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I've always dreamed of being something,
But my ambitions are shot down into nothing.
"Working on cars sounds fun-"
Your a girl, it can't be done.
"Maybe there are animals to take care of-"
I will achieve my dreams
I will achieve all A’s
I will beat the numbers
I hold my future in my hands
Will I cultivate it to flourish or die?
I'm sitting on the tongue of a wild beast--
The red rasp stained like concrete when children scape their knees.
I can't fall. I know I can't fall again,
because I'm terrified to see the bones underneath--
Oh little girl can’t you hear?i’m calling out your nameOh little girl what’s your fear?for you are not to blame.
Your ambition
is your
Way up
to attainin'
higher level.
through tha
Path of light
and sight
The Dreamer
I can't
up still I
keep my
head up.
my life
in dream
can I do?
Trying to
survive in
this tough
No past failure
ever stops you
from Moving on
again. Today try
order to
enhance your
chances of
Winning, life
ends when
we halt dreaming.
Isn't it so funny how we all sit there and create these different scenarios in our heads,
But most of the time they are negative ones, and they are things that we dread.
Quesy is the smell of something untasted to most.
A certain flavor savored to all.
Amidst the season of distaste to none.
Unappetizing the palette of permanence.
Mouthwatering the tasteless.
Sweet dishes,
Inside where the fire rages,
a blasting inferno of a furnace,
I hold desperately onto clumps of coal and gasoline—
trying to gather all the fuel I can
that will blaze way to my future.
It took me 17 years
and a miserable day where I was told I was useless to learn that
We've been taught happiness
is success
When the rain falls on to the asphalt
And petrichor smells erupt,
I'll remember the cloudy days spent in my room,
My mind full of inspirations and ambition
To create a beautiful painting.
In my dreams I am an eagle-
I soar through the sky
My wing’s edges catch the cloud’s edges
Water collects on my feathers
And the world stares up
Who doesn't want a storybook life?
Just write it all in and cut out the strife
Who said that you can't write your own story
Like a Disney hero you can rise to glory
No such thing as fate no such thing as a curse
Sai My Name ______________
As i lay in the dark only one thing seems to spark
My dreams , My legacy
What will it remain?
I will here plant a seed
and feel the compost of forgotten years,
and breathe the warm air of this, the present.
And wait in the world to see
Dreaming is easy.
Attainable in the mind.
It's terrifying to wonder if those dreams will remain thoughts.
Swimming in my head are the insecurities I fought everyday.
A comfort zone prevents transition
No alteration being made to an ambition
Locked up in a desolated cell
While months turn into years
It's easier to breathe when you fall into the revelation of explaining why manipulation consumed you.
Because every time we converse, it ends up being a soliloquy.
Swallowing empty promises was all I had with you.
The cieling fan runs quietly,
The hound snores at the screen door.
I sit and I chat over coffee
With a guy who can be so much more.
I enjoy these afternoon conversations.
To my ambition,
To my dreams.
At first, you popped into my mind
Like a grape from a vine,
Whilst I watched Youtube videos of
I wish ,
I could be ,
With no one but me,
Enjoying my company,
Besides the rough sea.
I rest by the shore,
Below the palm shade,
Mesmerized by the blue marvel,
A beauty that ever would fade.
Hungry am I
For something to fuel my soul.
A longing for a passion.
What was once a raging fire
Is now a flickering flame.
It is not enough,
Ambition a constant hunger
I advise you -
Beware the quiet genius
Cunning, unnervingly discerning
Don’t underestimate me
You see me sit in silence
There is no path to gloryIt is an emerald seaThat movesViciously in every way imaginable.
Only the calm stay afloat and awaken to another day.
Once upon a time,
The fish that used to be a prince
Wallowed in his watery prison
Cursing his incompetence.
Pardon me
But the ambition flows
Deep within my veins
Into my heart and spirit
Oh yes, the ambition flows
Try going on Ramen and bologna sandwiches
Penny scrounging for bread and milk
It was told that a leader of many
Would not see the morning moon.
That the giver of plenty,
Would die too soon.
Today, he decides to live alongside The Light’s curse.
