Frustration consumes you from the inside out
It starts out as an itch
Slowly burning til you can't stand it anymore
The tear induced wear of hysteria
To which you hate yourself for
The feeling of loving nothing and having nothing to love
Slowly those two walls compress us in
That is frustration
It's the misconstruted ideas brought forth in hopes both sides would be willing to reciprocate
It's the idea that two way conversations become a traffic jam
Where you're already three hours late
It is the flickering bulb that you want to shatter just so it could stop blinking
It's the words thrown across the page, not escaping the pen fast enough from the turmoil you never expected
It is the person you care about walking away, helpless and cotton dried mouth
Frustration is a lost artform
Molded into our being
Programmed to come out when everything should be pent up