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Happy Valentine’s Day, my friends
‘Tis the day to care for each other and to join hands
Friendship matters, love matters
I bleed everyday and wonder if it’s worth the pain.They say grow up, you’ll be out of the phase soon,but what if it isn’t just a phase what if its just an everyday thing.
you are not my first love, for i have loved before.
sometimes i wish it were not true, for then i would be able to hold you higher due to not knowing the pain that is caused by love.
Her love serves
Down her heart’s nerves are nerves
In sweet redemption and reflection
Heaven makes their re-election
Oh, sweet help.
Every night my mind plays melodies
From a song I haven’t quite learned yet
Perhaps I never will
But she also weaves thank you letters
Thank you’s for all the people in my life
The ones who left me
Life was coming to see you on weekends
When nights turned into dew drops on your car
When the sun seemed to rise before we had the chance to say goodbye to the moon.
I miss the days of aimless wandering
When I tell you I love you,
Do not be taken aback by my sincerity
Do not mistake the passion on my tongue for malice
The fiery flick of a candle
A forest fire in a distant dream
~ by Debi Lyn Mon, 09/27/21 - 5:30 pm
Nobody knows me; nobody cares.
Nobody loves me; nobody dares.
Nobody goes out of their way.
You will know I love you when my eyes can’t stand to glance away from your face
You will know I love you when I laugh even at the smallest quip to cross your lips
Nothing brings me greater joy
Than to hold out my arms
And hug the world
Thanking the motherland for every trail
Every bump, pebble, and stone in the road
to a worthy destination
It comes into your life-
A fresh soul,
Awaiting a home
Waiting for tender loving and care
You could offer them the world
A field of friends,
Connected by roots
But when you start to neglect
I could really get lost in those pretty brown eyes.Bright,Warm,And mischievous at timesI see how you be lookin’ at me with them eyes—Sending me messagesGot my emotions going in every direction.
Let's cleanse our inner self from cobwebs of greed n envy
Let's decorate our persona with modesty n generosity
Let's make rangoli of care, empathy n kindness
Let's outshine the darkness of suffering n oppression
She has
arrived, she’s
and wise.
Most of all
woman is alive.
She walks
with a
hint of pride, but
not too
The best ultimate religion I ever learnt of is " Good Deed"
matter how religious one is without a good good all in vain.
Lord Cares!
These Goes To Those Under The Foster And Orphanage Care.
the most high. Even when thee father and mother are no longer here. Thy Lord be always there.
The poem "Bastard" is about an alienated child born out of wedlock. S/he suffers rejection anywhere s/he goes; to mother, father and even grandparents. S/he gets neglected by everyone so much that not even school or Xmas parties are accessible.
The poem "Bastard" is about an alienated child born out of wedlock. S/he suffers rejection anywhere s/he goes; to mother, father and even grandparents. S/he gets neglected by everyone so much that not even school or Xmas parties are accessible.
He brings joy to me,
his laugh makes my heart smile,
his eyes, like the sea.
Endless charm is his style,
and he is my willow tree.
What Should I Do?
What should I do to show someone that I care about them? They say that there's nothing I can do, but I know I can do something, I just don't know what or how to do it.
Sitting next to a willow I recalled,
The carefree look that brawled,
Heavenly wind passing through my rolls,
Making me feel as happy as a calm at high tide;
My favorite color is the fiery center of a stove once it ignites,
bringing a sense of familiarity of my grandma's cooking.
The sound of the heat touching the bottom of the pan,
slowly boiling the ingredients together.
‘Why do you care so much?’
asked the boy with a Pepsi
clasped in his hands, which
was previously deemed
lesser to Coke
in a strange conversation
at eleven thirty-two
In the light of day
Show me the way
And lead me
When it’s time to stand
Take my hand
And hold me
Use the stones to cross the creek
Take your hand to graze my cheek
You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone
you’re gonna miss the way I loved you
you’re gonna miss the way I let you hurt me
you’re gonna miss what I let you get away with
you’re gonna miss the way my hair shines in the sun
Those days when we were children
Sometimes I reminisce
About if we could repeat them
And all the naps I’ve missed
The pillow fights the cookie mouse
And running in the breeze
Still present
From when
My old self
And I began
To hide
And stay away
Small scars
On my legs
From when
Couldn't keep
No One’s Coming
I wish that time would stop again.
