Poems about Politics

We met in church, but I never really noticed you. You were here and there, but never a constant.
Mind is Elephant Until my compassion cries Heart won by Donkeys
A New Year, New Faces New Memories, New Places So much I discovered Faces were uncovered  
Election is now What will we do this time Oh crap what happened
I am A woman Belittled Degraded Insignificant The consequences of my Gender  
We fight to win we fight to win We close our eyes We stop our ears We shout to shout
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness We hold these truths to be self evident
As I look back this past year At my old reflection I see a girl who was worried about what others thought of  her
My year really wasn’t that great, Especially with Trump winning the election.
Last year was Awesome It was crazy we can all agree And at times sad But at the end of the day, we survived
