
Now the leaves are turning to shades of oranges, yellows, and reds, 1
and the ash of yesteryear's past has eluded me, as have my regrets. 2
My name
My claim to fame
See I'm Waiting on a chain from a music mogul like the melanin filled money-makers sold out on the block
Which is ironic cause now were selling on the block
Rain droplets fell large and pure from the clouds above.
Those become snowflakes.
Droplets fell continuesly and soundlessly
with time and efforts.
Some of them are toxic that fell
to be wicked and unclean.
The world is at its end,
A primal war has begun.
Mother Nature’s children are fighting
To see who’s the strongest one.
Who will win this war?
Of What Waters Do We Rise?
From the depths of the Sea?
The muck beneath the Reefs?
Do we Cluster and Meet?
Or do we simply Be?
Do we brush by the Creatures and say Hi?
The sunrise and the lake tides merged together as I sat on the cold stone concrete
The colors of the sky dripped into color and the tides moved as precise as a heartbeat
Lost among the wandering waves
Caressed by the windy days
I’m alone and content
As I float in the sea-drift
Far overhead gulls cry, “Land ahead!”
On the block, legs shaking head pounding,
Breath in, breath out, take your mark, Go!
Jump in with your might.
As you are going, heart pounding, Butterflys roaring
This is where you belong.
The bottom of the ocean.
Not viewable to anyone. 95 percent unknown.
Yet, many people do not fear it. I am not one of those people.
Yet, my senior project was to swim one mile.
It is not that deep
It will cool you off
It makes my hard shell become soft
The dangers of the big blue
The one that cleanse you
Look at my face
Look at
I know her
These thin lips
Small eyes
Large cheeks
My eyelashes are short
But long enough for their purpose
I can't watch the sunsetbecause it hurts my chest
but I like the way the waves crash against the shoredragging it back down with the tide
The rain is my peace.
My eyes were the ocean.
My heart in ruins.
I shook violently as the droplets struck me.
The rain is my peace.,
For she cannot see my tears.
To win my heart, cross my roads To get my love, you knock my doors Let's to start, to earn cruise To build a nest within love rose Adore you much, looking forward To keep in touch, even one word Eager to fly, to reach sward Where your f
the waves
against the shore
how it tickles your ankles
lapping up against the shore
even as it crashes hard
the water coming to
your waist
knocks you back
but comes around
The weight of the waves relentlessly presses down
Crash after crash, no air left in my lungs
Petrified, no energy to lunge
No other hope but to drown
But even the air of the deep
Clear like glass cup
Uncovered by sunlight.
No greenhouse gases are emitted.
Happy changes for ours to foray, that theirs were oceanand of black God, so could you know Ocean god was thisogod, or primal bei is hei. Thes lors, ast ou, ocean wasblack and fear, could know you in? No. But this deep could
Hey, you. Yeah, you!
Have you had enough water today?
. . .
Take care of yourself!
(I say this 'cause I love you!)
There's mystery in the depths of the sea.
She is like a second home to me;
It's a place where I want to see miracles and breathe tranquility.
She is the most beautiful of all existence.
Sitting along the waters edge the wind flows gently across the water stirring the current slightly. Rocks and earth bellow the water, as the water glides downstream it eases the senses to a place of calm.
I see the world in its beautyOthers see me in fear
I see the world in its graceOthers see me and sneer
Something calls me outA shriek, a scream, a screech
Be as Water
Be as water,
Flowing from falls into silt,
Creating pools and streams,
Moving around rocks
And through openings in
Masses of reeds.
Be as water,
and I am sitting in my bed and
i see the water turn my doorknob,
dissolve the door hinges
and all I can think is that “orange” is
the only word that has ever seemed to rhyme
Words like water,
wittling mountains into mines,
carving cathedrals into canyons.
Epitaph like earth,
steadfast in resolve,
yet constantly changing.
Fierce like fire,
Loving you came in waves.
At first, the water only touched my toes
With text messages and winking emojis
Then the water was to my ankles
You texted me every day,
It didn't matter what we talked about
You touch the water and recoil
I touch it and it comforts me
My hands numb to the pain thw water should create
My skin, bright red but unfeeling
This pain doesnt leave a constant reminder
With her eyes closed
she jumped
hitting the cool lake water
opening her eyes under water
she could see all the magical life it had to offer
I settled into the porcelain
coffin, tiny bubbles and
waves rippling, cascading
over the past and the
My feet rose with the
crack, an existential
break in the mold of
a sky of blackbirds and blue jays
does never cross my mind
as much as deserts and cacti
all be in short supply.
and though i of the sea proclaim
the safety of my heart
Thankful, I AM thankful for my life and the people that made it so.
who I now know as the first God I ever met, I AM bone of her bone flesh of her flesh.
