Related Poems

An abnormal cloud of silence hovers over the grimy bus
No one makes a fuss
Their eyes are that of a dead fish
When they...

Take me back to the days of a Ghanaian sunset.
When hope dwelled above the waters of despair
And I gazed into the eyes of a...

Zoom Zing Zoom
Goes the red car
Boom Boom Boom
Goes the hammer
Chirp Chirp Chirp
Sings the bird
Yak Yak Yak
Go the students...

Poetry makes me happy,
it fills me with glee.
Some poems are crappie,
like one, two, three.
Some like to rhyme,
Some make me...

All I want is for you to hush up,
I just want to feel the beat,
Turn down for what?!
Twerk, Miley,
Miley, Twerk,
I can’t...

I look over the edge, wondering where i've gone. I look up at the mountain i've climbing, how did this take so long? I...

I see you and smile as we say our goodbyes
Completely unaware of your ultimate demise
Now everything reminds me of you

I came to your class 3 minutes late
Now you making a fool of me in front of my peers
And soon detention is what you will...

When I write, I speak
When I speak, people listen
When I write, my words aren't weak
I speak without speaking
When I write I...

Tainted, tainted is the light,
No more is it pure and bright,
Tainted, tainted as the night,
No one can see for it is dark...

How's your day,womanGood?Not for me...So many quizzes and testYou're on my top list of "pest"Sometimes you're nice Sometimes...

We are best friends, and it never decends, i do whatever you do, when you chew, i chew! when you laugh, i laugh! and if you...

sex ia a sensation caused by temptation a guy sticks his location in a girls destination to increase...

One evening recovering from a cracked pelvis,
I was listening to music that wasn't from Elvis.
My mon's caregiver...

I woke up one morning and saw a flea.
He sat on my shoulder and yes he said to me,
"College is just a month away
You're a...

Unsuspected you creep on the carpet
Your paws move in a slow caress
Your eyes moving like rolling marbles
And your back an...

Shes hurting.
Struggling to see the bright side of the night.
Always seems to be asking the lord why? Always trying to put...

You laughed and laughed, for your own self humor. You found new tormenting ways. Who are you? Why did you let this happen?...

A million stars in the sky
One shines brighter I can't deny
A love so precious a love so true
A love that comes from me to...

AttentionCalling all Super EatersTo the Food Club...
*Blink*... *Blink*...
"Ummm, that's definitely my stomach talking", I...

The free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream 'til the current ends
and dips his wings in the orange sun...

The blue skies
The green grass
The white rice
oh, what a sight
Being able to distinguish colours
perceive moods, one from...

I hear America's discomfort
From all the Undertaking
All the complications
You hear them crying and yelling
cant you tell...

Those children dressed in rugs,
That made them better than the rich,
And their gray faces that looked
Like children of holy...

I search, but never find the key that unlocks my mind. The truth to a lie, a clue to crime. A heart that never dies, a soul...

When the sun awakens in the morning
and I awake from my dreams back to reality
I feel how strongly my heart misses you, its...

Words on a page like birds on a plane just a double standard no words can explain
I tried to figure out what the birds tried...

Caught in a web the fly
Will soon say good- bye
Knowing his life may end
He has to save his friend
Looking around for help...

Tommy needs help solving a problem
ha! he needs to be lock up in an asylum
who wants to find the volume
of a barrel with a...

There’s a tiny village in the heart of the Kansas plainsIn the middle of the chaos, the villagers would complainSo in the...

One Household, Characters alike in regard.
In fair, a place where accountancy lay.
From old alliances, break to new and...

Noise of alarms and bells screams through the penitentiary. Inmate 1276, better known as street name 1031 Herc, is sitting...

Sometimes you gotta rule bend;
sway, stand, attentive end
reach up, pull down, salute me
astro turf surfer?

Gimme a Pix o'
I want a Pix o'
Hungry for a
Waiting for a
Hurry for ma'
If you want a tip a'...

College can be pretty tough,
being successful isn't enough!
You have to be active and make friends,
mostly in places you've...

We are the future.
We are the past.
We hold the fate of the world in our grasp.
As insignificant as we are,
we make the...

Bam, the door closes
Your toe is in between
Oww, oww, you yell and jump around while holding your leg
Sensory nerves from...

Three months without communication made me feel cold
An already cold world we are in
I wonder how it would be without my...