Lying still in perfect darkness, bundled up in illness and discomfort.
No one actually cares
It wasn't until my 16th birthday
I realized that no one cares about birthdays
No one truly cares about your accomplishments
No one cares if you passed that math final
When you hurt
There is a malevolent force
One feeling you can feel
Which is all great remorse.
It was only once
Wait it became twice
The feeling was so good
It became thrice.
Hey, you. Yeah, you!
Have you had enough water today?
. . .
Take care of yourself!
(I say this 'cause I love you!)
A prayer for the man I love
He's so messed up
A prayer because I'm at a loss
He's cheated enough
A prayer for me from your heart
In satan's snare he's caught
And me
I'm not sure, I can take much more,
Living my life I'm not,
Things started out oh so promising,
Then I began to rot.
Tiredness and doubt fill my mind,
Even when there is so much to do.
Planting seeds is easy when you all you do is watch.
It becomes embedded very early that alter to this path you'd
be awash.
Later on things seem normal, in the family home .
Now I know what it’s like
To fear the loss of someone-
It’s terrible,
But what accompanies it is a tender notion,
A soothing feeling you can’t replace.
Search the earth, the skies, the space,
There she was with her the back towards me,Sitting on a park bench, with earphones on.Listening to a song. Or talking to someone.Why should I care? She is free.
It's Saturday
I wake up
Mom knows
Breakfast shows up at 8
It's Saturday
Dad's gone
Off to work
Won't be back till late
Next morning
On a trip
Mother Poetry,
Lend me your ears,
So I can tell you my darkest fears.
Help me grow as tall as a tree.
Mother Poetry,
Lend me your helping hands,
So I can be the one who understands.
His tongue tastes of wine
I feel childhood memories on his spine.
His eyes shimmer like the sea
I know why he has that scar on his knee.
His lips taste like cherries
I watch him devour some Ben & Jerry's.
She taught herself how to lie. Through gritted teeth she claims that she's fine, but the world sees otherwise. She has fought for so long. Collecting purple hearts from the battles her soul has faced.
Dear Deer,
My deepest apologies for stopping you here.
I simply noticed something simple
Dear Laina,
you’re in first grade.
You’re journey hasn’t started
but it will when you are eight.
you’ll be in 3rd grade,
you’re brother will be 2.
It’s been a long time,
more than I’d care to admit,
that I felt like this.
Afraid because the last time I was hurt.
The last time I was let down.
Last time made me fearful of sharing myself.
Dear my protector,
Satheric, Satheric.
With feathers so sleek like a silent owl in flight,
The comforting hum of your voice, kept me asleep all night.
As I knew there was nothing to fright.
Hello Lou,
how are you?
Are currently down,
are you feeling blue?
Are you counting the stars,
searching for love,
and aproval for the person that you are?
Are you waiting for hope,
The earth spins in a constant rotation
That no one really can feel
You used to be my axis
though I was a boring record
With speech impediments
You took residence inside my heart
(This is a reverse poem. Read starting from left to right all the way to the bottom of the poem. Then, read from left to right from the bottom of the poem to the start of the poem!)
You must never change yourself for anybody
You are the one who is truly worthy.
The type of gift that I will always cherish.
You come from a culture that is earthy.
Our mutual love will never perish.
My mind is tough, but my heart was broken.
Because I loved you, and maybe I do,
I sat with you when you got angry.
Because I loved you, and maybe I do,
I held your hand and told you to take deep breaths.
Because I loved you, and maybe I do,
I want you.
For who you are alone while holding hands with me.
I hug you, because yes, because no. I hug you to empower you, never to become one.
I have been very independent.
Very to myself.
No one to cry to.
No one to ask for help.
People help me with obvious things though; like homework, essays, and colleges apps.
There can only be one opinion, right?
“Because I love you.”
These are the precious words:
Full of hope, promises, and happiness,
It is because I love you, that these very things I do are all for you.
