Browse Poems
WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...
I hit the ground running but fall flat my face
It's hard own up to my mistakes
2 months 4 weeks ago
My broken heart’s keyA poem dedicated to my beautiful granddaughter, AriaWhen I look into your eye,I see how hard you try.The simple plea
2 months 4 weeks ago
Meet me under the willow on fox hollow
I'll bring the whiskey
Just don't take more than you can swallow
2 months 4 weeks ago
I lit a fire in the night
You didn't realize this took all my might
An easy take you might adhere
2 months 4 weeks ago
Right now I'm eleated and numb
I sit at a fire alone
Listening to nature's Playlist
2 months 4 weeks ago
My happy place comes at 10 pm
Though I'm exhausted it's a better means to an end
I lose myself daily
2 months 4 weeks ago
I am getting over this algorithm
I need to find my own rhythm
A life of pill dependency
Isn't what's best for me
2 months 4 weeks ago
Beauty and truth
forever embark
Born of the moment
together apart
2 months 4 weeks ago
I want a boyfriend
I see all these cute couples
Wondering if they are connected emotionaly
2 months 4 weeks ago