I serve coffee to the zombie mob
I hand the cup out with a smile
ignore the selfish snob
that throws her pennies in a pile...

(poems go here) as we walk and talk
you walk away stiil hurt today
things you had to say
our love made my eyes rain
oh honey...

One day I came into class,
I told the teacher to kiss my a**.
She told me to sit down!
I gave a terrible frown.
I poked the...

Why don't you smile?It only takes a while,To turn someone's world from a frown,Into one fantastic noun.This noun you see is...

this beautiful teacher,she is the one make me sleep , make me mad, make me frustrated,
but wake me up with her...

Life is like a basketball, you dribble your way through the court
As you dribble your way through situations.
Pump faking...

Subjugated to emotional heights,
My frail pre-teen mind succumbed to the sweet,
underlying comfort a typewriter provides.

In a warm bed,
I'm concealed in crinkled and clumped sheets,
of a good night's rest.
Instead of hearing the noisy clock,...

There onced lived a boy named Laloup.
He could cook a wonderful soup
Adding carrots and spice
As well cabbage and rice.

: Poems, poems, oh how they bore me,
With lines and stanzas that only repeat,
The rhymes are tedious and take so long,

There was a whipper snapper
He dressed oh so dapper
With the class of a 1920s flapper
He said, “Hey!”
And the horse...

I went to bed like this and woke up like this.
Im a thick girl I must admit and i love the way these...

They say that math is easy, the answers are black and white, so dont say that Im cheesy because it gives me fight or flight...

Every day is the same to me
Comments about my weight you see
I struggle to lose but my spoon wont move from my sweet embrace...

I sit in my seat day after day
Listen to your soundless words
I wish I could go out and play
Instead of sitting listening to...

Pushed and shoved through life
Never knowing when this treacherous life will end
And the hopes and dreams you had for...

We all deserve to be heard once in a while,
wheather its on the simple thing as president, or buying a house.
Our voices are...

You sit at your desk and criticize me
You worry too much about my looks
You wonder why I doze off in class
Which usually...

(poems go here) Ripped out my heart and placed in a box
And with this box are the weights and locks.
Now take this thing to...

One dark day,
A man was captured at his house.
His home was burned,
His family was cooked until golden brown.
The man was...

I love Teachers, they should love students, teachers tell students to raise thier hands, no bullet, students can't always...

So What You Got A Masters Thats What Im Here For
The Only Reason You Beat Me To It Its Cause You Were Born In Centuries...

One, two,
Cheese fondue;
Three, four,
Stir and pour;
Five, six,
Seven, eight,
Plate fresh dates;
Nine, ten,...

I follow him to tower up down and around
I follow her to town even when shes down
I followed her through the weeds or the...

I ordered a coffee, black,
and sat at a round table by the window.
I opened my bag and pulled out
one coffee spoon,

A funny little joke
okay now lets not choke
no, not a vine...
But why you always lyin'?
what are those?
Daniel sure don...

Scholarships are awesome, it's free money
They are sweet like tea and honey
I'm in college, but could use scholarship

angels here,
angels there,
angels above her snow white hair
they rest in peace as you shall too
so you can sleep the whole...

Homework is,
An unjust crime.
Classwork alone,
Would be just fine.
Behind my desk,
In my athletic prime.
I could do so much...

this is the story of Me
to All there is a story
to Some there is a tale
Some are told by tongues
Others told by song...

O Tebow! Our Tebow!
O Tebow! Our Tebow! We had a good ride,
From bottom dwellers of the west, to that successful playoff...

(poems go here) Rise and Shine
Its to dark, its too cold
But we are gonna change
We are gonna mold
The easy way out

Every night when i lie in bed,
I drift off to a place of which I've only read,
Off to a place much simpler then this,

JImble gets aboard on the big fluffy puff,
Snowy white as the clouds;
As he flies high he yells "good-bye!"
Because nobody...

Knowledge is
Knowledge is a mosic
Colorful and broken
Pieced together slowy
Knowledge is everything
And nothing at all

your voice dull and dumb,
likes the one hides in moon and sound.
we all love your original proud,
but it doesn't make you...

Fly through the ocean,Swim through the air,Make no sense and don’t even careWrite it in sounds,Tell it in colorsRun through...

The Alarm
Rings in your head
Saying, “Please, go back to sleep,”
While your memories
Are still caught
In yesterday.

