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Mother Earth is as beautiful as viewed from the Sky.
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The peace rose tenderly tended grows,
In multiple seasons through out the year,
It’s opening beauty dispels war’s fear.

Run with me through the prairies
Stand with me atop the canyons
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He sits upon his lofty throne,
with a crown all rusty gold;
Watching darkness all around;
Empty halls, lit no more, all joy...

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The Sky tightly grips his transparent shield as it disintegrates.
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Spring is coming
By Juno Byron
Spring is near!
Near yo'r wise eyes 'nd ear
Earth shall birth thee tree
Above love bright as...

Please, Green -- don’t go away.
I'll miss
Your endless pastures and rolling hills,
Shimmery branches in the morning dew;

Freons The boulders have been ground by the waves
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Now smooth Stones sit...

Deep in the ocean, I am.
Where no one can see me.
No one is even there to conquer.
Where no one can approach me.
Just there...

Nothing brings me greater joy
Than to hold out my arms
And hug the world
Thanking the motherland for every trail
Every bump...

The peace rose tenderly tended grows,
In multiple seasons through out the year,
It’s opening beauty dispels war’s fear.

The Sun is arising,
The Earth is being lightening
With thy glistening rays.
The gentle-bleeze blowing
To the East to West....