Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Shattered. Shattered like the chandelier Now crumbled on our floor. What once lit our worlds
11 years 7 months ago
Why humiliate me, then tranquilize me and worse yet make me feel something that I’m not?
11 years 7 months ago
People come People go Seasons change Emotions Unknown
11 years 7 months ago
Every morning I do pray, to give me strength to better serve my love each day.
11 years 7 months ago
Under Pressure. Listen to Bowie: Fill my ears with the sound of his sweet fears. Under Pressure.
11 years 7 months ago
He lays there, Without a care. No other word to be said, Except he’s dead. His face once so beautiful,
11 years 7 months ago
The fire that shimmers and turns in the night, dances across my face and in my soul ignites
11 years 7 months ago
He’s the one left behind when they’ve walked away. She turned and walked away with the rest of them
11 years 7 months ago
We all have door with a lock but no key We all have our secrets, our past, our deeds
11 years 7 months ago
I was surprised. I hadn't realized how far I'd come. How selfish I'd become in the process. Only thinking about myself. I was ugly.
11 years 7 months ago
