Poems from jessbrown96

They say that time can heal all wounds. Yet, we are the only species that uses the concept of time. I use my words to help try to relieve the thoughts that run through my mind and my past that I never say I am running from but more so avoiding and pretending I have fully overcame it.
It was darker since I've closed my eyes Then again that's what happens when clouds go by  And they say rain is something that could bring...
According to the Holographic principle The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain Are connected to the subatomic particles that...
When your mind is a hurricane Words are hard to form Crashing into each other Sparks flying  Candles Burning down Town Around Bring it...
There's the inbetween where your bodies function seems to have stopped The eyes have weights attached to the lides that look as though a...
My pen takes the words stuck in the back of my throat The ink is my blood pulsing on the page My thought created to go between the lines...
