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Some people were upset and they said it was unfair.George Bailey killed old man Potter and he went to the electric chair.George discovered that the eight thousand was stolen by Potter.
I am a black bounty hunter, yes I am indeed My master and I hunt fugitive slaves, while we ride on steeds Sadly, I am a slave, so shouldn’t I be ashamed?
She was stupid  The kind of dumb that made you smile or made you shrug Bold and greedy with enough courage to change the tides Brazen at heart  fiercely burning
In the new modern era The gods protect every day Since popularity’s down They keep themselves away   Not everyone’s a fool though
When Rocky Balboa returned from Russia, he'd been cheated out of his money, he didn't have a penny.I was at his estate sale and I bought his Lamborghini.But Rocky followed me home and said that he was ready to attack.
I come to seek a Great Perhaps In a world where I can be okay i'll confess my sins and won't dwell on the cut communication i won't Divide the world into versions of me or You
Dear Tommy I don't know where you're from or who you are But you are tearing me apart You have the money, the ambition and the motivation But maybe not the action Your drive is what strives you to success
Dear Tommy I don't know where you're from or who you are But you are tearing me apart You have the money, the ambition and the motivation But maybe not the action Your drive is what strives you to success
Your arms draped over my shoulders gently My head rests gently on your chest As your other hand is tangled in mine You’re watching me laugh at my stupid movies
Commands can be heard over an old time radio in a foreign language, German preferably. Snap to a black and white shot of old Nazi war planes zooming across the sky.
Lost in the world of doubt, I was worthless until you came around.  It's funny cause I get a lot of looks, but the one coming from you means the most.  My confidence was down a notch, I needed that extra boost and you're the drug We bonded like yi
I became very angry when I went to a DVD store.I'll tell you why that I'm not going there anymore.When I bought a DVD movie, the sales clerk offered to give me 'The Last Temptation Of Christ' for free.
On the sidelines
Oh Hollywood, oh Hollywood How I long for thee If I could go to film school for free, A happy flimmaker I would be   But I have no money So I must save In order to pave
Destroyed from the inside out,A tragedy sinners do not mourn.No pity for a star.   Here bright and burning,Here dark and cold,Alive as a star,Dead as a star.  
Sometimes, I wish you could see me; have a video tape recording that you watched at the end of every day, that played out the events of my day to day life like a movie
Moonshinethat croon of minemad and frantic infection, a moan that stirs from hurttoils that strike like weights, pulls at your foreheadskins your knuckles it’s irrelevant my wants,your wants.
It's not a hollywood movie I can feel you when you come close It's not like a book where I only go as far as words scripted I hear your heart beat against my chest This is a rush I musn't forget
I think life should be a musical It would make my day so much more fun But sadly there’s no musical lifestyle were I live It’d only happen if I became a nun
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