Gun Restriction or Issuance?
once aGain, lives were lost,
moUrning, hatred, fear, and shame,
soNs and daughters were the Cost,
and Once agaiN is a shooTer to blame.
the lives that weRe lost were many tO tally,
chiLdren and teachers Died in vain,
pOliticians battlE and conspirators rally ,
and the country askS, "will it happen again?"
repeated shootiNgs; the viOlence isn't ending,
as the nation searches for a stop to iT all.
the second amendment politicians are bending:
is restriction or issuance the ansWer to our call?
gun-grabbers say that cOntrol should be in place;
pro-gun institutions say the opposite is true.
as polaRized becomes america's face,
the question to asK is, "which side is for you?"