A princess was in her room
on the phone with her boo
When she heard screeching sound
it was her blood hound
She tried to...

I see your round face
a wafting aroma
towards you I want to pace
and savor your colors
richness of red
and burnt sage...

A spider crawling on arm
A ghost looking to cause me harm
A rollercoaster dropping fast
Reliving horror from my past

A cute young girl named Ireen
Tried to be heard but not seen
She wore dark blue
with a purplish hue,
still in blacklight,...

I've seen my share of shooting stars
And wished upon every one
I've thrown a fortune into wishing wells
Let my wish fall to...

My name is Tan,
I'm not a man,
People think I am,
Man or not, people thought
I own a yacht,
But I never said I did.

I am not myself without others
2 strangers fuse eyes like an eclipse hovering over a smog choked sky
their matching stares...

Dear teacher, have I ever told you that I loved Math.
Dear teacher, have I ever told you that all my dreams are about 2x+4=y...

At the crack of dawn
PT is on
Then some breakfast
It isn't the best
Video games on my futon
Until the armory calls upon...

Your boring, I want to tell her,
I cant stand this class.
I cant understand you,
You're going to fast.
I dont want to take...

texas.don.g.nutt,59.poem,trees,tall big large brown an green trees blow they grow they natural life of the world they fall...

Global warming man
We need more ice cubes for real
We can change the world
The world is nice
Sooooo nice
So we need to save...

Dios, espero de mí que te compadezcas.
He pecado ante tus ojos, he cometido el error entre mi costado.
Escogí al equivocado...

It is a long season
I hope we can make it to the warm regions
Im so excited
Ill tell you the reason
Baseball season is...

Walking through the hallways, a million things in my head
All these classes simply feel me with dread.
Teachers do not care...

I drink from my cup. I lift it right up. I drink water, juice, and milk. They all go down smooth like silk. Oh, how I love...

" O Journey "
'O journey! 'O journey! Where are you going?
Why are you so blowing?
So strange are you,
From place to place...

Love can never forget
Relationship will never regret
A special day for you and me
A special one cannot see
To the sound of...

For 300 years that tree stood
For 300 years it stood tall
But one night under darkess's hood
That Mighty Oak Did not see...

I am AmadorI run Amador‘s ICE CREAM STORE,there are flavors in my freezeryou have never seen before,five divine...

What the Heart of an Enigmatic Teenage Girl
Said to Others Like Herself
Close your eyes, and look within you,
Past the...

We are all born the same. why cant eveyone hang. nobody should be looked down upon. we should each help eachother during...

Confused sitting in the darkness,
sitting waiting for enlightment,
lurking on people waiting for them to offer,
but it's...

Once upon a time, There was a lady with brown hair,Big brown eyes With the smile of an Angel.There was also a man, Black...

Ham! Ham! Ham!
Danm I like Ham!
Even My Aunt Pam
Likes Ham!
My dog likes Ham!
But I Told Him to Scram
My Ham!
I never swam...

Guess what?
To be a teacher,
You need to know what you're doing.
Don't ask the class
"Wait is the right?"

Funny Bones
Woke up on a Monday morning feeling wavy
Got dressed, grabbed my bag and got crazy
Started dancing, I got my...

You look at the language of a story such as Hamlet,
And kids today are unable to understand it.
The slippery slope that our...

(Inspired by Song of Myself by Walt Whitman)
Salmonella loves chicken and duck
If you don’t cook it well, you’re out...

Why are you senile?
You're such a nice man.
Your intellect flows,
but not into our hands.
From one minute to the next,

I feel sick; I think I need a clenex
I got a brother going to college; I’m trying to be next
I didn’t even introduce myself...

(poems go here)
Lady, you are the Goddess of the Great,
But you are also the Goddess of the Small.
The infinitesimal...

There is Going to be a night,
I can see beautiful Niagara Falls
From my eyesight,
The sun is setting slow,
Lights are...

Knees in three inches of proximity yet you're still not close to me
We speak but it's as if I can't hear your words

We are best friends, and it never decends, i do whatever you do, when you chew, i chew! when you laugh, i laugh! and if you...

Can someone please not judge me?Can someone just listen?Don't get mad. Listen.Don't shut me out. I just need for you to...

“I AM” Poem
I am Brave and Genius
I wonder who’s the head of the jungle
I hear the animals sing and dance
I see all of...

