Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Jokes shoot up in the air, Flying across the sky as short arrows, Transversing caricatures within
3 days 16 hours ago
اپنے لبوں سے نام کبھی ہمارا بھی لیجئے ، دماغ سے سوچئے دل سے فیصلہ کیجئے ،
3 days 16 hours ago
وہ اندازِ سخن ہم سے بتایا نہ گیا ، اک رشتہ خیال تھا جو بھلایا نہ گیا ،
3 days 16 hours ago
A constant comfort, A solace eternal Cadence wraps In-between fingers, As magical tangible hugs
4 days 6 hours ago
Bottled up inside Are the words i never said The feelings that i hide
4 days 16 hours ago
Sometimes it feels like that loop is never going to end,
4 days 17 hours ago
Near'd the stop, no way home, No that's not the right way to go. Go here, Turn there, it's time to stop
4 days 17 hours ago
The interchange of reluctance
4 days 18 hours ago
Reaching for the remote To take control Wanting all the power restored Until then you fall back to the floor
4 days 20 hours ago
God is there for us and he'll never forsake us.He will be there until the days that he takes us.
5 days 11 hours ago
