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Once there was a small child,
happy and ran in the wild.
He was an introvert;
Moved to America and knew not a single word.
Since he was so shy,
There she sits in the corner, alone
She is surrounded by nothing but blank, white, walls.
With her tear stained face, she has lost all her faith.
She will stay there with nothing to give and nothing to take
Over 3.2 million students are bullied each year
Every day they go to school trembling in fear
Studies say about 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with this
The body expresses sorrow as walls glorify his pain bent is mentality draining thoughts of sane love runs deep hands through her chest madness is the blood soaked mattress where the mind may lay rest cry for reasons simply unknown cackle amongst c
Your Beautiful
Your Inteligent
Your Needed
You told me these things when I was young
I never belived the words you told me
I threw myself down
And told myself I would never be loved
Please don't stop me, my love, let me lie down and kiss the ground,
let me taste the taste of freedom on my tongue and remember my
Sit down and view my world
Let me take you in
They say my name
As if it is I that should be ashamed.
And yet, I win another battle
Ocean eyes that tell a story
about the rough seas
though you would never know
He reveals a smile
of innocent perfection
so you cannot see, nor hear
about how his ship rocked
I suffer for school survival
U run to class no walk afraid of being chased
Because I'm a outcast,
I don't have friends because of what
People heard about me it doesn't take them
How many cuts and bruises authority figures can ignore
For the sake of pretending so it's not on their shoulders;
Denying a problem that's clearly there with phrases to cover, such as:
Toughen up, don't tattle.
Darling, darling... open your ears and listen to these words you must hear
Stop puhing away the things you hold dear because of your fears
Look around you
See the world on a child’s face
See the joy
The sorrow
The pain.
It’s etched in the eyes
They’re tired
Tired of fighting
The beatings
It deafening.
I'm crying in the corner
Feeling so alone,
Why wont anyone talk to me?
I just want a friend
When will this nightmare end?
I'm nice and sweet
but all I do is get beat.
She was one text away from loneliness, one pill away from pain
It was too hard for her to think she tried to sleep away the pain
Drifted so deep into the darkness that tomorrow never came
Walking down this crowded hall, A push, causing me to fall. Is what i'm worried about the most, i'm tired of being this bully's host. The shoves, pushes, and names, it's all real not just a game. I ask myself why, why should I keep on?
clinking metal frozen
wrists bound
reaching for freedom
no key to set me free
or strength to uncuff
To the teacher who supervised study:
Remember the girl who was my best friend,
The girl who sits in front of me…
She called me Bitch in front of everybody today
We all wake up everyday thinking of our future
We all get up and go to start our every day adventure.
Young moms get up tired from their babies crying all night
Going to school thinking everything is going to be all right.
Who is the bully?that walks the hallsall big and badcan you really tellthat his world is upside downthat his parents have disappeared
Why are you just standing there?
Look at her! Don't you care?
Or have you no heart? Or perhaps eyes?
Certainly you can hear her sobs.
She's not hiding it. Neither is he.
Is there something wrong with me?
Why can’t I be free?
Everyone looks at me.
What do they see that I don’t?
Why am I alone?
Why am I used?
Is that what my life is to be?
No one says anything.
An army I see standing before you
Won't you let it be so we won't go blue
Me alone in the field, head high and no shield
for give me, but I won't bow down or kneel
Lets open our eyes and see what we've done
Angel Child
Never let them see you cry
Those Hazel eyes only reflect pain
From the hurt of the hurters
They will never know the bruises they made
Carried weight in your heart
Broken Ones
You’ve been covered by black
A sadness that surrounds you
You’ve been laced in pain
You’re helpless to free yourself
You’ve been sitting in doubt
If you feel like you don’t belong