This War
This war
Is about blood, tears, and death
This war
Sees a little child heave a last breath
But there are no guns, no bombs
No battlefields that we can see
For the war rages forever on
Inside of you and me
This war
Fells the high and low
This war
Brings agony in sun and snow
Those who cannot find a cure
And those who cannot fight,
The destitute and the weak
Inevitably fall to the microbe's might.
This war
Is within the laboratory, and a soldier I will be
This war
Is in researching things too small to see.
Infectious, dangerous, waiting to strike
The enemy's weapons
As deadly as gun or pike.
This war
Is far more insidious
This war
With casualties more hideous
Dengue and malaria are but two of my foes
Targeting the poor and the frail
I will defend them, and fight this war
On a tiny but momentous scale.