Hello, new friend (as I hope I can call you)!
I look forward to meeting you when I see you this fall.
You are surely a...

Teachers are stupid they make no sense adjectives verbs and present tense. Teachers are stupid they make me cackle no I'm...

A toy you say?
Well that might be,
But look closer
At what you see.
Within it,
Many things twist and grind,
Gizmos and...

Huddled, scared and alone, in a corner,
You tower over me in rage
Staring at your own daughter,
With an expression of horror...

Fly away from here the keeper said
Don't look back all you'll see is death-
Death to a dream that is yours...
Fly away and...

Action supposedly speaks louder than words
But what do we speak?
In this great world where we children are better to...

Wilyne Belizaire
Why I Write Scholarship
Why I Write Scholarship
I write poetry, because it works as an efficient...

How to play with your food:
Slice it
Dice it
Smash it
Bash it
Fly it
Fry it
Chuck it
Huck it
Mash it
Stash it
Roll it

On a stranded island ill be,
With no one all around me
But i'll have just one thing
That will make me sing
A bucket of...

I Need,
Loan Fees,
Escrow Fees,
So These
May Please
Banker's Neuroses!
To Buy

She love to eat her boogers,
They are her favorite treat
Sometimes they’re dark and bitter,
And other times they‘re sweet....

I have a friend named Ryan
Others may think I’m lyin’
When I say he has a beard so legit
I wish him never to get rid of it...

No words can describe the intertwining of one man and one women
They frolic and play with no ambition, no hope just eyes...

May I ask, why the "Stache"?
Why would you wear, upon your face, a patch of hair? Thick or thin, it's growing there, the...

Who are you?
I am a collection of my mistakes
I am the product of my pastI am the protege of my presentI am the...

From 7 a.m till 3 p.m,
you sit there at your desk.
You encourage us to have fun,
then we end up with a 100 question test!...

I dedicate this poem to the mommaFor always being there for meFor clothing me when I was too young to cloth myselfFor...

I look in the mirror of this fiqure I thought I would realize
a body that doesn't look familiar or has no disquise
yet I...

Step by step she takes
Holding her breath
all of the way
“She knows what everything’s about”
they say
Not a single hair

I’m sorry
I keep forgetting that when I look into your eyes from across the room you’ll notice
Your face looks confused for...

One bad morning when I missed the bus,
Turned into a a series of extremely unfortunate events that I need to discuss.

life is precious and people make mistakes
to live is to laugh and love all the time
when you mess up dont look down and hate...

Walking to the kitchen for something to eat
Rubbing my stomach, I smelt the meat.
When I came in the kitchen I saw eggs and...

Everything is awesome
...Maybe not so muc for possums.
But life in general is pretty great!
Just ask professional, Golden...

So many different thoughts go running through my mind,
I'm on my way to college, a roomy I must find.
Senior year is flying...

"Get out of bed, you silly fool!Get up now, it's time for school.If you don't dress without a fight,I'll throw you naked...

Your blank page
Empty, souless
Pathetic rage, screaming endlessly
Needing my aged black ink
To stain your

It’s the dunken trailer trash who brashen up a hoe tonight,
Family Christmas dinner but I think I might bend an elbow to...

(poems go here)
The day you’re staring back into my eyes it will be through your TV.
A beautiful monster is whom...

Yes, I know that I don't do things your way. That's because I'm not you.
No, this is not the way I like to spend my...

Let me
Add this ad about what i ate up on this wall at eight standing here barring this pain as if to have been hit by a...

I feel as if I cannot write
I cannot explain
I cannot express
I feel trapped
Inside my own head
with only one thought

I look over the edge, wondering where i've gone. I look up at the mountain i've climbing, how did this take so long? I...

I am up stil lawake
I don't do anything
So I have no reason to still be up the late
Maybe I'll grab something to eat

Since the day I entered High School
I knew it would be more than cool
Sitting in a classroom for hours on end,
this seemed...

There is no courage, nor doubt
That comes to mind within this cloud
What i thought was not right, nor mind uncluttered

Me: Oh, Feline Spirit, will you reply?
Just simple answers, would you try?
Spirit: I’ll Try
Me: What must I do to appease...

I can't see it come down my eyes,
so i got to make this song cry.
Fuck comb-overs.
Fuck yellow grass.
Fuck houses with no...

