gun control
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We have people shouting about the lives of babies outside of clinics,
Why are they not outside of schools should about the lives of kids in it?
One side is fighting for gun control,
holding the door
for a stranger
could be the difference
between a normal day
and a mass shooting.
Sad, isn't it?
Officer Paul said, “I thought it was a gun, so I started to shoot.”
We say, “if you can't tell the difference between a gun and a taser, then maybe don’t shoot.”
Guns are stupid,
Most of us are clearly unsuited.
We can’t even remember to water the plans or pay attention in class.
Don’t you think if minimal things can’t be done, owning a gun would just make us an ass.
Fifty percent of Americans say they personally know someone who has been shot.
Doesn’t that make your skin crawl and make you think “hmm... maybe something needs to be untaught.”
No? Just me.
Why have greater gun control,
Why waste time when there’s bigger issues to meet at goal?
Is it because the nearly half a hundred thousand lives aren’t enough?
they squeeze the fiberglass grip,
head down,
arms at side.
one hand,
situates a fist.
the other,
houses a Glock,
Bullets have no name
All you have to do is be in frame
Be in the vicinity and you may get hit
But some legislators don't give a damn
What will it take to put measures in order
Children of the world,
What wishes can I send your
and what words of wisdom give?
And more, how can I make
these new and powerful- words and wishes to be
received with impact?
Children walking the halls
Lovers kissing in the stairwell
Friends sharing a joke between classes
Tired students scrambling
Half-finished homework in their hands
With each bullet I take
I wonder how many lives I save.
Laying on the cold ground
I feel no warmth, hear no sound.
It wasn't bravery, nor anger
just fear for every stranger.
The chaos within me ensues
Drowning my thoughts
While I sought
For what was left of me
The views
Within my soul
Were nothing but cold
I am no longer who i was
Thoughts and Prayers
My thoughts and prayers are not enough.
I think about how I wanted to start this poem by quoting
Bad Guy With a Gun
We have been studying Hamlet, but now I am sitting in a classroom with twenty five seniors
in the dark.
Guns Don't Kill People
Guns Don't Kill People
People kill People
Repeat it again
Repeat it again
That gun is your frienddd
If you go outside
You will hear the sounds of a country
A country that used to be a place of refuge
That is now becoming the opposite
You fight for your right to guns with all your might
Not just any guns
But military grade guns that take the lives of
Innocent children and teens and teachers alike
How many more newscasts before we decide it's enough?
How many more broken parents and friends before we choose to make a change?
How many more children need to die before anyone can say goodbye?
Day in and day out.
Through the halls and down coridors.
He walks with vegance.
Little could see nor understand.
Sirens scream as hallways drip.
Thankful to no longer be a target.
Eyes close in the ER.
"Support my rights" you say,
"I do, but I want to live another day."
The fear and panic has begun
It's not a drill, our time is done.
Silence. Tears. Texts and calls.
Some will live and some will fall.
"Support my rights" you say,
"I do, but I want to live another day."
The fear and panic has begun
It's not a drill, our time is done.
Silence. Tears. Texts and calls.
Some will live and some will fall.
Grey skies overhead.
Blue seas below, waving.
Green trees, hoping for a chance to start anew.
Red fire giving trees a chance.
Grey skies put the fire out, the sea ceases its spread, the trees start anew.
he was shot, In the back.
We knew what was comIng, we had for a while,
the man came to our doorStep, but didn't make a sound.
we knew He was here to take, not to give,
the man began to steal, to rob and to threat.
When I got on my knees for church
And asked who am I doing this for?
When I watched a man die on the street
And wondered why anyone need be poor?
When I heard students cry out for peers shot dead
The sound comes from down the hall
It draws nearer as you fill with dread
They reach the classroom
Shots fire through the room
the clock is ticking
and i am very afraid
afraid to live
in a world where i probably won't see my old age
the clock is ticking
and i am very afraid
afraid to live
in a world where i probably won't see my old age
she who has the pussy makes the cashshe who makes the cash holds the gun. she who holds the gun pulls the trigger. she who pulled the trigger had to run. and she keeps on runnin...
Can it happen here?
Brutality and inhumanity
Packaged as isolated tragedy
Rooted in insanity
Caused not by guns but by mental incompatibility
With idealistic libertarian reality.
Why do they keep doing this to me?
