Poetry about Donald Trump

Dedicated to the 2016 Presidential Election
President Donald J. Trump is planning on taking our Medicaid & Medicare  away from us!!  
  Sleepy the Woke Poet on this sheet niggah I stand up for what’s mines I can not take a seat niggah
I'm tired of being disabled & poor!! I'm tired of  being picked on by people!!!  
Many Months Ago America Elected a President His Skin is Orange
Pres. Donald J. Trump cannot be trusted!! Pres. Donald J. Trump doesn't care about the
The New Omelas              by Lilian Ntximhlub Her
New, President New Change Donald Trump is not a Scum, he did not become a president to have some fun.
My country, ‘tis of thee Dead land of liberty. Of thee I sing; “Where is the equality?”
We shouldn't need  13 reasons to have a voice.   We shouldn't need 13 reasons to make a choice.  