When the lights are dim and your watery eyes too unfocused to see what is right before you
I ask if you've eaten and make sure you get home safe
I ask how's your day and if you're feeling okay
I support what you do and I'll try to help too
I'm your shoulder to cry on and your partner in crime
Because I love you
I want you to thrive, not die
Because I love you
I’ll shine my light on you, so you’re not in the darkness
Because I love you
I won’t let you fall behind, I’ll drag you to the finish line
the skin i wear is dry.
i fear that my knees
have been on the floor
for too long.
pleading for my loss
to return.
my mother said,
“mix lime with honey,
The most favorable flowers,
Snipped from their leaves,
Snipped from their roots
I want to hold you,
I cannot seem to let go.
No time,
no time at all
none to read meaningless words,
none to spare for a wayward thought
no seconds to give to listen
not a moment to waste,
but I've found that time has no value
Those innocent smiles and hugs
Did they give your heart a tug?
Make you fall deeper and deeper each time
Make you wish you were all mine
My heart swayed with your sensation
My threads too bare
A great love,
An “I’ll wait” love
Never let you go because I love you
I close my eyes at night to think of you
No butterflies inside because I’m at home with you
What is love? Oh god, what a good question.
What is love?
Can anyone explain what it is, or isn’t?
What the hell even is it?
Love isn’t.
Because I love you
I know that you like your eggs scrambled,
Your bacon extra crispy,
And your orange juice freshly squeezed in the morning.
Because I love you
Because l love youI trust you I care for youEstoy loca para tìTe preocupas por mì? Love.. strong word one syllable Love.. sometimes may not be visible Do crazy thingsThinking insaneLove..
Today I finally felt was it was like to feel safe,
to have that comfort of a home.
I never knew what safety was.
15 different houses that I remember,
that were and are supposedly "homes."
healthy relationships
they are really special things
they can be in each new friendship that someone brings
it might be hard to find one at first
but once they’re found
They're a good heart mixed with baking
full of joy, those two
Their love is always for the taking
Granted, is the life that was given
But many lessons they gave
implanted were they and not ridden.
I watched it before
I didn’t speak
You let it happen to me
I couldn’t speak
I couldn’t stand up for myself
The taste of being ignored
Behind a locked door
Was an abuse that became too familiar
These words of praise.
Come in little phrases.
"Be Safe." "I love you."
Just to name a few.
These words of curiosity.
They show our generiosity.
"Are you okay?"
Forget the blood lines that make our trees bright red
Forget the colors that highlight our lively skin
Brothers, sister, mothers and fathers
We are all something bigger, better and stronger
There I stood, at the corner of 5th and Broadway, sifting through friends and foe.
The friends?
Remember, Remember how America was great although there was terror
Remember the Roosevelts and Honest Abe, what they contributed and oh, how they were aware
What we do,
what we say,
how we think,
be aware,
and repeat.
Take the fruit from the low hanging tree,
easy to take,
easy to see,
thank you to the low hanging tree,
and repeat.
Why are we people subservient to the self-servient nature in us?
We need to set our minds on each other and fill our hearts with trust
So that we can maintain our grassy plains,
Cultivate creativity,
Defenesless against you, scared of you.
Four legged lives have feelings too, they are not stuffed animals.
They are real, they breathe just like humans do.
They need food just like humans.
The question lyes in the air
Do I still care?
The words to express how much I care are hard to find
because what you don’t understand is not an hour goes by that you don’t cross my mind
You sleep in a bedI sleep in the streetsI'm your shadow You eat at restaurants I eat from garbage cansI'm your shadow You're treated with respect and careI'm left in the streets, helpless for others to stareI'm your shadow I'm human just like you,
This is for you.
This is for the wide eyes at three in the morning.
This is for the salty wells collected in my pillowcase.
(Businessman Perspective)
Cold and hungry as I tried to find a place to rest,
I finally see a small warm cafe at the end of the road.
I started to jog and cross my arms in front of my chest,
Humming Birds
Such A Beautiful Blur Of Colors, As They Skip From Flower To Flower In Search Of Nectar...
Humming Birds
A Harmonious Ochestra Of Chirps; Most Fitting Soundtrack To The Dawning Of A New Day...
In the biting cold I walk,
Barefoot and in tattered attire,
My dirty pants, ripped at the knees,
Folded at the waist and tied to my body
By an old and dirty rope coming apart,
This is me, this is morning,
The early bird chirps at the rising sun.