The saying goes,
"If you place a frog into boiling water,
It will immediately jump out.
But if you place a frog in lukewarm water
And slowly turn up the heat,
It will stay in the water
Until it dies.
I hear the sound of water,
gurgling, flowing, breathing with life
The sound of water slapping stones,
pushing past the verdant reeds
I hear the water join the song of a child,
Rooms capture nothing
Without wallpaper
Coverless books
Dangle bare
Eroding the roots
Of cotton-bound truths
bring me whipped-cream foam
on top of sea-salted air
don't forget the occasional delicacy
from the unknown shore
where other customers are waiting--
here, bring them this feather
Why do you make me see the world the way I do?
Why can't I see it the way I did before all the bad news?
Why are you showing me the pain from people around me?
Why do people find comfort in you when I can't?
If you were to ever be looking for me
I'll be where I feel the most free
Standing with my feet in the water
Wondering about a second life
The return of the rain heralds ages of growthwhere leaves left forgotten to their last ending goeth.
The return of the rain hails the heel of old firesmakes moss meet to grow on tall boreal spires.
The trees they sway.
The wind convey,
Their branches all a ’swinging.
The breeze can whisper,
Make you shiver,
On feathery wisps a ’winging.
The wind grows louder,
Tall waves crash,
High breakers bash,
"Strong am I"
It says midst clash,
"For Fire burns,
And Stone can churn,
And Man can Learn,
But Sea can last."
Driving home.
Went straight instead of left and
ended up at the dock
facing that water
running under and out from me to the foot of the colossal mountain
there's this jellyfishstuck in my headhe swims there day and nightand lights up the darkinside of my skulla bioluminescent, fluorescent jellyfishswollen and pinkhe likes to shock me
Those who love to swim learn the allure in the underneath:
a clear pool seeing fearless feet loving to be weightless;
an ocean, an unfamiliar world radiating life.
Vulnerability is still breaths while under water,
Dear Writer's Block, You have so much to say to a piece of paper,but I'm standing right hereplease acknowledge me,and tell me all you know. Your words are like rainI long for it during drought,to hear the drumming music,and wipe it across the sky
Free and flowing,It glides along the banks,On a journey of it’s own Sometimes rushing,At other times calm and glassy.
The earth sits, bare.
How it wishes for there to be
One to bring water to the deserted field.
Let the seeds of the beautiful flowers and trees
Grow and grow until the bareness
can no longer be seen.
Dear Water, I never thought I’d fear you.
Water, why were you rising so fast?
Water, you surrounded me and everyone I love.
Water, you took away so many lives.
Death is slow
Like a sick flower with bleak petals that no longer grow
One by one, the petals begin to fall
Unable to avoid the final death call
Frantically sinking into the Sea of Death
Trying to catch a single breath
A breath of life
That--- for a moment--- can take away the constant strife
Dear Water,
You have always been the love, Life of my Body.
From my very existence, I have had you,
By my side nurturing me. I could not live,
The beach,
where the ocean overflows with joy at the presence of her visitors.
Aching to touch, yearning to love.
Her waves push forward onto the beach to wash upon your toes.
You are the sun, I am the moon.
Not entirely related,
Not entirely necessary to have one for the other to survive.
But both entirely important,
But both entirely loved.
I want to go where the water meets the land.
There is a balance there.
There is no sound like that which sand and lapping water share.
Because I Love You
I’ll believe in you
Better yet
I’ll listen to you
As a matter of fact I’ll die and come back as Bruce Lee for you
And make myself like water
No form, No border
I can feel you slipping through my fingers
What we once had was so solid I could grip it.
At times, it was all I could hold on to.
Now - you are falling, falling, falling...
Dripping away.
Waves washing overhead,
And I am nothing but a grain of sand
Sitting aimlessly on the ocean floor.
Just learning how to swim.
Man lives and dies
By the same power.
Water sustains life and drowns life.
Fire kindles life and consumes life.
Why, God, must life end?
Why must You give life
And take life in the same way?
Step one is to think statistically To believe that you are different and unable Boy, You are not superhumanYou are neither Jesus nor Michael Phelps, so don’t you dare swim More than fifteen meters in
Today marks the middle of August, And quite possibly the middle of my life. But how can that be true when I’m only 16? Do I have a disease? Did I get into an accident that shortened my life? Or may it just be because of the people around me. Calli
He is a body of water I never tiptoe around
I plunge headfirst arms firmly at my sides
The depths are intoxicating, I breathe all the same
How do you sleep with so much in your head
like a train circulating a mountain, full speed
it's hard for you to go to bed
like a victim fighting to be freed
my mind gives me no peace
Liquid Gold.
