My broken heart's key

Wed, 09/18/2024 - 22:48 -- agmrobo

My broken heart’s keyA poem dedicated to my beautiful granddaughter, AriaWhen I look into your eye,I see how hard you try.The simple pleasure of talking,Or even the movement of walking.You hold my heart but not my hand,You can sit but not stand.I see it, and say it,You hear it, and feel itFour strings of letters all in a row,One out of order and you get hit with a blow.DNA is like a twisted ladder,The order does indeed matter.The Nucleotide base A pairs with T,And C pairs with G.Science states,This is how we get our traits.Our genome has three billion DNA pairs,Why do I think anyone cares?DNA has 23 chromosomes containing many genes,Some may not have any idea what this means.X and Y chromosomes determine the baby’s sex,Girls have two X and Boys have one Y and one X.We all have a MECP2 gene on the X,If you have an active mutated MECp2 gene, you have RETTs.The proteins they encode are what make our life,If one letter out of 500 is off, cut through my heart with a knife.Thousands around the world, experiment for you every day,And believe me even more will pray.All racing against time,To help you achieve in your prime.Gene editing is moving so fast,Being born with RETT will soon be a thing of the past.Your eyes speak to me as if to say,Don't worry grandma we can still play.When I read you books,You give me all sorts of looks.Just be sure I am happy through and through,Because of all the love I get from you.Is this what our life must be?You hold my broken heart's key.Love Grandma Rosemarie9/7/2024

This poem is about: 
My family


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