The street kid holds close his precious tin of glue.
A student hurries to school eager to learn.
The poet smiles at the beautiful sky so blue.
When I look at my friends,
Do you know what I see?
People that have meant the world to me.
That was what I thought,
And even still slightly feel,
But how much of it is real?
Stop pretending you are so nice,
Hidden in the world like dirty mice.
Faking a sugary smile with a honey voice,
Taking a knife to your victims of choice.
You are weak because you can't keep quiet,
If I could
I would
Go back in time
When we first met
I would look at you
With different eyes
I would thank you
While we sat at a table
In front of the school library
when i was about to suicide
when i was about to kill myself
you stayed around me so i'd
stopped feeling worthless-myself.
do you know what you'd said?
you said that i matter.
You took care of me,
When I felt alone and forgotten.
You kept my secrets,
And comforted me when I cried.
Now I have to watch,
Watch you fallen and in pain.
You're incapable to say,
I can imagine a life without water
I can imagine a life without food
But to imagine a life without my mother
its the worst thing I could do
I feel a hole in my heart
I feel my lungs without air
the moon circles the earth
and the earth circles the sun
but all the while
it seems
i am only
in orbit
Once upon a time,
In a kingdom far away.
There was a mistreated maiden
And to her dismay they teased bout her shoes and her hair everyday.
I'll let you in on a secret
So tell everyone else
Tears that awakened him at night already evaporated.
Filled with words that aggressively stroked his nerves.
We cant forgive how lonely he gets.
We cant forgive his thoughts of destruction he starts to mimic.
It’s a question most have heard before:
What would you do if you were stranded on a desert island by the shore?
What would you want?
What's the point?
Without friends and family,
Why am I in this joint?
Without love,
Without care,
What am I gonna do?
I simply cannot do this
Without you.
It's true.
People always tell you to talk to people
When you're feeling sad,
Anything of the sort.
They'll say tell an adult
If you or someone else feels depressed,
Alone upon the wreckage,
Broken hearts on either side,
The dark distorted crater,
Where my last hope came and died.
The darkness all around me,
Not cut through by the light,
My solo isolation,
It's Kind
It Knows No Enemies
It Thinks No Evil
It Rejoices Truth
It Believes All
It Never Fails
It's not Faith or Hope
It's Love.
Mr. Bully
Do you know how I feel?
I wake up in the morning, and my mother hugs me tightly
I met a boy
on the outskirts of campus,
playing a game of frisbee.
his eyes shined like oceans
shimmering in the very depths
of the beauty in
the place mermaids call home.
Hey little brother, I watched you grow before my very eyes
I tried to protect you and your little heart from the lies
I think back to when you were 5 and my tears flow
The things that were going on, how could you know?
I think you all know this,
To God we do belong,
To him we depend,
Let him be your friend,
For he is always there for you.
I neither love nor care
what they say about me
I am my own
and my own is me
I am the one who will
decide where I go
I am the one who is
traveling this road
my beautiful papa.
He doesn't look at me anymore.
His smile has disappeared from his face.
Papa's bones are as thin as the weeds out back.
Remember papa?
Tears in faces
Faces of our neighbors in other nations
No women no cry
Let the tears dry, and the beauty within shine
Lend a helping hand
To our neighbors in other lands
There you are again
And here come the tears
I try to defend myself
But it never works
There you are again
Why are you mad?
You broke it off
You hurt me too
The tears that are surfacing upon my eyes and leaving glistening trails of a salty substance are not there for the comfort you had given me.
I am not delicate but I will wear pink.
I am not frightened but I will cover my eyes at a horror movie.
I am young but that does not mean I have a blind eye.
I am female but that does not make me weak.
Eyes hold lies
Ears hold lies
It is not only the mouth that holds lies
Whatever you're seeing is wrong, YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL
Whatever you're hearing is wrong, YOU'RE WORTHY
I stay the same underneath,
What my selfie seems to be.
Whether on or offline
My smile stays the same.
I am the player,
And Instagram's the game.
Underneath the clothes and shining light.
After 23 years, the eyes seen so much,
trying to keep up in life, but its always in a rush.