Not for long the sun will scold
Destiny will unfold
And dry up the foundation of life
As the coal burns.
We are giving up our fight
To do what is right
Once upon a time on a hot summer day, the boys were being boys and the girls they played.Outside throwing frisbees, throwing footballs and the sound of jumping rope.A little black girl had a dry throat.As thirsty as can be she rushed in scurry lik
I miss the form. The elegant beauty of the landscape. That's what I'll call it,
The landscape
It was like a landscape
Long and lean, tended to
Graceful and wind blown
I told you I was water.
You said you loved the rain.
Yet, my touch made you shiver.
And it turns out
That depth terrifies you.
And I,
Well I was the ocean.
-Harleigh Stillwell
Where has my strength gone?
I used to
I used to be so tough
Never sleeping and all
Wave by wave, I slipped up, grades sank
And now I sink too
Buoyancy, my old friend, is all I'm riding on
never ever will i write a poem
that i need to put away and get out later
i like the flow of the sink and the faucet of my thoughts
that at the granite of my pencil, the faucet can churn
a powerful stream of water
You look at me
My liberty
You smile, laugh, point
What was once a democracy
Is now an atrocity
Totalitarian in nature
But your fascist roots
They run deep
I see them
Blue Ash
Deep Sea Dive
In Here I Thrive
Water engulfs me as I drift away,
In this beautiful blue I wish to stay.
Feeling Alive
Deep Sea Dive
Water flows
as a part of the outdoors
It shimmers in the sea just beyond the sandy shore
And it sits in your cup… so imagine it no more
Yesterday I looked into my teacupAnd saw the oceanI drank the ocean I was the oceanBefore I was a massive blue expanse stretching into a sapphire line where the sky meets meI was a boyI was a small drop of water on the mountain peakFindin
Standing at the ocean of my mind
My fears like the waves lap at my toes
At the edge of my thoughts
Aggressive crashes and angry foam
Threaten to drag me under
The crunch of your boots sends my sister quaking in fear.
I hate you,
But I am grateful you drained her of tears.
Water is precious.
I want to be something to give to people.
I want my words I one day write,
to make people feel something.
To be so strong, they feel like you’ve been punched in the gut.
Forgive me for I cannot see
My eyes have been taken,
My body into the sea
A bag of bones floating on the river's surface
A victim of circumstances,
Out of my control,
Smooth as water.
But is water smooth?
Do you think I'm smooth only because you cant grasp me?
Once I solidify and turn into ice will you still like me?
Even when I numb your fingers with frostbite?
Cool water floods my mouth, curing my drouth.
Unless I'm underwater, then my life's thread is tauter.
A single tear of mines falls into the sea & turns the oceans tide.
A bellowing depression sucking my soul deep into sadness is the whirlpooling vortex of the blue pulling the fisherman below.
Fishy, fishy,
Swim, swim, swim,
What's it like inside your bowl?
Is it hot or cold?
Out here, in the air,
The temperature is fare,
But the serene life of you,
Blue hands.
Blue lips.
Blue lungs.
Blue hearts.
Sinking down.
To the vast blue ocean
Of my stomach.
I am water,/Flowing and ebbing and dipping,/Murmuring a silent scream,/My emotions are like a waterfall/rushing, never stable./ I am the earth/Crumbling, shaking, tremoring,/Cold, warm/without voice, without choice,/Alone, and overrun./ I am fire.
I would like to learn how to draw an otter
My mother’s at sea and I’m her daughter
I daren’t go; I’m so scared of water
Words are like water. They flow from the mouth as if it were a waterfall.
They cause rain in the form of teardrops to roll down the mountains
puddles reflect many wonders
they tales tales that make one ponder
but beware for they reflect the present wonders
Only oneself can create future wonders
Oh puddles you make me ponder
The water ripples silently
Like all my thoughts combined,
I listen for the creak of oars;
Such sound I cannot find.
You’ve been away too long, My Love,
A single loon floated above the winter
Harbor mist. Gliding between masts of sunken,
Broken ships. Swirling circles like an eclipse
Of the moon. An entrancing stillness heard there
I don’t get stream of consciousness writing style. Sorry Virginia Woolf, I have too much running through my brain to have to comprehend what’s trickling through yours.
Boom! You are stuck on an island.
No, not the actual island where there is sand surrounded by water, palm trees giving shade, and little critters burrowing themselves in the sand.
