If I could build the truth for you, I'd make it out of titanium steel...
I'd weld it together with all of the reasons -WHY- I STILL feel the way that I feel...
All of the mistakes we've made in our relationship - would be used to make up the plumbing pipes..
I would glue them together with all of the excuses - for why we just could not get it right...
Cause those types of things just can't be left out.. the things we did that caused each other pain...
They'll always be there "underground," (forgive won't forget), but don't focus on the past- we can't change..
Each tile used would be made out of ONE good memory, we made together.. when we got along....
The foundation you build on is often over-looked, but equally as important as the frame, just as strong...
And the whole thing would be covered in beautiful tiles, from the roof right down to the floor..
Except, of course, the windows... (and you know there'd be no doors...)
But the reflecting windows would be made of ALL the things that I LOVE - & HAVE ALWAYS LOVED - about YOU, JORGE..
So anytime you look through them, you'd see YOURSELF; ALL THE REASONS I STILL WANT TO BE YOURS...
"I love you so much, so much!!" I ALWAYS tell you this.. "Just as much TODAY as I EVER HAVE before..."
So explain to me again, cause I CAN'T comprehend, WHY you say you just CAN'T LOVE ME anymore??
Oh that's right... because I am, "a liar," you say..
Which is why I was WISHING I could build the truth for you in the first place...
And why I took the time out to write you this poem for over three days.....
Cause I can't stop thinking about you... even though I know NONE of this matters to you anyways...
Writing it out just helps ME get through all these LONG and LONELY days...
Without you.