High School flew by, Undergrad did too,
struggling to get by, while my bank account gave me the blues.
Lack of confidence
that is your immortal enemy
No one doubts yourself more than you
Somehow you cannot outrun these thoughts
They are just there
Ready to kick you when you are down
I am made
Entirely of flaws
But make
I am still
I am the goddess of my own domain
With the ability to change the world
She may not be the very definition of beauty but her self-restrained chaos unravels all connotations of the word.
She’s more than a number, more than a status.
In a world of never ending can’ts, won’ts, shouldn’ts,
"Anormal", "Wrong", "Needs To Be Fixed", "Queer!"
That's but a small bit of the everyday soundtack that I hear.
"No, I don't want a Kiss.", "I'm not broken.", "Please don't touch me there!"
Rumor has it that scars of gold kept you hidden
behind a veil of words that were forbidden to hear,
and the tattoos of watercolors began to slosh around on your marble skin,
until no single pigment could be found.
As life passes too quikly,
the whistle blows, the crowd screems!
All you have is yourself in the end
live for what you want
not for what you have.
Let me straddle your mind
Let me lay on top of your thoughts
Rubbing & caressing each care away
Interrupting them with each touch & feel
I can open you up, to love, lifting you up
Giving you a high
You were young, but old enough
to remember it all.
Your eyes fillled with hope,
Ideal to take as their own.
Pay no attention
to the woman behind the
She's just an
of smoke and mirrors,
of pulsing lights and
then she's gone.
Pay no attention
I don't want to tell you how much you mean
To me.
I wish to not reveal how lost I become around
I laid with you in a field
A field full of memories
This is the field I have run through half naked
Peed on trees
Played loads of games.
But on this night
As time pass
life begins to
give a whole new start.
As I'm tired something tells
me to keep going.
As the wind blow God
whispers child hold on
As my eyes blink back
We must leak
Leak a joy that no one's sorrow or anger can touch
Leak a passion that is as contagious as a beautiful smile
Leak a strength that even when you have given your all to the weakest you are still strong.
I never thought I'd hate something as much as you
You take away the good people from the world
You make them want you more then anything or anyone else
Those with hard enough lives you make worse
Cute, small, loving and always on my mind.
My dog will forever be by my side.
My dog is rare she is one of a kind,
I will hope that we will never divide.
You would be surprised by how much I care,
To some, it will never matter where you came from
It only matters how much you make in the now
Why could they care about the past?
Everyone is so focused on the future and the present
You cut into my skin
Whether you know it or not
You don't think it a sin
I'm just an afterthought
My troubles you laugh at
And you say they don't exist
Somehow it's just that
I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know what it means to feel motivated in something that you really love doing since people expect you to be perfect. I continue to push but for what?
On my commute to school,
A man stands there between traffic.
i am so curious, what should I do?
Why does this image have to be so graphic?
Many people don't even see him,
This isn’t fair
How much I care
All I can do is stop and stare
I want to sit you down in a small chair
Just to show you how much I care
Take away all your hair
Howl be thy name
So old yet new
Forged in fire
Blood, sweat, tears
Come forth in black and white
Tears of Sanity
Given life’s morals
There dwells a pain
Unforgiving in its context
Come Back Again
Challenged by things
Undermined by most
Mundane are struggles
Simple to complex
Two of Two; Brothers beyond the End
Identical in image
Unique in minds
Connected beyond comprehension
Respected and Loved
A friend
A companion till the end
Hold my hand, count to ten
Thick and thin here we go
Pristine but Transcendent
Given embellishment
The sparks, Jules, latest fashions
But you subsist as your own
Carved Just Right
Brilliant among few
Untouchable by many
Unbreakable with endless beauty
Turn up , turn up! says the young girl with a bad mind,
Does she not know that there's more greater things in life to find?
Instead of partying and drinking every week end,
Did you know that if you stop and look,Open your eyes and take in the sight,That everything comes to light?The darkness,The loss,The despair,Loneliness.
We survive in a world of consumption
No compassion for the surrounding
How can we agree that we even live
"Children are the future,"
So everyone says.
"Children are the future,"
Show me your proof, then.
Hungry, impoverished
Children on the streets?
Too many in the classroom,
A perfect boat of gravy,A tender slice of lamb,Crispy green vegetables,Potatoes straight from the pan.
