Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

  The farther we get from our natures
1 hour 17 min ago
Like a drop of milk on a black cats whisker The moon is lost in the endless night  
8 hours 27 min ago
Blue mountain Summer dreams have led me to  your summit I can breathe here I am alone
8 hours 31 min ago
Summer heat within Hot coals igniting I see you touch  her hand You know I'm watching  
8 hours 35 min ago
Summers gone I'd only just begun To feel so free The chance of lifr of light Just you and me
8 hours 38 min ago
Green to gold Gold to white Light tomdusk Day to night Rise Again  in verdant green
8 hours 43 min ago
Have you danced with the leaves  in Autumn Have you made angels in the snow Have you welcomed the Spring
8 hours 44 min ago
I pull the curtains close No crack of light illuminates the dark the endless night  
8 hours 47 min ago
Inside the flower the nectar is sweet The bee is enchanted her reverie deep  
8 hours 50 min ago
I am the wind The merest breath on The baby's cheek as she sleeps her evening sleep   I am 
9 hours 12 min ago
