How to keep the doctor away
Although breathing is an involuntary instinct
we talk about trying to catch our breath
or feeling like we can't breathe
when our heart has been broken
Our heart didn't actually break apart
and we still are breathing
but something mentally inside us changes
It's almost as if even the involuntary
becomes voluntary
and we're the most vulnerable we've ever been since birth
walls stripped down that we demolished
only to start realizing we had to build them up again
Then we try
and try again
hoping that maybe we can just leave them finally down
and some of us find that zenith
while others of us keep trying to look for that nirvana
Some turn to sleep to find it
while others explore the world
snow white bit an apple
in hopes of having her dreams come true
i mean if your goal is to
keep the doctor away or be woken up from slumber from a kiss
then go ahead
and eat the apples everyday
for the rest of the more logically thinking ones
we escape through this point of time that is neither awake nor asleep
where we call it love