Poems About the Environment
1000 white lights like Christmas trees
Grow dim as the night wanes
Across the moonlit sky
The luminous atmosphere
Freons The boulders have been ground by the waves
Cascading onto beaches making sand over the ages
Think of the gold coin you once had,
At that time, you're hardly sad.
You're unconscious of its rule;
Артур Рембо "Варвар" (з французької поезії) Давно, за днями і порами року, і - за людьми, і - за краями.Майва сирого м'яса на шовкові мор
My DEFIANCE of Compliance Is A Poetic Science... !!!
So REJECTS TYRANTS Who Seem To Be Reliant...
You know when your dad decides to move out on a whim?
Yeah, then it's confirmed that you hate him