free form
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The trail I walk is
Well-traveled, yet familiar to none.
Clouds can creep in, inviting
Unwelcome storms
From every direction, heard
And felt
Deep inside me.
Her mind
His body
Her attitude
His ambition
I crave what they have
What they´ve worked so hard for
I want it so I´ll fight for it
My inspiration is competetion
Her mind
His body
Her attitude
His ambition
I crave what they have
What they´ve worked so hard for
I want it so I´ll fight for it
My inspiration is competetion
Fuckin tired of tip toeing around my own thoughts.
Pen to paper only producing monotonous words of
heart felt jibber jabber
with no moxie.
It's like I rode a wave that broke and left me
A stolen fire.
Humanity’s freedom.
Your salvation.
My Heart.
A blank screen,
with simple line, deleting and rewriting itself constanly.
Nothing but negative space
waiting to be filled
with words and ideas
of a madman.
deep breaths of silence come
What is wrong with certain words or how it is used?
Around the world, all people have languages.
They also have words that come with them.
Certain words and certain uses of words cause harm.
I open my mind's lid like the drawer of a filing cabinet.
It is the place where thoughts, dreams, and memories thrive.
Letters of knowledge organized just like books in a library.
Roses are red.
Grasses are green.
Doves are white.
Sunflowers are yellow.
Oranges are orange.
Eggplants are violet.
Jeans are indigo.
The world is blue.
Dear Moonlight,
The way you glow through the blinds in the night.
It makes me feel like you waited for me.
Kissing my forehead to help me go to sleep in my bed.
Making me yawn and rub my tired eyes.
As of late,
I have immersed myself
In the works of Ellen Hopkins.
She has taught me that poetry,
Does not need to be a rhyming couplet,
She died.
Spoilers aside, her death was not the conclusion nor climax of the story.
It was the beginning of a cyclic swoop.
To him, time was never linear.
I have devils in my pocket.
Two little devils.
They snag crumbs from my plate,
They wait patiently outside the shower,
They sit on my night stand as I sleep.
Sometimes they are more noticable,
The lights were dim and we were together.
The DJ spun another record and under the faint illumination of the chandeliers we swayed.
You spun me and I felt like royalty.
I see the light slowly filtering from above
Soft arrows of luminance piercing the water
As waves rock me gently
that crawling feeling when you're feeling all alone
that buzzes from the depths of your soul
to the teeth in your skull
to the tips of your fingers, bouncing on the keys,
i’m becoming what i hate
i’m becoming who i fear
hanging on another day
holding out another year
so three cheers for self improvement
You don’t get to have me
You can’t have me anymoreI take a deep breath
Everything is okay
KindaI’m scared
I feel trappedBut there’s no reason for me to be scared anymoreYou can’t get me and you never will.You monster.“Is this what you think of me
I was introduced, through the limerick,
To writing poetry, I knew every trick
But my teachers found
I would rather go in the ground
Than write another limerick
Then they introduced
I stir emotions up
Into an explosion of sensation.
I am
Color, Light, Life
The beginning of something that has
never existed before.
I have attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder - inattentive subtype
a.k.a. ADD
which means
my mind works differently from most
The smoke lighting up the distance
Danced from the corner of the room
Soft, warm, deathly.
In this moment the harsh darkness
Does not matter.
Sinking into the seat as the light
Caresses the shadow.
Why don’t you stop lecturing
And listen for a change
Maybe pay attention to the kids in the back row
Who might have some scars to show
And goes home to cut and feel low
She sits alone
In the dark
Trying to find the light
In the only thing she has ever known
In her hand she holds a knife
It’s her only escape from the world
Where she’s all alone
Innocent child
If you existed,
Would you look at me as a future image of you?
If I prayed,
I would drop to my knees and beg and plead for you to be shielded,
From the twister,
I live inside my own head
where there is a garden
and no door
“you let the garden wilt & rot”
“I wanted to,” I said
Doll lips upon the petals
trying to breathe life back into the garden.
Why write poetry?
Why bother at all?
Now, it might seem like it's going to rhyme
like I just stepped out of a story book,
but it's not going to tinkle;
it's not going to be pretty
I was having
A pretty better-than-average day at my well-paying job
Repeating my pleasant cashier script to my mostly-pleasant customers
Pretending all of life’s boo-boos don’t exist
The silent urgeTo end my lifeSearching for bloodOn my skin with a knifeI do not flinchAs the blade runs deepBlood spilling overWith a painless creepAnother cutAnother tear
“You can never win”
Society roars
They seek for more
More is what they yearn
A sudden fill of whispers fill the air
Not ever so rare
You can never win
Tears protrude
I will lay down today,
and my world will melt away.
Let my heart lake flight.
I wont even put up a fight.
I will watch as everything goes black,
with a fear that I lack.
Awake in limbo,
finding solace in a chrysalis of quilts and sheets,
a chill slinks under the door,
and curls up next to me
like you once did.
Day goes by without knowledge of it
Day goes by just living it
Day goes by doing what we know and love
Day goes by doing what we can to stay who we are
I crave a zipper
from forehead to navel
easily yielding
so I might slip from my skin
like water
through a sieve.
I seek a means
to peel my skin in measured strips
until it lies like petals
It always seemed dark and cold whenever she thought about it,
How was she supposed to live her life now, he was all she had?
As she left the church where her father's funeral was held,
I fell in love at a young age
with the way words danced
off of tongues and paper
and made people feel
things they couldn't feel on their own
I wanted to make people feel, too
The most coveted houses
have cliffs off the back.
Ocean cliffs. cliffs
that are not
just for jump
-ing but
that is
what the rocks below are for.
My state is shaped like a mammoth.