Everything else has ceased to matter,
To exist
In his eyes.
The damned metal has taken control
Of everything in sight:
Of our once beautiful home,
Of my body,
Of his mind.
We mere mortals,
Are but temporal beings.
Drowned by the wine of luxuries
That life has to offer.
That being said, still suffices not
(Countless, numerous sins ongoing
Creating, still dreaming
Land of the free and home of the brave.
We take the world's pitiful and their worst.
Freedom and happiness is all that we crave,
The poor, however, are forever cursed.
Sofie Levy
27 April 2017
Assignments that seem like few papers to some
Are mountainous to me.
I attempt to focus,
Looking back at the year prior
Makes the road ahead seem daunting.
Taking apart the person I was,
The closest I can describe is passion.
A rekindling of a dying and tired flame, thus,
My dad told me this was a waste of my time.
I plant the tripod and plug in the mic.
I’m still offended, but in the video I look fine.
Post the results, hankering for a like.
Six thirty—
Alarm rings;
I text my boyfriend I love him,
And go back to bed.
Six forty five—
Alarm rings again;
And I get out of bed.
Thus begins every school day,
From the rose that arose from the cracks
Like Pac said
To the sky and the stars or even beyond
Poetry is wisdom and its my own outlet
Dark days, new age
its my enlightenment..
A friendship so beautiful,
The world's eyes are forever searching,
But fail to find, rendered sightless by greed.
The hatred tries to bleed into, incompetent.
A home broken like an ocean floor of glass,
I see the light in your eyes,
The allure in their brightness,
Every time you speak of your dreams,
And all you want to achieve.
I feel the effect of my lack of ambition on your life.
You want to fly,
puddles reflect many wonders
they tales tales that make one ponder
but beware for they reflect the present wonders
Only oneself can create future wonders
Oh puddles you make me ponder
Activist, Conservationist, Environmentalist
Veterinarian, Psychologist, Ethologist
Poet, Writer, Singer
Baker, Designer, Entrepreneur
Mother, Daughter, Friend
I smiled as they said I wouldn’t amount to anything,
Anything was possible and I knew it deep in my heart,
Heart and mind both unified in achieving my dreams,
Dreams I thought of during the day and the night.
Flames burned through the night
They wouldn’t be put down without a fight.
Determination etched off each spark
Lighting up every inch of the dark.
Witches push Macbeth
Leading to king duncan's death
Ambition guided his hand
He became the king of the land
Evil grasped the king
Ambition, my drive
My mission is ride all of these waves
until the day that I survive,
with my mind, body, and soul.
It kills my fear.
It tells me what I need to hear.
Ambition makes me tired and ill,
but I cant decide if having it is worth the effort still.
Of course it is because without it I, I mean we, are nothing.
Empty thoughts have no sense of fulfillment
My aspirations, desires, and concerns
Fill in the empty spaces that cause me
To provoke, ponder, and practice
Every aspect of life
Every aspect of humanity
Who would I be
Without ambition
Without hope
Without dreams
Without goals
Would I matter
Could I live with not mattering
For every time in my life
That I have been
Knocked down
Called out
Made fun of
I’d feel the burn of my ego
And the sting of my flesh
Dare I ask what tomorrow brings
Another day of temptation to reach my hope
Yet I am prepared, even if it stings
Pass me an orange
a slice of the East,
not in the least.
Pass me an apple
rooted in the West,
Questions Are The Answers
By: Wardah Elghazali
Who am i?
Am I the person you wish to be?
Many people may question, what the heck is a dream
Is it a figment of my imagination my brain continues to stream
Is it a goal in my future that I can clearly see in sight
"Earth to Alex!"
every day. every morning in AP Gov,
"Ground control to Major Tom..."
Head in the clouds
with an I've-gotta-get-out-of-here attitude.
High Standards. Big Dreams.
I have flawless ambition.
I want more than I know how to approach
As a result
I never fall short of achieving at least something
I want to be remembered
I am aspirannt , determined and driven.
I am a young lady with goals and a dream.
Cry your final tears now,don't hold it in
For tomorrow holds another chance to live again
Keep your head held high in confidence and pride
Just let go, relax, enjoy the ride
Things will pan out in the end
Born in the Flame of the controversial state.
