Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Different is Good Brian
10 years 12 hours ago
You broke my heart & for that I am Grateful, I used to be so Lovable but now I am Hateful.
10 years 13 hours ago
10 years 13 hours ago
Our tears are turbid, Clouding our eyes. Our hearts have been broken Too many times… We are blind.
10 years 13 hours ago
One thing I learned from my mother and father
10 years 13 hours ago
10 years 13 hours ago
The River runs downthrough the Valley of Life.It twists and turns,to avoid the strife.
10 years 13 hours ago
The Light,It streams through the long and glistening rays,It glows and beams.
10 years 13 hours ago
I want to tell you Something That You should Know  But if you don't listen to Me now My true nature will Show 
10 years 13 hours ago
I Spoke what I wanted to Speak  I Did what I wanted to Do  And because of That  I am now with You 
10 years 13 hours ago
