Poems about Race
Look at me and look at you we’re both the same
you don’t have any clue, you signal me out
We still struggle as a country,
with civil rights and equality.
From race, color, religion, and orientation,
We’re the great melting pot
We have every race, ethnicity, and type of person you could imagine
No matter what color or race,
Thank those who made this place truly,
The “land of the free”,
Aren't we the land of the free?
In freedom isn't there equality?
Yet still we judge one another
We are waiting for the day
That God will say
That this life was a mere play
And we were auditioning
The dream... of a determined man is defined by a person's character, by his goal, by his statue.
What is color?
A trick of light
Or lack of light.
White is bright.
Black is dull.
But that’s not true.
From the beginning,
We were made equal.
In the past, they didn't see t
That we were made equal
Have you ever been sprayed?
Sprayed with iniquity
Sprayed with hatred
Sprayed with your identity