They try to burn my fate with bias hate.
I am Flawless,
Just open up your ears,
I am Flawless without photoshop
Now wait, this will make your jaw drop,
You look inside the shiny magazines at the glamorous models there
My hair, long and brown
My face, straight and concentrated
My body, short and ordinary
None of it matters
I can get through
Whatever life throws at me
My strength
My desire
My dedication
Please scorn not the poet
For the rhymes too slanted,
For syllables miscounted,
For content hard to read.
Did our history keep
Shakespeare’s first love sonnet?
Virgil’s practice poems?
Who am I? You should know who I am. Standing tall, with my head up above. Looking beyond the present in hopes to build a future so strong no one could even grasp the concept of going backwards.
I am alone,
and the journey’s long,
can’t figure out what’s right, what’s wrong.
Messed-up, cluttered
my thoughts,
they race across my mind.
The road is rough,
the path not tread,
The controlling controller roams in
her controlling world, thinkinking highly
of the crazy cool adventurous odesseys
she embarks on.
Her blanket is her cape to escape
I'm Flawless
Not because my skin is clear or my body is perfect
Cause I'm Far from both ..
But because I love.. I love hard ..
I'm flawless cause my loyalty runs deep
I am the girl that wears a lot of make up, which hides who I really am.
Eye shadow, eye liner and foundation, I wear it all.
The make up disguises who I really am;
What is beauty?
Everyone has different opinions about beauty.
But what is beauty?
Beauty can be big,
Beauty can be little.
Beauty can be light,
Beauty can be dark.
Broke a vase and crashed a car,
Told my Daddy I wasn't going far.
I choked on stage
Tripped and fell
I am definitly not hollywood,
Oh damn well.
Got a drink dumped on my face
I'm trying to act like I'm invisible because I know that you can see that I'm not #perfect.
But I know that if you could see the real me that is not my blotchy skin or curvy frame, you would be #shocked.
Look at me
What do you see?
Young, black, short, mean
Somewhere in between?
I look in the mirror
You know what I see?
A queen
Staring back at me
Not the tallest
I'm not the best of sons,
and it's hard to miss my family when everyday they're part of war.
I live with scars that just won't seem to end,
but you know what?
They're my medals and best friend.
I wake up looking in the mirror
Brush my teeth
My horrid breath no longer existing
I change into an extravagant outfit
No longer feeling insecure
I put on a mask of powder and liquid
Feeling perfect
i write and i write but how can i describe the feelings that i have yet to experience with words i can't even begin to know the meaning of?
I don't wake up perfect
and my teeth aren't white
but if there's one thing I'm proud of
I never was the girl who had it all
Hell, I was the one who had nothing at all.
But here I am,
I stand before you
proud and tall.
No money nor connections,
just sheer ambition
I can rhyme words without a rhythmbut as soon as I try, I lose the feeling.So I’ve learned to let them flow,let ‘em rolloff my tongue - or in this case my pen -
Easy nor Quick.
Never Once must I Falter,
During The Challange
To Obtain
Occupational Perfection.
The Road Ahead,
Found to be Rocky,
Yet I must Persevere
To Obtain
She cannot stop, she cannot quit,
but sometimes she wishes life would just get on with it.
She tries to stay positive, keep a smile on her face,
but it’s hard when she has to keep running this race.
When you wake up what do you see? Do you see the world as a cruel unusual placeOr do you see that you were blessed with dreams to achieve everyday.
Imagination is what keeps me inspired
My brain is like a vacuum
Drawing in the dreams
The fantasies I create
It keeps me writing
If we would take time to comphrend the master plan of the man above.
In the days of Noah put mankind survival in the beak of a dove.
But then we ask, what is love? Or what it has to do with us.
Long ago, the fire was dwindling
With a roar, it kindled and manifested might
That devastating roar was realization;
I wasn’t truly alive
This is the element of my sign:
Sometimes it takes shedding a tear to feel like your empty of a moment's despair. Were clear is as near as a windshield wipe upon a smear of fear.