I have never had sex
They judge me as a prude
It hurts my heart
Them being so rude
I want him to love me
But he won't for sure
He thinks me a tease
Easy to lure
A vessel of beacons
Casting a shier light
Brighter than any
Forecasting the oceans
Wobbled by deception
A Reflection of pure
Brought from mists
Darting away
Flashing my sight
Creasing a smirk
Angel you have become
Crystallized in endless beauty
Redefined by life’s challenges
Ascending as more
Revived Among Lost Time
Played among a thin line
Life was pail and blind
Sick with poison
Angel My Angel
Spread far and thin
Across the oceans of time
Land, sea and sky
Hear my rejoicing cry
I would change the view
that it's not you to look up at one another
as we walk from point a to point q
I would change how we feel when we're in a class
This is pain is just too real
The moment I got attacked by the wegded heel.
the first time i met youi didnt knowhow marks cascade down your arms in a pink-white array of battle scars
the first time i met youi didnt knowhow tears fall from your eyes before you finally sucumb to sleep
Huddle with me oh lost broken soul.Huddle with your broken brethren.Warm yourself with what I haveand take from me what it is that you need.I will give all that I can.
You are my woman, my dream, my desire
You are my crown, my diamond, my jewel of inestimable value.
Your emergence into my life brought me sunshine on a cloudy day
Take my hand, sweet child of mine
And let me guide the way.
Just wrap your hand around my fingers
And hear what I must say.
Listen close to what I speak
And I’ll show you how life is true.
There is nothing sadder--
not even the loss of a cherished item,
not even the mewing of an abandoned kitten,
I am sad,
I am hurt,
I am mad,
These words don’t work!
I feel empty,
I’m at a loss,
I’m insecure,
I’ve lost the toss.
I feel sick,
There’s too much stress,
Look at you sitting behind that desk, acting all high and mightyWe are not your toys to fuck withWe are human beingsWe are teenagers, hormonal brats that need help during this crucial time
here in my mind
another world
i’ve created
it’s so ugly
yet it brings a smile to my face
a tragedy to you
but finally my heart is whole
someone noticed me
someone wanted me
A woman of Black gold, gave birth to an olive child,
Strong and mighty was she to stand by a father who stood to just pretend.
Made sure her little peice of hope in this world was warm, fed, and fast asleep everynight
What if the truth,
was really a lie?
What would you say,
if I told you that's what I live by?
The lies are only there,
there to hide the pain,
the sorrow, the sad,
the everything.
I tried to write in a smile,
but it ended up a frown,
I tried to write it upside right,
But it ended up upside down.
I tried to write it in like summer,
but it ended up so cold.
I counted to ten,
I'm done! Where are you?
I can't find you...
Will you come out soon?
I miss seeing you,
Hearing your voice.
I miss being with you,
Hiding wasn't your choice.
if and only do not mix,
but me and you do.
what and if don't belong together,
but me and you do.
life isn't always perfect,
but me and you are.
everyone isn't always loved,
but me and you are.
You've got me in the palm of your hand,
because deep down,
I'm a good girl.
I'm a kind girl.
I'm a caring and devotedly loving girl.
I want to make you happy.
I want you to be proud of me.
Our love was perfect tonight.
It sparkled, danced radiantly, so right.
The eyes that saw our treasured bond
knew we were sincere and fond.
You took my hand and didn't let go,
Why can’t I just be ok?
Why was I cursed with ability to feel too deeply?
When I could just be oblivious.
Why must I hurt too deeply?
When others are just fine.
How I wish to be shallow,
Some teachers still do,
But some are severly lacking.
Caring in the classroom,
Will keep the kids from packing.
Show the students your nice side.
Show them you know how they feel.
The social media has built up bullying
And the principals won’t do anything
They say “kids will be kids” or “we’ll figure something out”
We cannot know what pain feels like
Though evidence suggest it is unpleasant
We cannot know who they were before
Though evidence suggest they are now sick
We cannot know who their loved ones are
I'll hold you through the night.
For hours, in everyday, in every week.
Til It gets cold, alright.
No words would be right
Just hands to back, to get you geeked
I'll hold you through the night.