I’m 60% water
Every cell in my body is living
For that intricate H2O
I persevere to stretch
My ambitions
To be boundless
Like the water
That sneaks and slides
It’s crisp and clear
It can suddenly appear
It’s cold or hot
It’s necessary for a yacht
It’s refreshing and thirst-quenching
Sometimes it’s drenching
It’s cooling in the heat and freezing during sleet
Let’s cruise into the most divine abyss,
The ocean of wonders! How dare squander.
Let’s get lost in the sea, the best of bliss.
The further we go, the more I wander.
I am crafted like jello
from hot and cold water,
and I look like gems
My dog has taught me
love is lovely and clumsy
and slobbery
Our words will stumble from my memory,
and I will not feel any emptiness
When the sun's light sees her own reflection
In me.
And then I will miss you no more
I will walk with quiet footsteps;
By Bethany Hughes
On a deserted island;
water would be necessary to drink,
to survive.
Flowing throughout my body,
through yours,
Salt! do not drink it;
Needs to be purified to consume.
Ingested in this state makes you vomit,
Possibly put you in a tomb.
Without it you’ll meet your doom.
This cannot wait.
A cell phone,
The big flat-screen TV.
The materialistic things in life
That have become so commonplace,
The easy answer for, "what can't you live without?"
Well, I say something else.
Her hand danced on water
Her feet like a ballerina's
That smile reflects beauty
Her skin flawless
How could she be real?
Did she come out of my dreams?
That waterfall hair
Deep blue eyes
I am going to live
I am going to run with the stars and
Scream at the sky
James Joyce will hold my hand
And we will walk in a connected world
As the trees mutter a familiar tune
Stranded for hours on this lonely island
Nothing to comfort or guide me.
Not a bite to eat or book to read,
Not a soul to sit beside me.
But my hope floats out on the water.
I kill myself
Slowly but surely
Because I delve
Into black lagoons.
The darkest depths
Swaddle me, surrounding
Swirling chaos engulfs my feet
Yet my heart is a welcoming port
As those wicked waves batter the gentle world
Ever selfish gulls are rising in arcs,Knowing the waves and moreIn their squabble.
Watching waves isn't watching water.
They fight like the gulls.
Restless and cooking,They're one, long groan.
If I were to travel,
to the dull gravel,
passed the brilliant water,
I'd bring my otter,
there's no dispute,
he's super cute,
so he'd be the one,
that would bask in the sun,
I sowed seeds with love and hope
Scattered them on earth
Giving them lots of space
And warmth by burying it in soil
Nurtured it with manure and water
Sunlight and air will help me I was sure
As it roars and trickles
against the rocks
As it gushes and dribbles
and never stops
it will always stay blue and true
its all about water
While it may seem obvious,
I simply must point out
that what I need for living
is the thing that causes droughts.
When stranded on an island
with this necessity all around
I actually could swim in it
Ocean eyes keep me in sight
Its hand tenderly holding mine
Ensuring I’m kept in the light
The rolling waves, embellished with the unknown
I gasp in fear as I for the first time see
The frightening, frothy foam around me
With selfish fright, I see the swiftness of the water
Flowing steadily to you, my father
Two Hydrogen One Oxygen
The one compound I need
To solve all of California's problems
To grow all fruits and greens
To be able to build a sturdy sand castle
Fluid and solid in my dreams
In the corner sits my daughter,Her skin dry and lips chapped<br>She begs those who walk by for water<br>The people walk by, their responses are apt<br>No says one woman, we need some for us<br>Although my daughter cries, an
A boat breaks down with every crash of the ocean's waves The salt is a catalyst carving in the wood, Small and detailed caves Sail is ripped and battered the treasures of the boat in the water they are scattered
Like a misty, ocean morning,
smokey blue
pale enough to be grey,
cobalt towards the western cliffs.
A fisherman sets out in the early chill
with a fire lit lamp.
It's glow shocking life into
What I would give to be in Wyoming.
Where mountains hug the sky
and the wind whispers stories of yesterday.
Where lakes mirror dusty pine trees
and Father Sun is close enough to burn sunflowers
I create the life within you
the colours you see
the vibrance in the atmosphere
I create the flowers the trees
I provide for the creatures of this earth
including yourself
Heard trumpets from afar this morning,
closed my eyes to embrace a memory
of warm winds and white sand.
The smell of salt water and Caribbean cuisine laid still in my mind,
for a brief second.
Strangled by the showerhead
She answers but she doesn't speak
She's too busy staring at the wall
Making sure it doesn't leak.
She sways and sinks, continues to think
"It's a fair world"
Heard often.
"Humans are all equal."
Another saying.
Five miles away, a well.
The child sets off into the blazing sun.
Footsore and weary, they arrive at the water.
Blue Betty,
can you hear me?