Every star in the sky
Is a different city
Rooftop missions
Summer ambitions
Different paths
Dances before us
Glazing eyes
Filled with wonder
Life once created a soul
with mighty dreams and hopes
Yet it only took a man
to destroy it
No man shall choose another’s destiny
Gods among earth we are not
My work will drive me as far as I let it
For this is where ambition and wishing will split
Humble actions influence outgoing impacts
The days of my youth are so hard, but in a way kind.I can do anything I set my mind To. WIthout Knowing this, I would be blind.I will do whatever it takes to succeed.IT IS IN ME, I have everything I need.
My life would change in a flash
Simple as someone turning on a monitor
Then the CPU
Waiting for it to boot up
Going into the archives
Then, finally
Adding a new profile
As a child we grow up knowing exactly what we want to be when we actully grow up
A fire fighter is what I wanted to be
The red lights and water is what excited me
But the tragedy of 9/11 also frighten me
I play the guitar hoping to get far.
Not just to get by , but enough defy.
All who resent me , with a youthful burst of energy.
They tell me I must become an engineer.
The pay is good , and getting famous is rare.
Drift amuck in a waterless world
Catching on to anything
Within hand’s grasp
We strive to find purpose
To stake our land
To hold our place
To say “we were here”
I want to go into business and economyMake some money and change the way people thought of meI'm tired of people thinking I can't do it like I'm just an act of comedy
The natural foliage creeping down the counter,
Draping over the polished tanned walls.
Reflecting ergonomic finesse,
Cleanly tracing the muscular lining,
Of a fresh carcass.
Once you turn your face heavenwards;
To engage in daily conversation
that is, to return to Earth,
merits a physical un-tilting of the head; from the angled
to the staid, erect position, eyes intently glazed over.
A true story
My mother and I stood in the Afghan refugee camp
Solemnly and nervous, I stared as they stared back
"This is where I came from," she said to me
We all have a goal in life,
Become a ballerina, baseball player, or be in the circus.
My dream is to become a National Geographic photographer.
I want to touch the soul, with words that sounds like gold.
I want to hold the world's feelings in the words of my notes.
I want to behold the power to have my written word uncontrolled.
I've got six sources of dreaming, clear
The words all tumble bright, and fear
Is choking cloaking, smogging roping
Round my throat and twixt my ears.
What am I doing here?
I'm learning phonetics,
“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts”
- William Shakespeare
Nirvanna is what I seek; the Paradise thought lost, the Great Hall
Let me dig, let me cram
crawling through flickering passages
Hollowed tombs rich with an era
Tongue tied tumbling over guttural grunts
Walking down the street I see them
Picking up the trash off the street
Without them I wouldn't have somewhere to walk
Without them, my life would change
Walking into school I see them
The type of job which would change my life is becoming a famous author.
The way becoming a famous singer would change my life is everything I did the public would know about.
I wouldn't really have a free moment to myself.
All my life, it's been
You point the way, I'll get us there.
I'll struggle through,
and reach the goal.
I can overcome any obstacle,
but don't know where to start.
Today, I take the wheel.
I am a flower in the desert, holding out for the rain.
The sun has been hot and taunting, mocking my goals and my name.
This war
Is about blood, tears, and death
This war
Sees a little child heave a last breath
But there are no guns, no bombs
No battlefields that we can see
For the war rages forever on
One Journey, one road, one story?
Exploring, doing more, and expressing my inner joy is my future job.
Sharing the knowledge of my obtained wisdom
With young minds, eager to learn and flourish
Is the most noble of desires that can be had
One chance
to make that one choice.
This is the choice that defines
defines you, defines your life.
Well I made my choice
and I choose animals.
Now, I just need my chance
They say that hatred is a fireThat eats at your insidesAnd it isAlong with jealousy and ambitionAt times it seems I carry all of theseBut I've learned to push down my angerTo be content with what I have
They say pick a route.
They say choose a dream.
Well, I'm not backing out
So I'll let my thoughts become a live stream.
My dream job is obscure
Pharmacy isn't thought of in my small town,
There once was a bird who wanted to fly.
She wanted so badly to sore the sky.
But she had a few bent feathers.
