Poems about Immigration
From Schools To Bedrooms To Business Boardrooms...
As Well As These People In Government Crews...
Romantic blood and majestic past;
Flatter the abused, give them scraps,
Or they’ll ask for respect.
Ya Know These Days... " What I'm Seeing "...
Is... WAY Beyond Believing...... ?!?
Okay I Know This Seems... OBVIOUS To Say...
But You CAN'T Like EVERYTHING At The End of The Day... !!!
Traces of flickering light glimpsing over lightless faces
lost in the lands they shall call home.
آرزوۓعاشقاں و جستجوۓ باوفا
سرخ روۓ دو جہاں اور رنگ و بوۓ مرتضی
سیرت و کردار میں اور نکہت گفتار میں
You're in love that I've heard?
Oh, does he know that you have scars,
That highlight the truth, imprisoned in bars?