healthy relationships
they are really special things
they can be in each new friendship that someone brings
it might be hard to find one at first
but once they’re found
they’re usually planted like seeds deep into the ground
placed there with care
watered with love
fertilized with stability
and lighted with hugs
after all that care you give them they will surely sprout
but it takes a lot of time for it
to grow strong
the trick is that you have to be really attentive
so you can squash all of the doubt
things on the surface may go well at first
but you most importantly have to beware
there is a definitely a big difference between
having fun and things actually being fair
so like a dandelion
do you choose to blow its seeds?
well if you do
soon you may find that
they alway turn into weeds
so ultimately
to tell if a relationship is healthy
it is truly kind of hard
but it is certainly not something to for you to easily disregard
so all you can really do for yourself
is continue those pursuits
but it’s up to you
to check occasionally
where it roots