There she was alone again
she made her choice
so we'd hear her silent voice
maybe I was so stupid,
for not seeing this before
This is why,
she cried to sleep at night
and why she couldnt fight it
and she tried to take her life
Jasmine, I love you
I'm sorry I didnt see
that this perfect fragile flower
was dying in front of me
how could I have been so stupid?
maybe I was just blind
This is why,
I cry to sleep at night
I die inside,
cause she tried to take her life
How could I have not seen it?
What kind of friend am I?
oh jasmine
This is why,
she cried to sleep at night
and why she tried
to take her own damn life
this is why
I cry to sleep at night
and why I die
because Jasmine's part of my life
this is why
she cried to sleep at night
she wanted to die
so she hung herself one night
I love you
please Jasmine
dont go..