Poems from jessbrown96

They say that time can heal all wounds. Yet, we are the only species that uses the concept of time. I use my words to help try to relieve the thoughts that run through my mind and my past that I never say I am running from but more so avoiding and pretending I have fully overcame it.
Our life is not dtermined by our imagination It's determined by the social conformities past generations decided would work when they were...
Frustration consumes you from the inside out It starts out as an itch Slowly burning til you can't stand it anymore The tear induced wear...
You are a tree Cut deep with the names of past lovers Etched with foolish teenage fantasy You don't see a tree cut into it's own bark So...
We were the open ended meadows The sun glistening on the morning dew The never ending converdations connecting through the breeze We were...
Although breathing is an involuntary instinct we talk about trying to catch our breath or feeling like we can't breathe when our heart has...