Twinkling Jingles,
are sinking in the sea.
Blue Betty,
can you feel me?
Lost in Atlantis
Osiris tell me how could this be?
Broken Neptune,
you feel so at home in the water even though it's always changing. are you hoping that one day familiar waters will reappear and draw up something new if you check the ocean enough?
I can't breathe anymore.
I'm drowning.
How did I end up here?
I am just failing,
my inner self is cracking.
Nothing is important anymore:
my hopes
my dreams
Balance my heart with a stoneYou will see that I'm sinkingI can barely breathe above the wavesBalance my mind with a cloudYou will see that I am soaringDancing with the wind
its the grass burrs stickig to your sock
its the way the water looks wen you skip a rock.
its the water glistening when the sun hits just right.
its how it looks even prettier reflecting th moon night.
Oh, how I yearn to see the ocean again.
The soft, cool foam drifts up the sand.
It glides over my feet,
And pulls me by the hand.
Quickly, it splashes my mouth.
If I knew what drowning felt like, I might say I was
If I could find myself, I would start looking
If I could become water, maybe I wouldn’t drown
The weight does feel like endless fluid
The sun shined, and the sand burned,
The waves were soothing and calm,
My hair soared while the wind turned,
The hot sand was grasped in my palm.
I felt a sensation of unexplainable joy,
The water laps against the boats,
A deep, cerulean blue.
The white sails flap, flip in the wind
As the boats sail through.
Oh, to be aboard
One of the creaking, wondrous vessels;
That feelining of...the cool waters, light blue wave, a tall glass filled with water, the clarity of the water, the warmth of the water, jumping into the water, the coolness on your body, the burning on your body,the water moving around you, the
My fingers are faucets
Fixtures that connect my soul to the materials I use to express it
An outlet for the words that hide just under the skin,
Scared of judgment
Feel the softness of the waves.
Feel the warmth of the sun.
Feel the peace of the day.
My mind and body together as one.
Toes in the sand,
splash of the water.
Sunshine in my hand,
I'm falling further from myself,
Down into the depths that threatens,
To swallow me whole.
The water rushes about my face,
It fills in the space left by my body.
This is where I die.
I'll slip away from this physical existence.
Into the water my soul goes swimming.
The timing may have been off but life seems to find it's balance
I breathe relief underwater.
I am a body of water
Stretching far and wide
Beyond and away
From my shores, to some unknown
And my body is the water
It rolls and ripples
And my mind is the water
Calm and glassy
I speak in undulations to you- formless master (nourishment has no price except existence)
No Laughing
No Screaming
No crying
Not even a sound
Climb up the rail
Its summer
So the water isn't too cold
But its night so the water looks black
How deep is the water?
Soothing sound of water
Sprays mist on your face
Waterfalls have such power
And grace!
When Blue Reflects Upon Waves
I’m staring, always staring, forever staring,
No focus in sight, yet a bright future yields token,
Novel, arguably plausible possibilities.
Behind my “I could kill a man” exterior
I am bubbling with little joys
Happy thoughts and events like counters
At Disneyland filing in and through
On their quest to experience some joy
In a too familiar whim of feeling drowned,
I jump onto this raft that manifests
Oct 16
The air is cool
A steady stream of water pushing against the shore
Taking bits of it with it as it recedes back to its home over and over and over again.
It's started and it's hot.
Go outside I will not.
I tell poeple I'm allergic to sun,
And yet I do want to have fun
Outside that is. Of course the summer is what I like
Smiling is contagious,
You catch it like the flu.
When a person smiled at me today,
I began to smile too.
I passed around the corner,
And a man saw my grin.
When he smiled I realized,
Oh! Bringer of water, thou hast lost me!
Why must I cry for help that fades
Into a deeper abyss I flee
You used to whisper into my ear sweet nothings
I love you,
I would never hurt you,
Leave you,
I will only and always love you.
Dirty feet and white sheetsLovers down and oceans foundTravel with me and discoverWhere we are and where we are meant to be
A baptism.
Though maybe not.
A popular fear,
I call it my home.
Diving in I feel alive
Letting bubbles play chase
They reach for the sky,
I reach for the depths.
I'm that weird girl that sits in the back
The quieter you are the less attention you attract
Though I'm not the only one who would rather it dark
At times I find those with that same unique heart
And the whippoorwill twilled,
While over rocks water spilled,
Green grass in the fields blew,
And sweet lipped Mocking Birds o'er head flew.
you think there's an ocean of things
you've yet to learn about me
but there's really not that much
it's more like a pool in that
it isn't so infinite or mysterious
but still waters run deep
Ode to Arizona on a Hot Summer's DayWritten by Adam M. SnowOh sweltering is summer's day of bliss,
Pitter patter
pitter patter
The rain falls so softly
As I sit and drink my coffee
Thinking to myself how peaceful that day would be
Sitting there writing poetry
Sinking in my chair
You make me look forward to the morning.