They said theyw ill stay that way forever.
Sometimes all she wanted to do was cry.
Respected and Loved
A friend
A companion till the end
Hold my hand, count to ten
Thick and thin here we go
Nobody can do it like you
Working hard everyday
To make your dreams come true
I wanna be in that
"Miss Independent" Life
Just so I can say
"Mama I made it and all the fake people hated"
Wait... Stop... Please?
I beg you to reconsider
You're beginning to fade away
Already one foot in your grave
This life will get you
Pit you in the middle between lions and bears
Since being a young boy in the hood
My life has never been good
Gunshots at night and standing under streetlights
I told my self I shall rise
If I put in hard work there should be a prize
Since being a young boy in the hood
My life has never been good
Gunshots at night and standing under streets lights
I told my self I shall rise
If i put in hard work there should be a prize
Be impatient.
Feel like now is the time to change shit,
Not rearrange it
Or reframe it.
Take it all down and make another,
One for your sister,
One for your brother.
I didn't do my homework.
I hope we'll make amends.
Last night I didn't study,
I went out with my friends.
I stayed up late last night,
So can I skip the test?
You know that science project?
Count me among the ranks,A vehicle of stellar achievement,aimed and poised at a target all my own,I will join the many who've gone before,and light an arc upon the sky,to help guide those who come after,
I begin,
to feel like I'm going through life in no particular direction,
to feel like instead of being one in million,
that I'm one in the millions,
I don't feel like an individual,
I'm finally here
Right where I want to be
It seems as if it has taken forever
For me to see so clear
But here I am
A college student
Making her way through classrooms and side walks
A girl is someone who respects her ambitions
And works towards it
A girl is someone who does what she is suppose to do
A girl is someone who is responsible
And does things according to how it should be done
The strive you have to have to do your dreams ,
While the dollar bill appears and disappears in your wallet,
The scheme, yeah they get you ,
Raise you up then they forget you or have you forgot yourself?
It starts as a sapling; young and naive.
No critcisms; No obstacles can stop its growth.
Seasons pass yet it still grows.
In Winter, it is of age at which ambition and intellect grow.
Round of applause Picture me everyday on your tv screenHard to believe but it's possibleAm I living in the land of opportunity?Not reallyI am the hope of the pain stricken slave.
Writing a poem is a grand expression Of the man I am and the one I want myself to be Words become lines, lines become poems, interconnected like brush strokes in a painting or the individual notes of a favorite song These words that capture my hea
I look around me, and what I see
are giants, towering, mastering, so alive.
They build and create monuments--no room for me--
While I am merely an ant, no matter how I strive.
Keep going, keep pushing; but in what direction?
Everyone out here is trying to teach a lesson
You can't teach those who have already been taught what you're trying to teach
Why build borders,
When you can build dreams.
Why break down dreams,
When you can break down borders.
My journey was of a thousand miles
And my heart kept going like an engine.
I write to be Ambitious
I write because I'm Notorious and
When I'm feeling Glorious
I write to Educate and
To Lead with my Intelligence
I write because I'm Caring
I write to get through Anxiety
“Empacó un par de camisas, un sombrero
Su vocación de aventurero, seis consejos, siete fotos
Mil recuerdos”
Ambition is the desire to achieve
It is the will to succeed
It means more success riches fame or fortune
But too much and there could be a malfunction
Some have an ambition to be a doctor
Some have an ambition to be a pilot
Some scuba divers, some athletes
There is a broad range of different ambitions
With people preaparing for ambitions from a young age
The dreamer in me can't stay still
The visions of the future give me chills
Languages I learn: Vietnamese and French
But my satisfaction isn't quenched
I want to travel
I am searching for my place
in this world of open space.
Through the barriers and walls
it is hard to see our calls.
No funding for tution
but a degree is needed with ambition
to break down that block
The mind truly sets the human free,
appreciate everything you got experiences and life, change perception, the way you see things,
Chase, capture and conquer the meaning of your reality,
The south wind blows and I will miss you
Who will you miss, though?
Have you anybody to know, grow, set seeds and sow?
We fall, fall, fall to the blue, into the blue
And then...