Sisters are fun, Sisters are wild.
Sisters can be different with the same smile. Sisters may fight and fuss over nothing,...

It all just started when we got there
I felt a very strange itch in my underwear,
But it wasnt as simple as that-
I went to...

Some of them call me a poet
It hit me before you know it
I've been sailing on this boat,
It's about time for me to row it

you look too divine,
oh so fine.
sometimes i wish i could rewind the time,
and get in my right mind,
to find more and...

Let me tell y'all how a bill becomes a law
Let me tell y'all how a bill becomes a law
First it's just a thought, an idea...

From the death of Harambe to dank Twitter memes
This is my year in a nutshell of 2k16
I lost my boyfriend ten times last...

Have a drink, good sir, I won't implore you to speak of your troubles- Lifes' sorrows; Yet pain that isn't shared Is...

waking up early is not my thing,
the most annoying sound is my alarm clock rings.
the only way my day isn't sour,
is if i...

Without pen and paper
And an ongoing flow of words,
I am nothing.
To find beauty in plain words,
Syllables that turn...

If I saw a drowning fish,
Among a river bed--
I'd wonder what it is he'd miss?
The life he could have lead?
I would be sad...

I know this boy who loves to sing
Who loves to share his soul with a few strings
The music is his partner
married for better...

The story which I here present,
Occurred today by accident;
Along with Nate, a boy I date
We both spied by accident

I had a taco yesterdayI bought it from the storeAs soon as I had finished itI knew I needed more
With sour cream and onions...

you had me,
because you wanted me
i needed you
but you left me
it hurts too think
it hurts too see
the pain is deep
my heart...

There is a saying "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get." If life is like a box of...

I walked into class yesterday, I hear Mr. Smith hear what he always likes to say, "Hey, slackers! How are you today," you're...

You lurk the halls, You think everybody sees your flaws, but now you're in awe, it was nothing at all, a guy you like sends...

what is power what does it really do,
just separating, me from you,
does it matter? it only makes you fatter,

When you are feeling the urge
there's no need to act
teens get pregenant, it's a common fact
when the time "comes"

the true identity you grant me,
unstoppable noise one of a focussed plan,
down and up we go just for a steal,

I am flawlessly imperfect...
I might have a zit on my face every now and then;
My hair doesn't always lay the way I would...

Darkness outlines the horizon,
possessing its own silence in the world.
This is a place of peace;
the worries of the present...

Everyone enters
giggles die down, chatter slips away
the lights dim to a
Peaceful Glow
I push away all other

She stares at the bottle
Just one more sipThen I'll put it downThat was five years agoThat bottle is empty nowEvery last bit...

I’ve been to Paris...
I’ve seen Paul McCartney live twice.
I have cried both times.
I’ve walked right into my...

Global warming man
We need more ice cubes for real
We can change the world
The world is nice
Sooooo nice
So we need to save...

Childish days begin to fade
As everything begins to change
And I cannot remain the same
My friends are becoming so strange...

My Student: Gone Too Soon
Many years ago,
I met you,
seeking to find your dreams,
to some locked doors,
You continued to...

Going back to school, another 3 years,
To many, this thought alone would bring tears.
Not for me however, I am filled with...

Now I'm here to tell you a story
It maybe pretty sad
About a girl on a deserted island
And how she starved real bad
It's a...

청주오피ま경기오피『BAm』WAr7점『컴』〔 밤전〕⦅청주오피⦆⦅에르메스⦆청주오피ま경기오피『BAm』WAr7점『컴』〔 밤전〕⦅청주오피⦆⦅에르메스⦆청주오피ま경기오피『BAm』WAr7점『컴』〔 밤전〕⦅청주오피⦆⦅에르메스⦆...

Streets now lined with the Zen off broken shoulders
Outlined by ashtrays, frozen with a warning blizzard
Of ashes from...

Her body glistens in the light
I urge to play with her all night
I pick her up and hold her steady
Take a deep breath, we...

I once had a thesis that was pretty strategic, like
Hear me out, it’s.. it’s really… interesting…?
So we all need an...

Something so small,
is so significant,
and honest.
The little bird in the bushes,
with the brown-gray feathers...

This story starts at a town
The name of the man Juan
His family nowhere to be found
A coyote come to take him away

On those dark, lonely nights
The come creeping.
Unearthing themselves from their grave
They come back to chase you, to haunt...