That crystalline smile like a sunrise resting against still waters.
I get lost in your calm and collarbone kisses seep down into my soul like dawn dew.
You have to love me for who I become
what I create, what I say, what I see,
what I give, not what I take.
You cannot love me for what I need
what I want, what I’ve been given.
A shot fired across the decka weakened hull. A turning tide.Well, all our anchors hang on chainsand dangle off our changing minds.
Just breathe in and out and again.This smog that clouds our mind-placing us in the realm of Negativity-will pass.
Trembling, he sits and waits for the news.
Something terrible happened.
His mother had called him in the middle
Of a chemistry test,
His favorite class.
“Tyler,” she had said
“I need you, come home.”
Water rushing through the mountain valleys dragging every stone not firmly rooted,
drowning just to resurface in an unknown region.
And before long, the current sweeps the few, back under its brute force again.
Game's over.
Get me some water!
Ah! You've got ice too?
My sweaty palms touch the glass,
Feeling the freezing water with my hands
Keeping these thoughts from driving
me crazy,
I watch the twist and turns of reality
and my life just passing by,
Flitting through the trees
She runs
Like the quicksilver moon
High in the clear night sky
He passes through the dark trees
Striding onward with some mysterious purpose
The world isnt fair,
If i could change on thing it would be the share,
Many humans die every day from lack of water,
and our Earth's sun continues to make it hotter.
People suffer every day,
One time, i wrote a poem
On a piece of paper with
No lines.
And i cried,
Smudging all the little letters.
The ants drowned by
They thrashed and thrashed and thrashed,
For about an hour or so
I sat there in the shower
With the water turned up to fire.
I let the water douse me in its flames
Until my skin burned red.
I gave myself permission to cry,
Yet no tears came.
Food, water and shelter
That's it..
That's what I would focus on
If I had the chance to change the world.
I'm serious, all other issues aside
Food, water and shelter would be my key topics
people and water drops are all the same,
one day we shine,
one day we are dull
some are big
The sound of the crashing waves
Keeps me at bay
With a pound of thunder
As the sound gets greater
I wait until later to come around
The sun goes down
I wonder off to the crystal waters
She went for a swim. When the sun was high and vicious and scalded the ground she walked on, she went for a swim.
Thirst, irrelevant right?Kind of like the air in the night.Not noticed unless exposed.Whether it's dry lips or undisclosed.A feeling seldom metuntil you're out of sweat
Closed my eyes
Heart rate slowing down
I begin to hear my own beating heart
The waves move to my heartbeat
Inhale, my lungs expand
Just to smell the salt of the water
To my surprise
Something told me to take a walk.
I listened.
I grabbed the dog and out we went
Down to the woods where the wild things live.
Paddling so hard
from the water wall behind.
Too slow and i fall.
Then I tumble and I roll
to submerge to the unknown.
The aquatic garden, when seen from space, is vast, mystical, and blue
It has many unique, sea creatures living in it too
Some burrow, some float, some dart from side to side
Deep breaths drawing in nothingRunning out of airOnly now starting to panicWondering what went wrongNot able to struggle much longerIt starts to get blurryNo longer strugglingGrey eyes close
All will be awaken in this light
And one day all shall rise from the lands great precipices
And into the water above them all
Born of water,
And of ice,
Warm exterior to suffice.
Raised from dust,
Breath of life,
Born into eternal strife.
Set up walls,
This thing of love,
of loving and being loved.
It consumes me in the gentlest of ways,
softly washing over me until I've been covered up;
a blissful drowning.
I've become willing to risk hitting a shelf
Speak now of your fallacies,
to you I will not judge.
Tell me all that concerns you
and to you I will listen.
You pull me down into the water
into the depths of Hell-
but these places I know familiar
The briny breathes of the Humber welcomed my parents to the its shores,
and left their cheeks flushed along with their hair unkempt.
Dream of me in the depths of your despair,
and a beacon of what once was will appear.
Dream of me at your happiest moments,
and wish that I could be happy too.
Dream of me when you are angry,
He waded through the water
anxious, like flame in the wind.
The molecules engulfed his feet
entirely, washing his sin.
The night's stars were gleaming
bright, crying out to him.
inside a passenger seat breathing in a static driveleaving rolling hills to the ocean's waveslet's slip into the sands.hide inside our skinand dive deep.
Confusion, oh the deep waters of confusion,
It swallows you whole and stirs up your thoughts.