With grace and power she stands there
Light soothing hands with a maternal touch
Gentle eyes that cut through glass and fair hair that falls upon her shoulders
Dependable, she is everyone's crutch
Blind words lead no where,
blind thoughts get no where,
blind concernes never see the light,
and blind is your fear that we will not survive.
We may not pay attention,
we might not be too bright,
Not once in my life have I heard someone say
“Could you spare some change?”; no, they expect we will pay.
They sit with their signs, black words in black scrawl,
and hope as we each walk on by, one and all.
Days like this, I often debate, why'd I let you into this space, I kept so safe. We was always on and off so it was light switch for me to switch you off.
AIDS is real
I hate condoms
Oh yes I know we want to feel every side of it
HIV doesn’t seem real when you are having the best feeling in the world
You don’t think about AIDS when you pay visit to the vagina
Tears of saddness
Fears of abandonment
Reckless disobedience
Heart broken and unwanted
Is anybody out there
Life seems so unfair
Just when it seems life is going to end
You're always there
for love, for hate, for the broken-hearted...
for your tears, for your fears, for all you've ever wanted but could not win
for the man you are but cannot really show
for the woman you pretend to be
We all witnessed the sweat rolliing down Miss Liberty's head/ when she found out the sleeping giant is no longer sleeping dead/ The Giant/slept with nightmares for over 200 years/ but the giant cannot be awaken by only one peer/ when we marched a
Why I write? I write because you told me to
Because you encountered history and literature but never met a pen or page
Don’t be sad,
But don’t deny that you are
If I could hear the color blue, you'd sound just like it.
I don’t know how to help you but,
I can help you recompose your sound..
Lifes not about what you stand to loose or gain
Who you stand for
Why you stand
What you stand for
Where you stand
How you stand.
Life is the sweet memories you make with others
There is nothing like nothing like a mothers love.
Always there, always worrying, she always cares.
Putting you before herself and anyone else.
She won’t eat until you eat, won’t sleep until you’re safe and sound.
How could you fight the unknown with no remorse?
When they are simply… the unknown?
Like in wars, or battles
How could you go about, scream and shout, over people you have never seen?
I walk alone in love,
For what could love offer me?
It gives me not the breath I take,
Nor the food I eat,
Nor the sleep I rarely receive.
Nay. Love steals breath.
Steals ambition.
Do something
Make something
Be something
Just go and do.
Don't just be.
Just being
is boring.
Be something
Make something,
of yourself,
outside yourself.
Prepare yourself,
For this will not be ordinary.
To express the way I feel
Is to look upon the people of this earth with a smile in my heart
To see the distraught
the unloved
the wanting
He aimlessly cries for a place call home
as everyone keeps telling him “soon”
Reaches out with fragile arms
Into an empty space of an eggshell white
Only to be told “don’t do it”
The power of words, is awesome to behold.
They build and they break, they furl and they fold.
A simple word, empowers a man,
Or throws his hopes, his dreams in the can.
Such simple devices, such miniscule tools,
Oh Ya, By The Way
Last night while you creeping around with that guy you met from the club,
I was already with him.
When you got home to your man and yall made sweet love,
I began to flow right through him.
May the lighters light
May your heart love
May the sun shine
Right above us
May your actions be worthy
May your hunger be hardy
May your drive have engine
May your soul have a mission
Amidst all the try-hards and give-ups,
Stand the happy middle of the two
Who hasn't crashed and burned yet
And who still hasn't made it through
Who's looking inside that tight circle?
Time together spins a silver flurry
The night wraps around my limbs to comfort
Vital force screams for you from my body
Will, tenet, and my guard are taken down
Affection from you melts me like chocolate
Long brown hair,
Dark, frizzy and out of touch.
Long black lashes,
Glasses that covered her big brown eyes.
