I want you
My hand shot up and before I even realized what it entailed I heard my name being called.
I regret even coming to school, even waking up on time. I begin shaking violently though I dont notice it at first, and it feels like the wind has been knocked out of me. I get up out of my seat and push the table away from me so I can move. I run up the stairs of the auditorium and type in the name of my song.
‘I Want You’ Mitski karaoke
I'm so nervous I can't spell right. I put it on and run to the stage. I suddenly realize how much im shaking. My knees feel like jelly and I can't breathe.
“My name is Max and I'll be singing I want you, by Mitski…”
My mind goes blank and I wait for the part in the music where I begin. I thought I missed it, and then it came.
In the shakiest voice that's on the brink of cracking and shattering all over my audience,
I begin.
I sang to the boy who was right in front of me, the one who I wanted to love.
I run out of breath and take a shaky one.
My throat swells and my voice cries. I can feel myself remembering.
I sang to the boy who was always behind me, who always has been. The one that I hated loving.
I felt myself dedicating my heart to both of them, and jamming a stake right through it.
It's not that I can't take this, I don't want to take it. I don't want to burden myself with it. I want to let go and spend my 20s on energy. I want you to drive me home again. I fucking hate the way you drive this car. You drive recklessly and you drive us right into a pole. I see your soft face and the shattered glass reflecting in your eyes. Fuck this car. I want you to take me fishing. Take me on your boat and teach me things. I'm tired of crashing and burning up. It's dramatic and makes for good nightmares, but I want to catch a big fish with you. I want him to stop putting bait on my line. I wish I had never buckled my seatbelt. I wish I had never met either of you.
I gasp as I finish the song.
“I believe in you.”
Will echo in the glass until it is smothered out by my hands. Fuck saying words to me, I want you to talk with me. Fuck a smile I want to cheese with you. Fuck all that phoney shit, I want you to make me dinner and then watch tv with me. I want to be backstage again. I want to be in 3rd grade again.
“Your eyes were fixed on the same spot on the ground the whole time.”
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Your visceral, anxiety-driven narrative powerfully captures the physical and emotional intensity of performance anxiety, reminiscent of Anne Sexton's confessional style in how you merge bodily sensation with emotional turmoil. The stream-of-consciousness flow in the latter half, particularly the striking imagery of "shattered glass reflecting in your eyes" and the juxtaposition of fishing boats against car crashes, brings to mind Frank O'Hara's intimate, conversational style in poems like "The Day Lady Died." Your masterful building of tension through short, punchy sentences ("Applause," "I begin") creates a cinematographic quality that pulls readers into the immediate moment of performance and vulnerability. The way you weave together past and present, desire and regret, shows remarkable emotional complexity - keep nurturing this raw, honest voice.