What is a man without a heart?
Be he an empty husk,
Or a pit of woes?
His veins be black?
Broken, beaten?
Scrambled and...

How do I describe me
How I am
And what you see is me
How do I describe me
Well, for starters I'm 23
How do I describe me

There was a guy named Lenny,
who once found a penny.
He looked at the ground,
then turned with a frown,
because there wasn't...

It is difficult to interpret the signals shooting from your heart.
For example, is the way your hair flows telling a...

My hunger growls like an angry bear.
I feel my life falling into despair
I feel my body losing control.

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }
Growing up, I always felt like she could do more
She was big on me working hard, but not her...

" O Journey "
'O journey! 'O journey! Where are you going?
Why are you so blowing?
So strange are you,
From place to place...

There was a man who began to teach & as he would speak no one came to listen to him preach. He prayed & cry do you...

Sounds Fine,
Buy Wine,
Fine Wine!
Spiced Wine?
Light Wine?
White Wine?
Rice Wine?
For Thine?
Sounds Fine!
Make Mine

In this world of difficultyI was struggling with lifeI was bothered physicallyBut I kept a smile.
It took me awhileTo...

If you can't "Ribbit,"
Or play leap frog,
Answer the riddles,
Of the frogs on this log!
1. What type of shoe do frogs...

A new par’a shoes is like a first date
If you wear the wrong pair
They will cut a tear so rare
When first trying them...

As a rudder the fish use their tail
It aids them in guiding their sail
But if you were to ask
Does it fail at its task

Noise of alarms and bells screams through the penitentiary. Inmate 1276, better known as street name 1031 Herc, is sitting...

Lets get crazy, lets get loud
it time to impress the screaming crowd
show no weakness show no pride
just get crazy and enjoy...

“My Bug”
I have this little bug,
It just won’t fly away!
It’s somewhere in my tummy
And it won’t obey.
My muscles feel so...

I used to think love at first sight
was just a myth but
then I saw you and I changed my mind
I've loved you since the...

He was cursed a treacherous disaster, not to mention his people
also suffered the wrongs of their master.
Forget about...

If a building can be called with just two pillars,
Regardless of how aged they’d become,
What difference of mismatched...

Your rich and bitter beans
So smooth and flawless
To part from you would be despairing
To ban you would be a crime

Dear lord could it be,
here I am for all to see.
In front of the class paying my dues,
speaking aloud to all of you.
I was...

stuff i can't tell my teacher ......
if i say it i'll get rebuked by the preacher
if i do they will be all up in my face...

In this world of difficultyI was struggling with lifeI was bothered physicallyBut I kept a smile.
It took me awhileTo...

My love keeps on cultivating
My heart keeps on Pulpatating
This feeling it's an affliction
How contradicting
I call it love...

(poems go herechool can be can be boring
school can bring can bring enemies
school can bring...

Senior Year,
Oh how I cheer!
Wasn't it supposed to be easy?
The classes were supposed to be breezy!
Oh how I was in denial,...

Sara’s Tale: Redneck Adventures
Packing up the bed,
We’ve got somewhere to head.
Adding things just in case,
Takes up all...

Churning pudding pie of chocolate, I love you so much!
How can I tell this pie that it was worth more than three dollars and...

Hey miss I have a question now I see class is in section but I have to ask what the point of this useless evaluation so we...

Surrounded by nothing,
where could I be?
nothing but a blue abyss,
I'm here,
lost at sea.
I walk the island,
trying to cope...

Dear teacher, I love psychology I truly do.And I always turn in my homework whenever it's due. When handing out assignments...

Sometimes I count backwards from ten
and when I get to one, BOOM!
there's an explosion.
Perhaps it is a rouge planet...

Once this was eden
change washes in through the pipes
paradise no more
The ominous green
grows, looming in above us.
We all...

Here comes the waves of a certain motion
Loudness erupting from all the commotipn,
You look closely and see a problem

UGH! You make me sick
When i first saw you,
Round with your mushy insides.
I hated you before I was three.
UGH! You make me...

When you see me I know what you think.
“Why’s he in my class” or “he must like to drink.. 40s and play biggie smalls”
Or “...

When hungry,
paper covered in letters,
black letters to be exact
fill me right up.
There is no limit in my stomach,...