Don't they know I'm F'ed up on several meds?
That I'm emotionally unstable?
Hands raised in a manilla classroom
Walls plain, littered with 20th-century posters
Faces unamused, drifting into unconsciousness
I am of the youth
One with such a small voice
But though I cannot cast a ballot
I can still scream, and think like any other
I still have the right to make my own decisions
We grew up differently
We grew up like no one else
Our childhoods were defined by fear
They were defined by terror
We grew up knowing nothing but violence
Wouldn't it be a great day to live in silence
Stop the shooting and free up the violence
Join together and fight for our justice instead
Wouldn't it be great to take the bullet out of a gun
What kind of a world do we live in
Where children who are just learning
How to read
How to write
Are gunned down in their classrooms
Everyday, it's a new place with the same story
Pray for here, my heart breaks for there
People taking action in comment sections
Not at polls
Everyday, they cry for justice
No one cares
Video games did it
Thoughts and Prayers
No one cares
Mental illness
Thoughts and Prayers
No one cares
Not the guns
“When a school bell rings!”
There goes the bell for the first period of my high school monotony
Yet, with each shattering clang of metal, my heart beats faster
For the victims,
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry because your country has failed you,
as it has failed countless others before you,
and unless we make changes
This piece is a comment on gun violence in America, an issue I am incredibly passionate about. I participated in the March for Our Lives in my city and have been a vocal part of my community on this issue.
I remember the nightmare–
No, the February afternoon–
When the garden shifted for what we dream could be the last time
It was impossible to watch such a disgusting tragedy
But our eyes were clawed open
“There’s a walkout” was whispered, planned, carried out.
At ten a.m. some filed out, avoided the stares and glares and skeptical looks.
We met in the quad, we shared our thoughts, acknowledged that prayers just weren’t enough.
The doors were never locked Always open
The children never scared
Always feeling safe and never out of place
We need to have control.
Not control on how we’re taught or what we wear,
but on the weapons put on display to be seen everywhere.
As a kid
two brothers on either side
of my timeline
our play time was mostly
playing violent baseball
and digging up worms for fishing.
In doing this
I never understood
There goes the bell for the first period of my high school monotony
Yet, with each shattering clang of metal, my heart beats faster
Author's Note:
I wrote this the day after the Stoneman Douglas Shooting on February Fourteenth, 2018.
I have been well acquainted with you, Death
I have walked fearlessly --- and trembling back
I have survived and heard their dying breath
my dad and i sit in the car discussing the parkland shooting and he says to me, “the media did a good job this time making sure they got all the kids upset.”“the media?” i ask.“yeah, it’s not like you guys were gonna do anything.
Y’all will never changeY’all will never changeTalk about the hateBut y’all still causing pain
Nd Y’all won’t neva bang Cause Y’all can’t neva rideWhy y’all Watched him dieOn ya Insta live ?
Do you need it?
Do you need the capability to take a life?
Does the life on the other end of the gun have less value than yours?
Do you need to allow your anger to result in the pulling of a lethal trigger?
One shot
Two shot
Three shot
Mama doesnt wanna send her kids to school anymore
One down
Two down
Three down galore
Tell me why our voices are so easy to ignore
My life
His life
How many more need to die?
I wonder why.
I wonder how many families cry
The till is filled, but even still
One bullet, two kills.
stop taping young
people’s mouths shut
and telling us where
our places are
stop screaming over the
voices of tomorrow
and stop telling us we don’t
know what we’re talking about
for lives lost
at the end of a gun
and those wounded
at the hands of
a bullet
i pray for
your peace but
more importantly
i pray for
your justice
Decrease the heat, in the streets,
It's lethal,
Increase the peace, murder beats,
Not people.
Dear the Future,
Can you see us?
Can you see the wounds,
Can you see the deaths,
Can you see the grief,
Can you see the fear?
Do you remember us?
Do you know how many fear the future?
The heavy metal became the pedal for the pedestal at the federal level.
The ones who control take the toll of soul, painting black.
The ones who've yelled pull to the man in black,
It’s sickening.
Makes me want to vomit.
Makes me wonder what this Earth wants
And why everyone’s on it.
2018 was supposed to be
The year I graduate,
10 Years from now, we’ll still be here;
Arguing if measures will help the defenseless.
The ever present fear will always be near.