You feelings drop down to the bottom, dark and sandy,
The waves lieBehind a wall of whiteDashing away before they'veEven begun to hang theAlbatross.
We cannot live without it
It brings bottled hope to the days of
Sunburns and sweat
It is our food, bodies, miracles, and love
Listen closer
I'm what the doctor ordered. I can fix you up no matter what you got.
I am always there for you, miles away I surround you, fall on you everyday.
Clear, Wet
Freezing, Chilling, Soaking
Swimming, Soaking, Drying, Walking
Warming, Heating, Drying
Green, Dry
My mouth waters like the demon I struggle with becoming I think one thing is right so I jump into its fire Fuck my personal desire I'm stuck trying to work for you and in the progress I've stepped backwards into the second circle Goddamn I want to
The words envelope me,
Comfort me,
Free me,
And let me speak without saying a word.
Each sylabl ringing,
clearing my mind,
and rolling off my tongue
with every annouciation.
I see the serene water gently drifting by,
As the sun shines bright where I lie,
Peace is around all around where I see,
Yet there is a problem lingering with me,
My heart feels frantic and tries to escape,
Bare Handed Catch
Water Splashing in my face,
Bouncing on the waves,
Going light speed behind a motor boat
Soaring like the eagle
Swish, Swish, splash, going side to side
I think about you when you're not by my beside
You live miles away so that's almost all the time
Even worse we're going to college separate ways
Both hoping the relationship will never fade
Under the cold salty ocean
Bright scaley fish are plunging against the west wind drfit
The sound of crashing waves is to music to your ears
The oceasn water is azured as the clear blue sky
Wisps of air pranced through the blades of grass under the creek
And danced atop the dorsal fins of the creatures of the deep
And found under the surface of the water
That perplexing blueKnocks the air out of youjust by lookingMakes you breathe inSalt foamsFeeling grandyet shrunken listeningto the tossing clap of the waves Waves like mountains
I.Capture the sea,the swimming wind,the blue and the greena lovely stranger’s eyes, liquidthey seduce, lull, glitter.Breathe gently into greenuntil they are like blueribs upon the water
I watched my motherfrom under water. Therewas a perfume risingoff the morning sea.She sang slow andbreathed it all in.
She watched my heartslowly softening.
Sandy beaches
Peaceful, content
your feet as you walk along
Waves crash
building up power
Crushing seashells till they are no more than
You stoop to retrieve one
And they said that everything about you was perfection and that made me believe that you were the perfect guy for me. You took me places and held my hand, then I fell for you and you became my best friend.
It all started with just one word, hey.
Hey, let's learn about poetry.
Poetry, the Key to opening Life's Door,
The Key to freeing the unknown within.
Poetry, the Key.
Well, well, well.
We can't live without.
Though, sometimes you're clear.
Sometimes you're not.
Sometimes you're cold.
Sometimes you're hot.
Simply, nearly one billiion need you.
Water water everywhere
pull me away
don't let me stay
Float away don't know to where
eyes closed
the waters cool
bring me away from all the cruel
leave me in safety enclosed
Threatening waves crash over me,
they pound the life out of me.
I hear what seems to be
screams in the distance,
But it’s me.
It’s forever been a struggle to meet in the middle,
The waves want to overtake the sand,
But the sand wants to hold their own
Constantly battling to have control
I raise my glass to my face in thought. Evaporating from my mind, I, in oblivion: the paramount essence.
The essence of what?
I think.
It escapes me.
I think.
The quintessence of something.
Of what?
When I run, I am free, my chains are broken.
My shoes are like the13th Amendment; I am no longer a slave to society.
When I run, no one can own me, the road becomes my empowerment.
Strength, Struggle, Satisfaction.
The water was clean, the water was clear
The water was felt and fell over her
Through her hair and to the nape of her neck
It ran down her shoulders, onto her back
Clear, clean, and cold it crept to her soul
To the lakes,
Oceans you fill with purity
The fish and sea creatures swim
You give us all you can give
To the waves that move on your surface
Down riverbanks you flow
We sank our toes into the sand beneath the water
While I told him how my father was like his father's father.
The night’s young but the tide is high
The black skies that petrify
Lying on the shore I let the tide engulf me
The ice cold embrace of the water drags me down
Sinking like a stone I submit to the water’s grip
Exercise is good for you,
Blood, sweat, and tears,
will get you through the deepest blue
and fit throughout the years,
you may not like it at the start
but then you get addicted,
A cold winter night
Oh such a beautiful sight
The gentle breeze
Yet you never freeze
Coldness against the cheek
Wet grass beneath the feet
Chills down the spine
In a straight line
I want to feel the ocean breeze,
I want to feel the light of the moon
As we lie together on the sand,
I want to hear nature's melodious tune.