School is back, its that time again
teachers are wack, i get to see friends
if theres one thing i dont like its a loner

Dear Pizza,
You were always like the boyfriend that I never had
Loyal, loving, and so comfort filling
I forgot that you're...

Schools might be very fun and also cool,
But kids tends to get bored, get sleepy, and always drool.
I always play basketball...

I never once had a plan
my mom a drunk
my dad abandoned
for whatever reason
it was just unfair
so how could I

I have the blues
From wearing to white and blue
Everyday in school
That is not cool
They do not understand
Were we stand ...

Where I get my moment of silence
But irritation of thoughts that confuses at times
I sit there while my body redecorates...

My life has taken a wrong term into the turning lane
because the divorce of my parents have enhanced my pain
what do i have...

If you are having a bad day
Don't worry about what to say
Just take a trip down to the bay
What do you say?
If you are...

Wake Up
What is the defiiniton of a teacher?
A teacher is a Kraken- looking creature
And a coffee-breath smelling preacher...

Who is to say today is today?
Who is to say tomorrow is tomorrow?
Who set this status quo to say today is today and tomorrow...

Bubbly bubbles how I love you so,
Bubbly bubbles I pray you never go,
Your always there for me when i clean,
When I bathe...

Love is about timing,
It's about getting it right,
Sometimes we're chasing,
Sometimes we're not,
It's about meeting and...

There once was a cave,
There lived three bears,
A momma, a daddy, and a cub.
They lived happily hunting and hybernating....

Making It I’ve made it four years of diligent study,the highest peaks, Mount Kilimanjaro is cold, Mount Everest is...

Life can be like a pizza.
Sometimes it takes forever and other times it arrives fast like winters cold weather.
The rouned...

The breezy wind blows north efficaciously tugging out the wintry flakes
Nightly waves freeze ashore
And the moon reflects...

This poem is about my car.
I know it's even better than any swaggin wagon by far.
Some people hate on my ride,
but I look at...

I feel like a caged tiger,
The morning breeze teasing me
With the freedom of the outside world.
I smell the fresh air,

I write to stimulate the mind, tickle the senses, expand the cerebral horizons, stretch the strings of the corpus callosum,...

All my life, no hope, no success, no example. Reach for the stars, they say. But who can reach with, arms tied to your...

Midwest winters are always fun.
I’m just kidding, I want the sun!
All ready to start my car so I won’t freeze,
And then I...

My school is full of opportunities.
We offer lots of extracurricular activities.
Our students are filled with pride and...

(poems go here)Reflections of a Mother
I give you Life, But cannot live it for you.I can teach you things, but I cannot Make...

I have two friends, Money and Knowledge.
I met Knowledge as a child and I met Money as a teen.
Both supported me but the...

How? I always ask myself,
I look at them with hopes of being part of it,
Part of their laughter, their conversation, their...

You sit at your desk and criticize me
You worry too much about my looks
You wonder why I doze off in class
Which usually...

I want to
say some things
some very certain things
to my teacher dearest.
I want to tell her
how she'll die alone,

Staring in your eyes knowing that you’re drenched.
Kissing you hearing the words give it to me being released from your...

Another slam to the locker
Too stunned to speak
The laughs and giggles as they walk away
Cuts deep into the feeings of your...

There always comes that time of day,
when you want to sleep your life away.
Especially at the end of school,
on the desk...

Her name is Kayla Denne’,
She was born in May
She is a smart girl
That’s why she wants to twirl
People say she mean

Sometimes I look in the mirror
and see myself in fear.
What I see is a mess
and I think of a makeover and nothing less.

(poems go here)
SO DON'T POKE or mope make your choice
you have a voice
now that you spoke

Past Preparation Presenting Present Presentations.
Practice Patients, Practice Performing Perfect Plays.
Maybe on perfect...

I met someone, a simple boy
We met on accident by our similar past
He ended up being a stranger who was out to destroy
And ...

For the stone of a road is brokenI am broken just as muchTo see the crack in the road I knowWhere I should beI take a breath...

Sometimes I wonder
if you think about me?
I think about you a lot
probably more than I should
I wonder if you are awake...

The paddng of boots and storms of dry dustDroplets of sweat brushed of bare backs in gusts
The breath of the sun brings the...

I don't know why kids run away from him,
My friends and I thought of him to be funny.
The redness of his hair, the paint on...

We were alone in your car
living life
enjoying the present
because any time spent with you is a gift
you and i aren't alone...