Trust Issues
I loved him
I thought we were forever
But he had someone else
He thought he was clever
It’s a hard thing to describe
It’s so hard to explain
Just I can’t help it
Feeling this way
Just the way you smile
The way you sing a song
Makes my heart soar
A million miles away
Feeling alone
Let down
Ready to cry at any given moment
Just wanna be hugged, and loved , and held , and asked are you ok
I cry at the most random moments
Sometimes certain situations are just so hard to deal with, other situations are easy, but the hard ones teach you a lesson in life, weather its for the worst or the better.
dam valentines is already hear for real
cuz i need more then a day to show you how i feel
i remember the first day that we met
u had a ponytail n u was wearin sweats
I thought to myself you look kinda cute
You walk down the street and people know
For advice to you they can go
You're smart and honest and honestly kind
A greater friend no one could find
You care and you give
By the way that you live
I often look to the yellow lillies in the garden on campus
Friends pass me and time shifts
Is it not the success that people want?
Or perhaps it's the driven motive in which we attempt to strive
Unjust it truly is,
Character is something that is fought for, not developed in a single day, not won in a single fight. Character is born when you place the persons of others above yourself in the realization of their importance.
Sometimes we have to leave
The ones we though we loved
In hopes of finding the one
We’ve been searching for all along
I care so much it hurts..
Deep inside my heart,
And now my eyes are open
Because we are apart,
This world is fading.
It is turning dark.
My bright world of smiles,
Has begun to fall apart.
You tell me I'm no good
With every word I say
Everything comes out lies, betrayal, and trust
including your own friends would say
those things
Have you seen the things I've done?
I am not the knight you seek,
I have no armor, dull or sleek.
I don't have the shining hair,
the flowing speech, the noble air.
I only have this humble heart,
Which I would give, at whisper's start.
Pain inside,
Dripping down from me like a poisonous surprise,
Why does my heart keep beating,
When all things lovable seem to be fleeting.
Oh joy, the gracious sunrise has come to take me home,
Fat, is just a word
It does not have to be absurd
Fat is just a word
Food is just a thing
Some people like it more than others
He looks at me, like I'm disgusting
That guy on the street
Graveyard for the living
Is what I saw that day.
Reeked of death and decay.
Gray and dank, each tomb filled
With two or three dead ones.
The tombstones: poorly cut
Typed names, easily switched
Last days for Dad,
I wasn't really glad,
So naive and harsh,
Mom told me, "I'm done."
"As we change, we're going to have fun."
I sat in the car with relief and despair,
I was tried of it all
The profanity
The abuse
The lies I told
My caring parents
I though I couldn’t do anything
But when all of the above
Came into one
I had to do something
When I read,
their tearful words appear to echo in my mind.
When I listen softly,
Their desperation clings to my soul.
When I ponder,
Their fate may rest with my words.
I was appealed by your appearance
not gone lie i was intrigued by you
but could you keep me
played my cards right i had a full house
but i guess you held the out
roses left at my door step again
I remember the days
When a ponytail was good enough
When contacts were for Sundays
And makeup was only for special occasions
I am mommy
I am sister
I am BFF
I am your snuggles
And your cuddles
I am the best
The best maker
Of food and crafts
And fun
The best everything
Of anything
For everyone
As you carry me in your arms
holding my tight and close keeping me away from harm
your smile and your charm
your soft cream skin
hair so thin
it try to escape within the wind
your eyes glazes like a star
(poems go here) I laid on her
like paper did to rock and suddenly we both refused to shoot out what exactly it is that sizer through our layers of mentally striped blue margins,
This chaos is so crazy
Never would I have thought
A friend could be so messy
The things he's planned
Are so morbid and absurd
his hate is as abundant as the sand
Red, the color of passion
Red, the color of hate
Red, the color of pure blood
Red, the color of a curse
Outcasted by the world,
His body is my hearse
Abstinance to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
The practice of refraining from sexual activity for psychological, social or reasons religiously. Psychologically, you prevent the possibility of pregnancy, STDs, and extra responsibilities.
I walk along the quiet beach,
Soft, white sand beneath my toes.
My mind is empty, void of thought
Except of seashells on the ground.
Think before you do it
Think before you risk everything
Yeah he’s cute
And he has a great smile
But think before you do it
There’s always a chance you will not be respected
What inspires me is when you don't read,
you refuse to look into a world that I'm forced to perceive.
What inspires me is when i sit here and bleed,
lay here and shed tears,
cry, cry and plead
Even though you hate me
I continuously look back to see if you miss me
You spread your hatred for me to anyone who will listen
You plaster your loathing for me so loudly that it's hard to ignore