Character is something that is fought for, not developed in a single day, not won in a single fight. Character is born when you place the persons of others above yourself in the realization of their importance. Character is not something that is killed, but is immortalized in the deeds strengthened by the passing of every obscene tock of the clock. Character is not something that emerges when one "feels like it" or is "in a good mood." Character is a constant, unshakable force that is not worn down by the passing of small tribulations but is instead made powerful beyond comparison. Character is not alive in someone who seeks the public eye, but from the backstage of life continues to shine even brighter than the main act. Character is when not when you simply care, but when the action of caring becomes an action of doing at no regard to the embarrassment or detrimental effects to one's person. Character is when you place love of others above love of self. When you treasure every moment that you are blessed by their existence, and serve their memory proud when you are not.