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My dear's a deer
what a novel idear
having a deer not a dear
makes me a bit queer
what's really quite queer
Hi, I'm Sunshine.
I'm a perfectly normal person.
I love helping people,
I raise rabbits,
and I enjoy watching the Arizona Cardinals on Sundays with my dad.
I'm a perfectly normal person.
Why is my sexuality wrong?
Why don't I want to mate?
Am I a failure?
Why do I have to try it to know I don't want it?
What's wrong with me?
I have yet to fully understand whether or not I feel any sexual attraction at all.
Scrolling on my phone I ambombarded with wordsthat cutthrough my skin muscles tendons andbone marrow.I don’t exist. And if I doI am a plant. But if I’m notI can’t be human. But if I am
Where are you?
I have heard about you and I have seen you in stories but I don't know you
As if you were avoiding me like a disease
Someone that you can not grace their presence with
You lead others towards me
When we broke up you said
it's 'cause you never showed me love
But you never said what kind of love you were looking for
We were best friends for three whole years
Through the laughter and the tears
There is a shame in me,residing on the western hemisphereof my appendix. Both being unnecessary things,bonded over this fact-the only way to get ridof it now is through surgical means-
Meaning to my existence flees from me
Must I decide from various notions
When decisions are my own cup of tea
Based on preference, not by promotions
I’m a machine,
A robot in disguise,
An impostor walking through the world.
Seeing, learning, recording,
But never truly being.
[Click. Click. Click.]
The closet was deep, but not wide.
There was a box,
It was full, and so was I.
I couldn't stay,
I had to come out,
It was just too hard to hold in.
As a kid when asked
What I wanted to be
I always said a witch.
I still look back on my little self
And Laugh.
It's still true,
Of course.
I Love magic
They will say I am broken,
They will say I am bent.
Though after all they have spoken,
Not a word leaves a dent.
I am more than my gender,
I remember someone told me once that I didn't exist
It wasn't that the human before them was nothing but an illusion
I am more than this confusion
That seems to settle on me
Caused by trying to find my place
Inthis ever misunderstood community
you preach and preach
trying to end this hate
You can't change her.
She is a danger.
Please don't try:
She might cry.
Her attitude seems bad,
Even if she's sad.
She seems alone;
You can hear it in her tone.
"Anormal", "Wrong", "Needs To Be Fixed", "Queer!"
That's but a small bit of the everyday soundtack that I hear.
"No, I don't want a Kiss.", "I'm not broken.", "Please don't touch me there!"
I am not broken
Because I need things to be just right,
Because I worry about the little things,
Because my fears are unrealistic.
I am not broken, you just don’t understand.
I am not broken
i feel like an alien sometimesout of this worldbecause i'm not always surethat i like the idea of
You're just gay.
Really, so how I love
Is just repressed -
Like I can just come out
From the darkness you seem to see
In my chest.
That I'm ashamed of my heart,
They say all humans have sex
And that it's unnatural to not desire it
and yet
That old sheep in the field has never reproduced
That rat sits in a corner with no care towards the others
The more I think back,
The more ticked off I get.
How dare you compare our relationship to my sister’s,
When we’re not them, and you don’t even know anything about it?