All Right
You narrow my view
So all the world is flat
And for all I know
if I reach too far
I will fall off the edges
Into an oblivion of stars
You leave me fearing the sea
And the creatures in its depths.
But Little do I know
That sailing could set me free
And that monster that consumes me
Is your frightening tale
Of dangers I can't see.
The bluff behind your lips
Is hidden by the darkness
Of my guilty ignorance
it is easier to fear the night
Than to take the risk
You know I will hold you tight
When the sun begins to set
and the Animals come out to play
So lie to me once again
Because my fear of the night
Makes everything all right
When I remember that you
Can hold me safe and tight
Hold me against your heat,
until my skin bleeds from your poisonous fingertips,
and this paper-thin satin hides bruises
of splintered blue veins beneath,
releasing blood like a river of violent passion.
within your back coat pocket
you always keep with you
a packet of fixer-upper bandaids
for all of my healing scars.
upon your beautiful lips
you hold the secret to your
magic kisses
that won’t take the bruises away
but helps me be brave and cease my crying
I think this is what they call love
You tighten a corset of deception
Around my bending bones,
To hide the actuality of my real figure.
I've worn this morphing disguise so long
That I can almost believe this is as I've always been,
All of the mirrors are altered
So that I will only ever see myself the way you see me.
In a world where that is either obsessively-
Or not at all.
Never let me go
I'm vulnerable and small
I may think you hide me from the world
When you know the world
is being hid from me
But my fear of life
Makes everything all right
When you drown my lungs
To make me need your breath
For another hopeful night
I need you to build my golden cages
For if you release this tamed pet now,
I will lose my way in hopeless places
Crowded rooms and wealthy faces
So do me a favor
And break my wandering legs
So that you win for sure
when you hurt me once again
I think I'll maybe be all right
As long as when you're finally done
You hold my hand once more