Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Everything happens for a reason. You don't always know the reason. You might want to know every reasons, but you cant.
10 years 1 week ago
I'm Ms. Hot Chocolate.
10 years 1 week ago
As I walked through the silent forestDevoid of sound piece and mindIt slithered so elegantly in my abode
10 years 1 week ago
10 years 1 week ago
You. The one that I look to. When life gave everyone else lemons I was given only you.
10 years 1 week ago
Is this who we’ve been called to be? My generation and me? Always hearing about the economy?
10 years 1 week ago
There's beauty in the stars,  and in the daylight sky, but when you're looking in a mirror,
10 years 1 week ago
When I think of you, I try to imagine only the good But the memories are fading fast, a flash to the past
10 years 1 week ago
-The smell of wet leaves, and seeing bald trees -Shows something to me, the the flow of things coming and going
10 years 1 week ago
Spinning like a tire Warmth & destruction, as of fire Mistakes piling on a pyre
10 years 1 week ago