There’s no reason to allow the Left to put me in fear,
We’ve stated concerns about the fears of violence in our halls,
then waited silently as we burn.
For some reason dress codes are stricter than our gun laws,
He drew a line and stood behind it
and dared not step across,
he said, my principals are just
no matter what your loss.
He has rights he must defend
but our children pay the cost,
As shards of death now ricochet
through chalk-dust and despair
and adolescents cower in
heartbeat cupboards under stairs;
as blood encrusted peepholes
fear that darkness does not care,
i walked out
for what i hope to be
a better future
can't you see
these devices called guns
are killing us all
Air raids.
I watch in awe as the laughtr fades.
One dead body,
Three more on their way.
I wonder what their parents will say.
You start to wonder,
I take a knee
In solidarity
With my oppressed brothers and sisters
For I am not free
Heart stops builts fly out
people dropping like the autumn leafs
but theres no doubt about it and i'll shout it out
that the grief will eventally end
bang bang bloody dollars fill up your pockets
If we are old enough to get shot
we are old enough to speak up
If we are old enough to buy guns
we are old enough to play the drums of war
Use your
Not a
Education is the best opportunity my poverty-ridden eyes have seen.
Brazen youth facing the sun, we viewed the skies
Azure blue temple spreads for miles from my eyes,
forests and beaches and foreign lands, we build new fleet
A city that never dies vibrating beneath our feet
Every day
there’s a new tragedy
plaguing the headlines of newspapers and magazines
When did we forget how to love?
instead learn how to hate
That's how many shootings have happened
In my 17 years of life
That's how many times I've watched
Faces and names scroll across screen
Lives lost, loved ones heart broken
A Defense From Tyranny
By: Nicholas Boesch
Why own guns? One might ask. And another might say
Why let the government get in your way?
War hungry yet peace seeking.
Assault rifles for protection.
White privilege in a country built on immigrants.
Home of the brave but afraid of innocent Muslims.
In America, we are free
To do what we wish
Thus, with joy we cry
And oh how we pray
That freedom has not died
For if she dies we are lost
Faces facing forward,
Focus Fixated on the Flag.
God Bless America,
Land of the Free and those Good-for-Nothing Mexican Scumbags.
Hand over Heart,
Hand over Ears,
over Eyes,
Orlando. <br/>Another name now shorthand for tragedy.<br/>Another line drawn in time, <br/>A before and after, <br/>Things will never be the same.<br/>Another mass shooting.
Pursuit of happiness, liberty, and life, tell yourself that it is how it is
But where’s happiness and liberty when there’s no life to begin with?
Don’t make no sense
Ever since 2008, Obama has been on the debate
I think it's officially my lifeI hear original narratives and think of all the people going through strifeIt's plaguing their lives and here I am writing about my #FirstWorldProblems
What is this piece in my hand?
The bullet and bullet shells coordinate as a band.
It sometimes be on water or land.
As time evolve, we evolve at the same time that a musket looks like a papergun
With the power to destroy in their own hands
Rage and indignation dominate their stands
Fearless and unknowing of the consequence
This only leaves me questioning their competence
Closing the lockers, I head to class.
I smile at friends and laugh at jokes.
A normal day really.
The clock is ticking, counting my last moments.
Of course, I don't know that.
Another child.
Another friend.
Another son.
Another daughter.
Another neighbor.
Another cousin.
Another mother.
Another father.
Another lover.
Another classmate.
The mouth of the metal monster
the maw of the morbid mother
the giver of gold or gall
picking out the particular person
plucking out precious people
maker of more monopolies
I have always dreamed of being a toy train.
Spreading smiles on happy boyish faces
But have I ever drawn a smile on a face?
A heart pressed like a flower between ribcage pages
every beat blooming in the blouse in the backseat
the blood fertilizing gravel that will never grow to seed
if it does it never grows nice things
If I could change just one thing
What could possibly suffice?
Could I break the bonds of hatred,and save an unborn life?
Could I pause the hands of time for just one reason, a reason
To cling?
Its crazy how mothers and fathers
Bury their children now days
One day they conceive em
And then their fading away
Out of your life
And out of your way
Got police knocking
At your door
On my path, I'm headed for hell
Today, I snuck in God's house 'cause he don't know me that well
But upon entrance a preacher caught me and called me by name
He said "I don't know why you're here, but I'm glad that you came,"