Above the river's bank
rising slowly in the sky,
casting a reflection upon the water.
Saving the world from total darkness
the moon finds its place among the stars
Hands drift through always cool
You a lake, ocean, puddle, or pool
Through your touch transcends a calm
Your current touches every palm
Water moves against me smooth
The true fountain of youth
The sun it shines, regardless,
The grass it grows, oblivious,
The water it sits, fathomless.
The moon it reflects, lovingly,
The tree it stands, determinedly,
The sand it moves, impulsively.
Intensity, intuition, in love
Intellect, practicality, and ration are all of thee above
Passion, emotions, and feelings are what drives us
Lying,deceiving, and cheating is what divides us
We walked by night, dropped our troubles
As though the water we tried to avoid cleansed us,
But it didn't, did it?
We walked on in conversation or in silence,
And either way I felt privileged to be by your side.
Beast of the drum.
Songs to hum.
Songs to last,
memories that pass.
Sunny skies,
waves passing by.
Blistering heat brings a tear to my eye.
Sorry I cannot stay,
Blending together, they are.
Like reflections on water.
Memories, like a cookie jar.
These thoughts they slaughter.
Is odorless and tasteless
Formless and shapeless but at the same time all shapes because water can shape shift
(React and adapt to vibrations)
Rivers and oceans
And lakes all around,
Just search one of them
And trash can be found.
Water gets worse
As time passes on,
Just keep on polluting
And your drinks will be gone.
They say
A small stream carved
The Grand Canyon
Maybe that's why
I'm so afraid
of water
(you're tired)
Oh how I wish that I could stay
under the blue and beneath the waves,
exploring secrets that remain unseen
even by scientists in a submarine.
Her toes curl over the weathered wood.
She watches the sun bounce off the waves,
minnows swim peacefully below her.
She looks across the lake,
kids play and splash while botats speed by.
Pearls of drops are ours to count
As graceful as they fall,
So as to, later, try to mount
The throne of pride o'er all.
I watch her shimmer and dance from the shoreline
While the sunset adorns her in gold
she’s calling so sweetly, my Aquamarine
For our friendship is many years old
The water is a clear blue
It warms and guides us
On a path none travel.
To rare adventures
And dangerous tales,
We travel this path
And seek adventure
From unknown territory.
I've fallen victim to the sea.
Now I can't catch my breath,
and I'm constantly reminded
of the unending wrath...
Silver lines trace down a foggy pane;
Sliding, slipping through their descent.
A cold night glare streams through,
Showering the window with light
Stunning images like dreams stand shimmering on a wall
Apples, chicken, peanut butter too,
all these foods are good for you
turkey, water, anything green,
nourish your body, its a mean machine
running, walking, lifting weights, ooo
Imagine this.
You need to shower, but the water heater broke.
You don't realize you can borrow
your neighbors shower.
And you're not entirely sure when the
dang machine will be fixed.
The swaying of the trees
Puts me at ease
In the midst of anger
The strong wind against my face
Brings me to reality
Realities of the world
The voice of the sea is severe--
laughing at the soul who dares enter its sorrowful abyss.
But who could resist a voice so enticing?
(poems go here) When I was young I gave my soul to the sea.
Sometimes I will swear to you that
the waves ebb and tide where my blood should be.
the edge of tide,
the edge of reality.
Water is a mirror of Ourselves,
with no place to call home.
Calm or Turbulent,
we are still us.
The Sand
Allows my toes
And foot as a whole
To pass and
Sink some
Like the
Tangerine sun
As it slips away
Past the edge
What does water taste like? I ask you
“Nothing” is the only answer that’s true
But how could this crazy fact be true
Science can easily explain this to you
Stepping over that imaginary line between
The woods are going to eat you up
People love to tell you that
“You are the captain of your own soul!”
What they neglect to tell you
Is that they are at the helm
And should you hit an iceberg
It is you who must go down with the ship.
My heart should be as large as the Grand Canyon.
Love rushing through it like water,
carving it out,
squirming its way in,
making it wider, deeper,
more soulful.
It should beat for those who love me,
On the dark cliffs full of shadows
The river is rushing, the water crashing
Headed towards the inevitable fall
Every other summer we travel to Michigan
The landscape's so open and calm
The beauty of the tall hills of sand
The beauty of the freshwater lake
Stink like a bear stuck on a tree trunk
Baby you smell like a nasty payment
Wishing you had soap you couldn't buy
Old bread in your Ice box
Ted in your knee trunks
Girl your boyfriend got a stinky job