Poems from jessbrown96

They say that time can heal all wounds. Yet, we are the only species that uses the concept of time. I use my words to help try to relieve the thoughts that run through my mind and my past that I never say I am running from but more so avoiding and pretending I have fully overcame it.
Look Look at her mouth At the thoughts that once filled that mind The after math of a death too early After all someone has to be the one...
When looking into your eyes The brown flecked storm of hurt and goodbyes Bores into you while a cement truck paves a new road for you to...
When you want to cry You don't know where to go Don't know where to hide Knowing those moments leading up Those words or lack there of...
How to guide On why feelings suck and why I don't recommend them OneThey are not defined by simply a wordHappySadAngryConfusedAmusedI am...
You are the backspaced words my tongue retracts The three o clock messages that shouldn't make sense You are the intertwined fingers that...
